Blogs from Daugavpils, Latgale Region, Latvia, Europe


Europe » Latvia » Latgale Region » Daugavpils July 1st 2013

We are now really in territory we know little about and Latvia is probably the most mysterious of the three Baltic countries to us with reportedly a still heavy influence of its past ties to Russia evident. Taking the A14 north out of the city the countryside passed by quickly with few towns and villages to slow us down and with little traffic around we got to the turn off for the R114 faster than we thought we would. We decided to take a lesser road that ran between a series of lakes thinking it would be more scenic and although we didn't actually drive close to the lakes to view them the forests surrounding them were still enjoyable. We were that close to the lakes that we thought we would take a chance and drive ... read more
Simple interior of church
Housing and the road out
Would we or wouldn't we,the dunny at the lake

Europe » Latvia » Latgale Region » Daugavpils November 23rd 2012

Latvia - Riga I had been told many a bad reivew of Riga but I had decided to stay four days anyway. Unfortunately it began with bedbugs in my hostel bed...found crawling on me as I read my book. Ewww. Change of room....change of room again to a private attic....freezing cold but I value my alone time and security more. I walked town, discovered the sights, chilled out, read books, watched movies on my tablet and generally got some recovery sleep and mental health time back in order. I researched the vintage shops, and visited a cupcake shop reccomended in my airflight magazine...I did some damage to my coin purse in both places. I went to the markets, saw the last twilight film in the cheap 4€, and walked til my feet hurt. Having a ... read more

Europe » Latvia » Latgale Region » Daugavpils June 15th 2011

Here's the deal. I'm in the library, banging on a keyboard who's spacebar seems to be stuck so am making quite a racket. I'm in the library because, according to tourist information who didn't listen to me when i said that the internet cafe they said I should go to is closed, is the only other place i can use the internet (according to them). What's happened since I last blogged? Well, i've had my gear cable replaced, chain oiled and a new tyre fitted but well, i'm still stuck in first gear. Grrrrr. Not so bad because I'm in hilly country, Latgale, but still... And tomorrow I'm out the door (ie border) to Lithuania. So after Aluksne I was Balvi bound. But, you know how things can change... I was still Balvi bound and what ... read more

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