Blogs from South, Serbia, Europe


Europe » Serbia » South September 8th 2023

We left our salubrious 2 level 3 bedroom apartment in Nis just after 8am. Apartments suit us well. They give us plenty of room to spread out, and if we're lucky, we each get a bedroom to ourselves. Our destination today is Pirot, some 68kms away with two significant climbs included. As is normally the case, it's slow going winding our way out of a big city. We've only covered 12kms in our first hour of riding. While it's been flat, we've noticed a bit of head wind today. There's no denying today's ride was all about the climbs. Individually, neither of them are too fearsome, but with two back to back and with over 3,600kms in the legs, we didn't know how much of a factor fatigue would be. For those that ride and climb ... read more
A steep Climb
Tom cruising by
Mountain Views

Europe » Serbia » South » Nis September 7th 2023

Just a short (and solemn) blog post today as we actually did something quite unusual for most of our rest day - we rested. We did visit two historical sites from WWII that are related in the most horrific manner. You see the Nazi's turned the Kings Army Barracks and surrounding buildings here in Nis into a concentration camp. It was mainly used for short term detention of prisoners before being relocated somewhere else as forced labour, unless of course they were executed instead. While some executions were carried out in the camp, most were taken to Bubanj a few kilometers away where they were executed and placed in mass graves. The concentration camp is mainly untouched from the end of WWII and is now a museum in honour of those that were imprisoned and murdered ... read more
Front gates of the camp
Bubanj Memorial Park

Europe » Serbia » South » Nis September 6th 2023

Our Fairy Godmother brought over a dish with a dozen fries eggs and an ice cream container full of long syrupy sweet donut type things right on 7pm. We combined that with the home grown vegies and left over sausages from lunch and we had quite a feast for dinner. I can't say I've ever had fried eggs as the main component of dinner but it seemed to work. We used the cold meats and cheese in the fridge with the extra bread and made up rolls for lunch. We had effectively gotten 4 meals provided free of charge so we decided to leave a very sizeable tip for our host thanking her for her generosity. Due to our short distance today we slept with no alarm. A lazy riding morning is a luxury we haven't ... read more
The River Valley
The mountains closing in
Along the route

Europe » Serbia » South » Kopaonik December 26th 2021

When disaster strikes, the overall impetus seems to be to turn fortunes around through whatever means. Well, nobody really saw the state of the globe hitting such a bad patch, and remaining on red alert for so prolonged a period, but as any traveller will tell you, it pays to prepare for every eventuality, and then some. So, a 23 month-long period of absence was never in the original script, but in reality, that’s what it really amounted to when trying to pick up the thread once again and get back out onto the road. Being the right kind of season, a ski trip to Kopaonik, Serbia appeared on the radar, and that is precisely what took shape when a booking was made for a period of 8 days, which would see the New Year in ... read more
Slopeside hotel
Uncluttered pistes
Authentic slopeside restaurant

Europe » Serbia » South » Nis October 3rd 2018

Objective numero dos on this trip was Mt. Midžor @ 2169 meters ASL (a.k.a., 7116') known to most people as the highest mountain in Serbia. I may have offended a local who asked me why I was going to Midžor and replied because it's the highest mountain in Serbia. He didn't think that was true and told me Đeravica was the highest. Of course, Đeravica is in Kosovo which to Serbs is still part of Serbia. Political and topographical distinctions aside, I did manage to summit Mt. Midžor yesterday at 12:26 pm local time after an easy, short hike from the ski chalet at Babin Zub. Incidentally, Đeravica is actually no longer considered the highest mountain in Kosovo. After a redrawing of the Kosovo-Macedonia border several years ago, Velika Rudoka, right on the border, is generally ... read more
Summit in Sight
Looking Back at Babin Zub
Skull Tower

Europe » Serbia » South » Nis October 2nd 2018

It’s our last day before dropping the hire car in Skopje. We are breaking the journey in Nis, mainly because it’s half way between Belgrade and Skopje. Nis has 3 very diverse tourist attractions; the 4th century Roman palace of Constantine the Great, an 18th century Turkish fortress and a 20th century Nazi Concentration Camp. It’s pouring with rain and takes almost an hour to fight our way out of Belgrade through the rush hour traffic, despite the old man going native and driving through red lights, in bus lanes, over pedestrian crossings etc. Eventually the rain clears and by the time we reach Nis it’s 20 degrees and sunny. After Novi Sad and Belgrade, we aren’t expecting to like Nis, but it’s actually quite nice. We walk through the pedestrian precinct to the fortress which ... read more
Nisville Museum
Nisville Museum
Nis Fortress - Bali-bey Mosque

Europe » Serbia » South » Nis January 4th 2018

We departed Sarajevo before sunrise on a very cold morning (-7) as we made our way through the beautiful snow covered mountains toward the Serbian border, it was so beautiful that we had to stop and take a few photographs of the moon illuminating the snow covered mountain pastures and throw a snowball or two. As was wound our way through the mountains we followed the pretty River Drin gorge to the city of Visegrad before crossing the Serb border near the Tara National Park. Here we had something of a dilemma I wanted to head south through Kosovo to the bear sanctuary near Pristina but this would lengthen the journey and there was no guarantee we would get there before it closed, so we continued on towards Nis. The journey through southern Serbia was often ... read more
Farm in
Farming in the mountains
Icey morning roads

Europe » Serbia » South » Nis May 26th 2017

Pred odchodom davam este prat a vymienam rybam vodu. Balenie, sprcha a moze sa ist. Miriam s mami ma vyzdvihuju o 11/30, povodne som chcel startovat o hodinu neskor ale po zisteni, ze v rovnakom case odlietaju az 4 lety menim plan. V aute na dialnici fasujem rizek v chlebe, obed teda vybaveny. Na dialnici ziadne zapchy, takze pohodickova cca polhodinkova cesta. Na letisku sa to hemzi uz kopou ludi. Security tentoraz v pohode, ziadna buzeracia. Avsak jednemu cechackovy zabavuju maly noz. No nezabavuju, bo ho bere a odnasa ho niekam do letiskovej haly, neskor sa vracia bez neho. Colnica tiez ziadny problem iba otazka kam letim ked ukazujem len obcanku s cipom a nie pas. Cez gate prechadzam medzi poslednymi. Ako to uz byva zasa demencia ludi, za branou miesta na sedenie ale nie, jebovci ... read more

Europe » Serbia » South » Kopaonik May 14th 2016

Our time in Serbia has continued our European History 101 many interesting places to visit, and so much to learn. Being immersed in a culture that has been shaped by so many different variables; religion, politics, etc, over thousands of years is not only fascinating but also a massive learning curve for two relatively naive Kiwis. We are learning so much more than we ever imagined possible before leaving our far flung shores. If I had my time again as a parent of young children, I would choose education out side the classroom and travel with them.......... Not only does Rozle have a passion for motorbikes and riding, he is also a great historian. His knowledge and love for this region knows no bounds, and his stories are always captivating. In Belgrade, we visited the ... read more
Magical Mosaaics...
No cameras allowed...Ooops!
Charcoal smoking.

Europe » Serbia » South May 12th 2016

From Planina Vlasic, we travelled to Sarajevo, the city which has rebuilt itself after the horrors of the Serbian aggression in 1992-1995. On our way to our hotel, we stopped off at a cafe, where Rozle showed us how to drink coffee, in the traditional Bosnian way. He is an hilarious raconteur, and had us all in hysterics. Poignantly, a Muslim cemetery beside the cafe reminded us we were in a region only recently ravaged by war. We also stopped to visit a tunnel museum, created, to show how the residents of Sarajevo survived the Serbian attacks, by building a tunnel underneath the airport. Sarajevo is surrounded by mountains on all but one boundary. The airport, a strip of land between the city and 'free' Bosnia, the relatively flat land area of the region, was under ... read more
A 'City under Siege' map.
Sarajevo old city centre.
Plaque outside the rebuilt library.

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