Blogs from Kaunas, Lithuania, Europe


Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas » Kaunas January 22nd 2024

I was slow off the mark this morning. I was enjoying the warmth and my coffee too much. I’d had a bit of a fail when trying to plan what to do today as all museums in Kaunas (maybe Lithuania in general) were all closed on a Monday. This was slightly annoying as I was looking forward to spending some time indoors to escape the cold. I set off and took a different route from yesterday to reach the Old Town area. This route was more straight forward and through the town. I walked past a couple of pieces of street art on the way so stopped to photograph those. The first was a mural on the side of a building on Kestutis Street of Leja Goldberg, a poet and scholar, which was accompained by text ... read more
Nebeprisikiskiakopusteliajantiesiems Meets David
Nebeprisikiskiakopusteliajantiesiems Meets David
Hotel Britanika

Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas » Kaunas January 21st 2024

I don’t think I slept a wink as I was too nervous about waking up early. I got up around three and was out the door by four. I was staying just a couple of minutes walk from the airport bus stop so headed there. I thought there might be some drunken revellers about but the streets were quiet. I didn’t have to wait long for the bus and the journey itself was quick. Deposited in front of Edinburgh Airport, I made my way into the terminal and headed to the luggage self check in. That was straight forward apart from figuring out how to actually attach the label. A nice member of staff helped me out. I haven’t checked luggage on Ryanair in years, and the last time I did it they still had people ... read more
Arriving into Kaunas
Nemunas River

Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas » Kaunas June 8th 2023

petite erreur dans le blog précédent si cela n'a pas été corrigé car déjà publié : Trakai et Vilnius se trouvent bien en Lituanie et pas en Pologne !!! Nous voici donc à Kaunas... J'arrive à situer le camping à JJ les yeux fermés !!! il ne s'en souvient plus mais pas grave car je le mènerai bien à l'arrêt du trolley bus qui nous mènera en ville... Là grande surprise car nous nous trouvons directement dans le bain d'une fête que j'appellerais folklorique... la fête de la tradition. C'est ainsi que les gens chantent, dansent, etc... dans leurs plus beaux habits nationaux... de petits stands vous offrent les produits du pays. Je vous laisse revivre avec nous cette fête car les visages souriants (enfin !) de ces gens faisaient plaisir à voir...... read more
le chateau de Kaunas
à la découverte de leurs traditions

Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas July 9th 2017

Ok so we have been travelling for 10 days and I thought it was time for a break, you know chill out and no driving, do some laundry. So I found a little on bookings, sounded perfect, 2 bedroom apt with access to pool, washing machine, kitchen , yard and easy walk to stores. Ok So we arrive very nice clean place but you only get 1 bedroom of the apt, you may or may not have to share the toilet and shower room also the kitchen and lounge area, we were lucky we did NOT have to share but, not really what we had expected or wanted but we have learned over time that you make the best of what you have. Rigaudai turned out to be a sleepy little suburb with only one grocery ... read more
Apartments for Rent
Lovely pool area
Outside area

Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas » Kaunas June 24th 2017

Hello my fellow travellers! As I mentioned yesterday I would spend this day following the traces of a genuine hero that I expect all to few know about, the name of that hero is Chiune Sugihara. For you that haven't heard of him before, he was a Japanese diplomat that was sent to Lithuania in 1939. When Hitler rose to power and invaded Poland a lot of Jews realised where the winds where blowing and fled to Lithuania, set on fleeing through Russia to the Dutch colonies where they would be safe. There was only one problem, to get an exit VISA from Russia they were required to have a transit VISA for Japan since Japan occupied Manchuria at the time. Hundreds of Jewish refugees showed up at the Japanese embassy, desperate to receive a VISA. ... read more
Sugihara Family
Sugiharos Namai
VISA for Life

Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas » Kaunas June 23rd 2017

Hello my fellow travellers! After an early start, that involved an unexpected radio interview about couch surfing and travelling, I fled the Swedish Midsummer's festivities in favour if the Lithuanian Summer Solstice festivities. I will be staying for two days in Kaunas with Paulius and Rūta whom stayed with me a couple of years ago. Unfortunately we only got to meet briefly as they are going to their home village 100 km away from here but they are kind enough to lend me their apartment while I'm here. From here I will continue to Vilnius where I will stay with a new girl but also meet up with Roberta who also stayed with me last year. Today I mainly just walked around in central Kaunas with a short break together with Paulius, Rūta and Rūta's sister ... read more
Romas Kalanta Memorial
Lovely Dinner
Šv. Arkangelo Mykolo Bažnyčia

Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas » Kaunas June 16th 2017

De 1920 à 1940, Kaunas fut capitale de la Lituanie indépendante, alors que Vilnius était en Pologne. Elle fut annexée par l’Union soviétique, en vertu du pacte germano-soviétique de 1939, puis occupée par les nazis entre 1941 et 1944 qui l’abandonnèrent à l’arrivée de l’url= read more
jolie église sur notre chemin
arrêt d'autobus sur l'autoroute...
trop bon !

Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas » Kaunas June 2nd 2013

This blog entry is coming to you from Kaunas, Lithuania, but it isn't supposed to. It is supposed to be coming from Minsk, Belarus, a place that I have this strange obsession about visiting. My original plan was to take an overnight train from St Petersburg to Minsk before flying out of Vilnius, Lithuania, which is only a two hour bus ride from Minsk and from where there are cheap flights back to London. Four days before I left the UK for Russia however, the Belarusian embassy in London put paid to Plan A - I had applied for the cheaper "transit" visa for my visit to Belarus which would have allowed me in the country for 48 hours, but my application was refused on the basis that there is no physical need to go through ... read more
Kryžių Kalnas
Cool Cross
Lithuanian Countryside

Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas January 24th 2013

The next stop after Siauliai was Kaunas, some four hours by bus. I planned to visit Kaunas during the previous autumn visit, but changed my mind, and that was a correct decision, as I saw this time. I slept a good night at the hostel, checked out, and left my luggage at the bus station storeroom. It is located in a different building than the station itself. When I first read about Kaunas, I did not consider it very promising, because the Russian Wikipedia article about it is rather short. However, expectations were much exceeded. First, I saw the imposing Sv. Mykolo Arkangelo Church, reminding me of Beograd’s Hram Sv. Save (similarity in style and form, probably). I then immediately proceeded to the 1.6 km long Laisves Aleja where trees grow, pedestrians walk, benches are installed ... read more
Sv. Mykolo arkangelo bazn.
Vilniaus gatve
Petro ir Povilo arkikatedra bazilika

Europe » Lithuania » Kaunas » Raseiniai May 10th 2012

The day started nice and bright and I was optimistic about the journey as we were turning out of the wind. Unfortunately, the wind had a different idea and my favourite flat, nice road was a real slog plus the end hill was a killer. My left knee was now really swollen and I was getting twinges in all joints now...lost feeling in fingers too. Nick had to bail because his knees had given up and I know he was upset to sit in the van and watch us struggle on. We were unable to stop at Smallininkai as there was no place to eat so we soldiered on to Jaburkas. The hills kept on coming into Kuanas and the roads worsened though we did get some speed on one very steep down hill...followed by another ... read more

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