Blogs from Klaipeda, Lithuania, Europe


Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda January 24th 2024

One of the reasons that I came to Klaipeda was to visit the Curonian Spit. However, after doing some research it seemed like it would be rather difficult to do in winter. The ferry didn’t go to the main town, Nida, during the off-season. None of the museums or attractions nearish to the ferry would be open on the day I planned to visit. I could only find limited information about the bus that traversed the spit and it was very infrequent (and rather expensive) in winter and it didn’t seem to link up with the ferry well. I thought about just taking the ferry and going for a bit of a walk along the Curonian Spit as then at least I could have visited it, but as I woke up early to the wind howling ... read more
Blacksmith's Museum
Blacksmith's Museum
Blacksmith's Museum

Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda January 23rd 2024

I was up earlyish and headed to the bus station for my bus to Klaipeda. I was glad I didn’t have to far to walk with my stuff. The bus station was well organised and I found where my bus was leaving from and when I saw it had arrived I headed out to board. The journey to Klaipeda was a couple of hours or so and uneventful. It was cold and miserable when I arrived. My accommodation was a good 20-30 minute walk from the bus station. The first part was through a housing estate and the path there was pretty dicy. I managed not to fall on the ice. All good! Then it was along the main streets, which were ice free. I was able to do an early check-in at my accommodation and ... read more
Tempura Roll
Tempura Roll

Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda September 1st 2022

There’s a very distinct German flavor to this port city, Lithuania’s third largest (formerly known as Memel), which was part of the old Prussian Kingdom until it achieved autonomy in 1923. Located in the northwestern part of the country and 193 miles from the capital Vilnius, Klaipeda has a population of around 150,000. It is Lithuania’s only port on the Baltic, and its heart is beating steadily together with the sea. The locals proudly proclaim this affinity with annual summer Sea festivals, biennial Tall Ships regattas, a Sea Museum, a Sea Faculty in the local university, numerous beaches, and major stevedoring companies. What was your first clue these locals worship water? A Little Bit of History: a settlement of Baltic tribes (ancestors of modern Lithuanians) along the estuary of the Dane River, is believed to have ... read more
Half-timbered home in the German style
Old Town Klaipeda
Chimney Sweep on Old Town Rooftop

Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda August 23rd 2019

Thursday was a 5 hour bus journey crossing the Lithuanian border and a two night stay at the Litinterp Klaipeda Guesthouse. The journey was broken with a short stop at the Hill of Crosses at Siauliai, a pilgrim site in defiance of anti-religious Soviet rule. Upon arrival we wandered to the old town on the waterfront with it's old brick warehouse buildings converted into appartments or small businesses. While Klaipeda is historically the oldest town in Lithuania, devastating fires & modern war has meant the city no longer has any of the iconic buildings that we have encountered in all our stops up to now and instead is now mainly a gateway to the Curonian Spit. Friday was a perfect bike riding day & an excursion to the Curonian Spit, a long and narrow sand dune ... read more
Our group at the Russian border
Kieran in front of Curonian pennants
Baltic Sea beaches

Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda July 5th 2017

July 5 – Lithuania – Klaipaidia Today we got into port under sunny skies and warmish temperatures. We were booked for an 8:30am excursion so were up early to get ready. I had heard that this port was a bit under whelming so instead of staying in town to wander and take in the equivalent of the ‘napped flints’ museum we had signed up to visit a former Soviet missile installation located about an hour or so drive into the countryside. This trip was truly fascinating – partly due to the talk from our school teacher guide who shared her experiences growing up in Lithuania during the Soviet occupation. The Soviet missile site was amazing and they have done a really good job at recreating the life in the camp. We got to go down into ... read more
walk to missile site
Into the Abyss

Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda May 2nd 2015

Klaipeda - Nidda 125 km Wetterbericht: zuerst: kR, sk, Mittag: sR + sk, Nachmittag: kR + sk (5-7°C) Als erstes brauchte ich Geld, die lokale Währung. Überall standen die Preise in Euro und in litauischem Irgendwas, aber sicher haben die noch keinen Euro, oder? Ich überprüfe bei einem Währungsrechner im Internet - es gibt einen tagesaktuellen Kurs von Euro zu litauischem Irgendwas. Also ein Loch in der Wand muss her. Die Rezeptionsfee schickte mich zu “dem großen Platz, da ist das Casino, da gibt’s ATM.”. Nur war der große Platz nicht wirklich auffindbar. Ich kreuzte durch Klaipeda, sah auch gleich alle Sehenswürdigkeiten, aber weder Casino noch Bank noch ATM. An einer Ampel erfuhr ich dann, dass es in einem Einkaufszentrum einen ATM geben soll. Das ist wahrscheinlich völlig richtig, aber gegenüber war auch eine Bank. Beim ... read more

Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda September 2nd 2014

Klaipeda and Palanga in Lithuania 2 September 2014 We crossed the Latvia/Lithuania border about 11.00am and reached Palanga which is a popular seaside resort at the Baltic sea. Palanga has a beach, but it is very crowded in summer, since all Lithuanians come to their short coastline. It was quiet when we got there as all the children had gone back to school and it was Tuesday. There was an amber museum which is prevalent in Latvia and Lithuania but we didn't visit it. When we walked down the pedestrian mall, Basanavicius street which is the focal point of Palanga. Along this street can be found most of the town's bars, restaurants, nightclubs, funfairs and souvenir shops. It continues to the Pier on the beach. Just before the beach started, there were some bench seats positioned ... read more
Curonian Spit - 100kms long one third in Lithuania and 2 thirds in Russia - fishing boat outdoor museum (2)
Curonian Spit - 100kms long one third in Lithuania and 2 thirds in Russia - fishing boat outdoor museum (4)
Curonian Spit - 100kms long one third in Lithuania and 2 thirds in Russia - forest on the edge of the big sand dune

Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda June 27th 2011

At 5:30 Saturday morning we set out for our outdoor adventure! Our group of 11 very different people made for quite an interesting weekend. In total we kayaked 22 kilometers (about 14 miles) within 8 hours, taking occasional breaks to talk, eat & enjoy the sights. We traveled down Minijos river in Klaipeda - a beautiful area with cleaner and fresher air then the 3 of us city girls were use to. Surprisingly, kayaking was the easy part of the trip. Our camping experience was a little more challenging. As soon as we reached land it started raining, the outhouse consisted of a smelly hole in the ground and our summer sweatshirts weren't quite warm enough. But with good company, delicious sandwiches and lots and lots of blankets, we managed to have a great time! The ... read more
Julija & Ziba

Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda July 13th 2010

July 13 - Today was an average day. I woke up early and went to the bus station for my 8:30am bus to Klaipeda, Lithuania. The ride was ok, but I was super productive. I checked out all the pictures from Latvia and decided what to put on the blog. In Klaipeda, the hostel was super easy to find as it is just outside the bus station. It seems ok. Once I got settled, I went for a walk to the downtown area and to the info office. Surprised? I got a map of the town and a walking tour map, as well as information about the Curonian Spit, where I will go tomorrow and how to get away from here later. Super productive. After grabbing a sandwich and eating it at the river, I started ... read more
Restaurant at harbor
Boats in rover
At river

Europe » Lithuania » Klaipeda August 31st 2009

We woke early today in prep for our trip to Klaipėda -- especially me, as my sore throat kept me from sleeping past 3:30. We grabbed a quick breakfast at home and made our way to the airport. Riga International is a pretty nice airport; they had a drugstore, which was important for acquiring some ibuprofen, and a post office, where we mailed a bunch of postcards, and a souvenir shop with some of the things we’d not been able to find elsewhere (a Latvia patch for me, a small bottle of Black Balzsams liqueur for Graham), and a cafe that had milkshakes, though Graham wouldn’t let me get one and made me eat mushy fries instead. Mean, mean Graham. Our AirBaltic flight to Palanga was smooth -- again, the plane was nicer and the service ... read more

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