Blogs from Jämtland County, Sweden, Europe


Europe » Sweden » Jämtland County » Östersund July 11th 2023

Lähdimme ajamaan kohti Östersundia reittiä Åsele - Dorotea. Kun olimme ajaneet 50 km, kuski ajoi huoltoaseman pihaan ja sai selville sieltä autokorjaamon, joka oli lähellä. Mittariin oli nimittäin syttynyt oranssi varoitusvalo, joka ilmoitti että sähköjärjestelmässä oli vikaa. Autokorjaamossa oli ovet auki, mutta ei ketään paikalla, eikä puhelinnumero vastannut. Odotettin klo 16 asti. Kun auto käynnistettiin, niin varoitusvalo ei syttynyt enää uudestaan. Ajettiin Åseleen, ja pidettin siellä kahvitauko klo 17. Ajoin sen jälkeen Strömsundiin. Osuus oli lähinnä metsää, ei juurikaan peltoja. Strömsundissa syötiin hampurilaiset ja vaihdettiin kuskia. Östersundissa ajettiin suoraan uimarannalle Frösönin puolelle. Siellä ei ollut kuin yksi nuoripari. Käytiin uimassa laiturilta. Ilma ei ollut enää helteistä, mutta Storsjön vesi oli lämmintä. Hotelliin ehdittiin klo 22 mennessä. Mentiin ainoaa... read more

Europe » Sweden » Jämtland County » Strömsund July 21st 2021

A blog entry in which Wild River isn't a river at all In a previous blog entry we mentioned that there are plenty of rivers and rapids in northern Sweden. We have quite a few of those represented here in this blog entry. But we also want to point out that hiking also is a big thing in Sweden. There are many interesting hiking trails ready to explore for anyone who wish to do so. Below we will write about four of the hikes we made during our vacation. Three of them are along rivers, and one is along a former river. All three hikes are short and can be walked without bringing anything other than perhaps a bottle of water and some sunscreen. Vindel River Nature Centre The first hike we'd like to write about ... read more
Vindel River Rapids
Artwork along the Vindel River trail
Snowmobile warning sign

Europe » Sweden » Jämtland County » Åre August 6th 2020

Viking ships (that don't float), waterfall (without water), winter ski resort (in summer), a gun (you can't shoot with) That this blog entry turned out to be filled with contradictions was completely unintentional. Further down we will explain each one of them and, if you care to read it to the end, we hope you'll find it interesting. Åre We'll begin with the winter ski resort. It is called Åre, it is in Jämtland District and is very much a typical ski resort. Tourists have come to Åre for skiing and for enjoying the nature and the fresh air for 140 years or so. Supposedly it is a great place to visit if you are into alpine skiing and other winter sports. We wouldn't know because, as you know, we went there in summer. Also, winter ... read more
The café at Åreskutan
Reindeer chasing Emma

Europe » Sweden » Jämtland County August 10th 2019

On Thursday, 27 June 2019 I went for a 4 day hike starting from Vålådalen, a beautiful valley in Jämtland mountains. These are pretty much the closest mountains to Uppsala, but, because Sweden is big and flat, it takes around 6 hours by car to reach them. After the arrival I spent the night at a very nice mountain hostel: bathroom in the room was a very welcome surprise. It was already raining when I arrived there and it would not stop for the next 4 days. The weather was positively awful, clouds hanging very low with no visibility. I could only see in my imagination the views of mountains as high as 1700m. During the next 4 days I made a small loop, spending 3 nights in mountain huts. Everything looked very much similar to ... read more
A view of a valley
In Gåsen
Gåsen hut

Europe » Sweden » Jämtland County July 30th 2018

Hallo Fans Um weiterhin dem Campingstau zu entgehen haben wir uns in Zentralschweden auf kleineren Campingplätzen aufgehalten. Auf der Fahrt selber, sie führte uns an den wunderschönsten Seen vorbei, gab es eigentlich ausser Natur pur nicht viel zu erleben. Bemerkenswert ist allerdings die Verkehrslage. Zeitweise gab es über 30 Kilometer, also gut 20 Minuten überhaupt kein überholendes oder entgegenkommendes Fahrzeug, eigentlich fast unglaublich. Auf unseren besuchten Campingplätzen war es wunderbar ruhig und wir blieben 2 bis 4 Nächte. An den diversen Seen konnten wir jeden Tag baden. Jetzt geht es wieder an die Küste und wir sind gespannt wie sich die Situation auf den Plätzen zwischenzeitlich entwickelt hat.... read more

Europe » Sweden » Jämtland County July 22nd 2018

Hello again Nun ist es soweit, die Schwedenferienzeit hat begonnen und wir wurden erstmals, ausser in Deutschland beim Drachenfest, an einem kleinen Campingplatz abgewiesen. Nun haben wir uns entschieden von der geplanten Route, entlang der Küste, in das schwedische Zentralland auszuweichen. Die Fahrt führte uns durch eine der Schweiz ähnliche Landschaft. Hier gab es wieder Kühe, Pferde und Weizenfelder. In dieser Gegend, Seen hat es in Hülle und Fülle, fanden wir wunderschöne Campingplätze wo wir jeweils 2 - 3 Tage verbracht haben. Ein Versuch mit einem Elektro-Boot die Fische in unseren Besitz zu bringen war nicht von Glück beschieden. Petrus verweigerte uns seine Gunst und die Angel blieb leer. Das Nachtessen wurde dann im Restaurant des Campingplatzes eingenommen. Elchhamburger und paniertes Schnitzel (auch gesund). Der Campingplatz selbst lag in der Nähe der Waldbrände und wurde ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Jämtland County » Åre July 16th 2018

Breakfast didn't start till eight, so even though I had a 23 km day, and the temperature was expected to be in the high 20s, I wasn't going to get away early. Even when I was ready, there was another delay getting the bill paid. Lisa, the manager, already had several of her holiday residents sorting out their day'svactivities with her. So it wasn't until about 9:15 that I was on the road. After a short stretch of the main road, the St Olavsleden route takes the Karl Johansvägan. While earlier roads might has been used, this road was built in the 1830s to improve the trading route that had already existed for centuries. On the Swedish side, the gradients aren't too bad. On the Norway side it's quite a different storey. In three or four ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Jämtland County » Åre July 15th 2018

My best efforts to get away a little early were foiled. I had hoped to avoid as much traffic as I could by departing before 8:00 am even though this leg was only about 2.5 hours of walking. Suffice to say I did a complete unpack and repack of my backpack before departing. There were magnificent views across the Medstugusjön to the mountains on the border. My guidebook suggests the taller peak is in Norway, and without any way of confirming this on a map, I accepted that. Later I found a good topographic map in the hallway where I stayed, and confirmed that all the mountains on the horizon were in Norway. It was interesting to see that there were still a fair number of lakeside cottages. I'm not sure that i was expecting that. ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Jämtland County » Östersund July 6th 2018

Leaving Sörbygärden was straightforward. The St Olavsleden route follows the road beside the railway line pretty much all the way into Ostersund. What was different was the number of other people who used the quiet roads for exercise. This wasn't obvious to start with, when quite early on a miidle aged bloke jogged past, and a short time later came jogging back. Then it was a couple of older men walking a dog, a cyclist, several more runners of various ages, and then a couple training with loaded backpacks. And it then stopped. I had reached a parking area which I now suspect was a convenient place to start a pleasant run along a quiet network of tracks and roads in a nature reserve of some sort. It was now a rather mundane traverse of a ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Jämtland County » Bräcke July 5th 2018

I was starting to get into a nice walking cadence when it occurred to me that it had been a little while since I had last seen a marker. The little while that is the spacing between markers can vary considerably. In some places there were markers on every power pole along a stretch of road which offered no option but to keep going in any case. More often there were prominant markers at road and track junctions to confirm to keep going, or to turn onto a new path or road. In any case, I turned to check, and spotted a road a few hundred metres back that I hadn't paid any attention to as I passed it. Sure enough, I had missed a turn onto a delightfully shaded section of road and track. The ... read more

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