Blogs from Carinthia, Slovenia, Europe


Europe » Slovenia » Carinthia August 8th 2022

Day thirteen. There may have been some rain (ok a storm) this morning but as we'd decided on staying in for the morning it really didn't matter one tiny bit! So after lunch and after the storm we headed down to catch the tourist train (is it really a holiday if you've not been on a tourist train or open topped bus?) As we walked down Seth said his tail was wagging, which made me very happy. (If you've not seen bluey this will sound very odd!) As one of my favourite ever places I wanted Seth to fall in love with it too and it's safe to say he has. We waited for the train with a bit of souvenir shopping then jumped on to get to the beach at the lake. The water was ... read more

Europe » Slovenia » Carinthia June 19th 2017

Finally a warm sunny day again. Lest apartment at 7 to make the 8am train to Ljubljana in Slovenia. We had a cabin and once out of Austria we had it to ourselves. The trip passed through the most amazing scenery going through mountains and countryside with beautiful small towns along the way. Iteasya 6 hour trip but very pleasurable. The downside was that we had numerous unplanned stops in Slovenia and ended up arriving 45 mins late. This meant we missed our previously organised pick up rendezvous with our B & B host, so we causal taxi. Ljubljana is much more beautiful than expected and everybody is far more laid back than Austria. We live it. We walk into town for a fabulous cheap meal. Unfortunately Cheryl-Anne's glute problem has returned so we'll need to ... read more

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