Blogs from Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden, Europe


Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm August 25th 2023

Last day in Stockholm - if you don’t count going to the airport tomorrow. Did the city hall today. Massive building with big and small areas, old and new and very different architecture throughout the whole building. Worth the wait to see. Then onto the hop on hop off bus. Did most of the lap but got off at the Vasa museum where they have the 1627 Viking ship housed. Built to fight the Danes, the king had to have the biggest and best. He wanted 2 decks of cannons. Problem was this made the ship top heavy. On its maiden voyage it sailed 1300 meters and got a gust of wind which proceeded to fill the ship with water through the gun holes. Sank with 20 or 30 killed. Not a great start. They eventually ... read more
Inside city hall members chamber. Pretty ornate furnishings
This is the gold room. Gold leaf on every mosaic tile. Over 14kg of gold in this room.
The Vasa. Bloody huge.

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm August 24th 2023

7 weeks and one day away from home. Countdown is at 3 sleeps if you include the plane sleep….. Today we energized and became tourists again. Had massive plans for walking to city hall for a tour then maybe to the ABBA museum and the Viking museum. Fail at the first hurdle. Got to city hall easily - same way as the hire car place so I was on the money for a short walk. Unfortunately the only way into city hall is with a guided tour. Next tour was 1 hour wait. Bugger that. Ok. Re-schedule plans. Into the old town to do the Royal Palace then other stuff there. As we walked over the bridge we noticed an old building (lots of them) which happened to only be open between 1100 and 1200. In ... read more
Each of those panels on the wall were about a noble dude and his lineage. Lots and lots of them.
Not the usual church spire.
Each of these tin signs related to a royal who was buried in this church.

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm August 23rd 2023

Left our Lake cabin this morning. A very peaceful and enjoyable 3 nights here. Back to Stockholm today. Only a 4.75 hour drive. All on expressways so speed was mostly 100 or 110 kmh. Stopped for a break in Noorköping - around the half way mark. They say the town was an industrial Centre back in the 1800’s but things went bad for the textile industry and the town went into a state of disrepair. Eventually they renovated and turned many of the warehouses into flash apartments. There is also a very busy university in the area as well. Found a pub and had a charcuterie board which was yummo. Back on the road and into the Stockholm traffic. Most going out but we eventually copped traffic jams as well. Dropped Chris off near the hotel ... read more
Building restored as a museum in the middle of the river
Our dinner time view. Interesting old building in Stockholm.

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm August 17th 2023

Lite bakgrund till denna reseblogg. Sandra är i Australien och hon har varit borta på resa snart ett år. Jag har rest mycket men har aldrig varit så långt bort så det är ju ett jättebra skäl till att hälsa på Down Under. Byte av arbetsplats efter 19 år och lite personligaförändringar gjorde att jag tänkte till lite extra och inte minst att ha ett spännande äventyr framför mig där jag går all-in, typ. Jag maximerar upplevelse under minimal tid. Denna blogg är skriven främst åt mig själv då tempot tidvis kommer vara så högt så att jag behöver nåt att för att senare smälta intryck. Men det kan ju vara lite kul att följa med på min resa så därför bjuder jaag in min familj, vänner och arbetskamrater. Ok – reseupplägg. Komplicerat. Via en site ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm August 14th 2023

Bags packed, up and away. Our train to Stockholm didn’t leave until 1421 so we had a bit of time on our hands. Didn’t have to check out until 1200 but left earlier as we were up and about. Dropped the bags into the luggage room at the hotel so we could wander without the bags being a hassle. Stopped at a place we had passed every day. They made fresh sandwiches which looked pretty good. There was an American couple outside eating one and showed us what they looked like. In and waiting. Order up and out they came. We sat at the tables on the street and people watched. They were huge, and nice - sandwiches not tables. We both decided that half was enough now so asked for a bag for the other ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm June 29th 2023

Today was a busy day in Stockholm – it’s hard to say too much about this wonderful city. Having toured some of the city and the countryside, I now understand the attraction. We started our morning by meeting our local guide, Marco, the quintessential Stockholm man – young, charming, with a handsome face, perfect body, pink shirt and every hair in place. Our tour began with a visit to Stockholm City Hall, which would not normally be expected to be very impressive, but this city hall was very impressive. Built in the 1920’s with both public and private funds, the City Hall was very architecturally and artistically impressive. The building is massive and built in the National Romantic style The main hall is called the Blue Room, and is brick, not blue. The original design called ... read more
City Hall - Blue Room
City Hall - Gold Room
Old Town City Tour

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm June 28th 2023

Today is a quiet travel day as we make our way to Stockholm for the next two days. The itinerary shows us arriving in Stockholm around 4:00PM, dropping our stuff at the hotel, and hopping on a boat to head out to dinner. Maja decided that it would be too hectic to try to head on out to dinner after a long day on the bus, so the dinner was postponed until tomorrow night after we had rested. Good plan! So, this morning we hit the road at 8:00AM and left the metropolis of Gothenburg behind to head northeast the 300 miles cross country to Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Along the way we plan to make a couple of stops and still make it into Stockholm by 4:00PM. The first stop is at the Grannabergets ... read more
Overlooking Granna
Granna - 17th Century Buildings
Granna - 17th Century Buildings

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm December 4th 2022

A bunch of mini adventures with the family before and after our Arctic trip. We did a lot over the course of about ten days Snowstorm When I first arrived by train from Copenhagen, it was snowing. By the end of the day, it was coming down hard. We took the metro from the train station because of the slush. It was so pretty and wintry to see this on first arrival, the new fallen snow covering the trees and roofs. The kids and Aunt D went sledding that night (well, it was probably like 3pm, but it was dark). They enjoyed making snowballs. We visited the Vasa Museum the next day, walking most of the route which took about 30 minutes - the trams were shut down, so our options were limited. The kids complained, ... read more
Gamla Stan Christmas Market

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm September 7th 2022

At long last, a location which is brand new for me and two days to indulge myself to the max, in this “beauty on water” (as Stockholmers call their city) - now, where to begin? Despite the well-preserved historic core (Gamla Stan), Stockholm is the last thing from a museum piece: it’s modern, dynamic, and ever evolving. When it comes to cultural assets, this city is scandalously rich. Take Gamla Stan for instance - the city’s oldest district is the stuff of storybooks. In just this one “Old Town” you receive all free visitor gifts including a Royal palace, gabled buildings, and endless cobblestone streets. And, just for good measure, throw in world-class museums and galleries which harbor everything from glittering Viking treasures; an ill-fated warship; ABBA props and subversive contemporary art pieces. It’s hands down ... read more
Moving Equipment via water
Construction cranes everywhere
A downtown building facade

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm August 23rd 2022

There are many houses on the islands outside of Stockholm, though most are not main residences but are weekend or summer houses for the more wealthy Swedes. A boat trip through the archipelago is both scenic and interesting and makes for an excellent day trip from Stockholm. There are in theory plenty of options and different islands/places to visit, but as we are out of main season the number of these are reduced. Without too much fuss we settle on the trip to Sandhamn which is on one of the outer island in the northern area. The boat leaves at 10am and takes just over 2 hours to reach Sandhamn and returns at 15:30 so we have about 3 hours on the island. This looks to me to be an ideal day trip as it also ... read more

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