Blogs from Jurmala, Riga Region, Latvia, Europe


Europe » Latvia » Riga Region » Jurmala June 15th 2019

Tehtiin päivämatka Jurmalaan. Ennen sinne menoa piti automaatista lunasta 2 euron lupamaksu. Jätettiin auto turistineuvonnan lähelle. Käytiin kävelykadulla kahvilla ja mentiin sitten rannalle. Väkeä oli liikkeellä ja aurinko paistoi. Jukka kävi kastautumassa, mutta kun vuorostani kahlasin veteen siihen asti, että vesi ylsi säärten puoliväliin, totesin veden niin kylmäksi, että päätin kääntyä takaisin. Rannan mittarissa oli lukemat 18 ja 13, joista ensimmäinen oli varmaan ilman ja jälkimmäinen veden lämpötila. Käytiin vielä syömässä Jurmalan Lidossa. Otin lohta. Palattiin takaisin vähän pidempää reittiä, eli nähtiin Jurmalaa pidemmällekin. Jukan kehotuksesta latasin puhelimeen Bolt-sovelluksen. Se toimi vastaavasti kuin Uber, eli sillä sai tilattua taksin ja maksu meni luottokortilta. Menin tapaamaan paikallista nettituttua. Kun lähdin hänen luotaan takaisin, puhelimeni netti ei toimin... read more

Europe » Latvia » Riga Region » Jurmala July 8th 2015

No biking today, but did train and walk quite bit. Woke to cool overcast skies, later sprinkled intermittently until early afternoon. Then sun came out and heated up. Woke ate at hostel, granola, wild blueberries, lox, bread, tea and coffee - same as yesterday. Bought train tickets to Jurmala. We had read about this resort/spa area up the west coast, only 20 km from Riga. It has 5 miles of fine white sand beaches, with shallow waters of the Baltic sea. The train took about 30 minutes to get to Majori in Jurmala. We were met with a slight drizzle when we exited the train at Majori. We had brought umbrellas and extra clothes.Initially need them. We walked along the main tourist street - Jonas iela, where souvenir shops and restaurants line the carless street. We ... read more
Another Russian Historic wood home on Jonas iela
Selfie on streets of Jurmala
From tower Dizintaru park. Looking out at Baltic Sea.

Europe » Latvia » Riga Region » Jurmala July 7th 2012

Breakfast at the weekend starts an hour later. The shops open at the same time breakfast starts. I only had 45 mins to go to the shops to buy a packed lunch, pack a rucksack and have breakfast. The breakfast lost! Three cups of coffee and some heavy black bread would have to suffice. Set off for the station in the early morning heat and, on arrival, realised that I didn't know the Latvian for Ticket Office! Having eventually bought a ticket, the nice lady in the office informed me that I needed to leave from Platform 3 - the only problem was that I didn't know the Latvian for Platform 3! Well, the 3 was easy, but there were quite a few "Something" 3! Finally, by walking towards the tracks, it became obvious where the ... read more
Kemeri Station
Little Orthodox Church
Love Isle - clearly seen better days

Europe » Latvia » Riga Region » Jurmala August 2nd 2011

Geo: 56.9682, 23.7705We started off the day today with a trip to the resort city, Jurmala, on the Baltic Sea. Jurmala is a summer resort city for "poor Russian millionaires" (the rich ones go to Nice, France). After a stroll down the sandy beach, we took a few moments to dip our feet in the cool waters of the Baltic. None of us would have ever imagined when we left home that we would find ourselves on a sandy beach in Latvia listening to Bob Marley's “One Love.” Latvia is a land of many pleasant surprises. Latvia has been particularly hard hit by the world financial crisis that began in 2008. Here, like elsewhere, part of the problem was overspeculation. We were not pleased to encounter several GE Money Banks advertising mortgages. Instead of paying taxes ... read more
GE Money Bank.  Grr.
Jurmala pedestrian mall
View from nearby Stalin "wedding cake" building

Europe » Latvia » Riga Region » Jurmala July 25th 2010

On Saturday Pastor Andrejs picked us up and took us down to the sea in Jurmala. This is a seaside city and is also where the president lives. In fact, we parked very close to his palace and walked down to the beach. The sand was very soft and the water was not salty. We went in the waves with the people there from Andrejs' church. The waves and current were very strong with 4m waves! The water goes out a long way before it gets deep. The others out there showed us that you went out a ways, then it got deep, then you got on a sandbar where you could touch. The section on the sandbar had a very strong current and waves. Some people behind us were swimming and got very scared, but ... read more

Europe » Latvia » Riga Region » Jurmala July 9th 2010

Early morning today! Got up at 5am for my flight, ugh. On the bright side, could have been worse had I slept back in Stockholm lol - 10min transfer and I was at the airport, good to go! I wish I were flying out of Stockholm instead of Oslo on my way back haha - their duty free had every imaginable flavour of Absolut Vodka… and of course, it being from Sweden was quite cheap. Bah. They also had a neat little package of “Swedish spirits” - a bunch of those small taster bottles - but I didn’t want to carry those around for another 2 weeks. I’m sure I’ll still find something that floats my boat in Oslo though ;) Also, I need to learn the Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian words for sparkling/fizzy water as ... read more
Mmm, beer!
Gulf of Riga
The beach!

Europe » Latvia » Riga Region » Jurmala June 15th 2010

Vanochtend me een beetje verslapen. Samen met de Duitse meisjes ontbeten dan afscheid genomen. Ik reed eerst terug naar het centrum om inkopen te doen omdat er volgens de routebeschrijving 50km niets zou zijn? Dit bleek achteraf niet te kloppen. De weg op zich was weinig boeiend, wel ging hij rustig door het bos. Onderweg passeerden er nog Polen op de motto die op dezelfde camping stonden die me met getoeter begroeten. In het dorpje Renda was de kerk zogezegd een bezienswaardigheid. Ik vond echter iets verderop een watervalletje in het bos veel mooier. Er was een trappencomplex dat er naartoe leidde. Ondertussen had het ook al een beetje geregend maar scheen de zon al terug volop. Net voor Kandava ging de route onverhard en toen begon het net hevig te regenen. Het zandweggetje werd een ... read more

Europe » Latvia » Riga Region » Jurmala July 22nd 2008

Riga’dan trenle çok yakın olan Jurmala'ya geldiğimizde sanki yeni bir ülkeye gelmiş gibi hissettik. Sokak isimlerinde kullanılan dil Rusça’ydı, hatta şehrin bir kısmında tabelalardaki sokak kelimesi bile Rusça yazılmıştı, sokaklarda dolaşan insanların büyük kısmı Rus’tu. Otele gitmek için minibüs beklerken durakta yaşlı bir kadın bizimle konuşmaya başladı. Daha doğrusu bize kendince bir şeyler anlatmaya başladı. Rusça konuşan ama birkaç kelime İngilizcesi olan kadına nereden geldiğimizi söyleyince Türkiye’yi bilmesi beni çok şaşırttı. Söylediklerinden çıkarabildiğimiz kadarıyla özelleştirmelerden şikâyet eden kadının SSCB’nin yıkılması, sosyalizm sonrası serbest piyasa düzenine geçilmesi sürecinde hayatı oldukça zorlaşmıştı. Sonra Lat olan ve belli ki kıyafetlerinden hali vakti yerinde olan yaşlı bir bayan ona bir şeyler söyledi. Diğer kadıncağız da biraz ezildi ama yine konuşmaya d... read more
ahşap evler
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ahşap evlerden biri

Europe » Latvia » Riga Region » Jurmala January 21st 2008

it's cooooooooold. well, lots to put in here i guess, has been an interesting couple of days. i'll do the right thing and start at the beginning, makes the most sense really. ok, a matter of life and death in latvian was wonderful, not that i picked up a word of it but of course i pretty much know that film off by heart, so it wasnt really a problem. i must have looked a little silly talking over that 'may i remind you sir, we are not alive at all' bit. wonderful bit though really, probably one of my 3 favourite movie moments ever. GEEK. anyway, watched that, and went to sleep. after being rudely awoken by a cat, i got up and had a morning coffee and breakfast. breakfast consisted of these little slices ... read more

Europe » Latvia » Riga Region » Jurmala May 7th 2007

We took the train to the seaside resort of Jurmala for our last day in Latvia. ... read more
Jurmala beach
Catching the train back to Riga

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