Blogs from Fontainebleau, Île-de-France, France, Europe


Europe » France » Île-de-France » Fontainebleau June 22nd 2019

It’s Saturday – parkrun day and today we’re running in the grounds of Fontainebleau castle. To be more precise; 2 laps of an ornamental lake at the entrance to the château. My fitness has declined due to injury so I’m not looking forward to it. But I meet a lovely lady called Christine from Kingston and we pootle round together. It takes a very slow 47 minutes but we chat the whole way so the time flies by. We speed up towards the end when our respective families come and encourage us to run more and talk less. Then it’s time to drive the 225 miles to Calais. It’s hot and first we have to circumnavigate Paris. Today’s soundtrack is Hadestown – appropriate for a Parisian motorway on a Saturday morning. We reach the Tunnel and ... read more
Fontainebleau parkrun
Fontainebleau parkrun
Fontainebleau parkrun

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Fontainebleau June 21st 2019

Today’s 210 mile drive takes us as far as Fontainebleau. It’s a slight deviation from the optimum route but it’s Friday and Fontainebleau has a parkrun. Our route is predominantly motorway which is (a) expensive (it costs €60 to drive across France) and (b) dull. Thank goodness for musical theatre. By the time we reach our destination, we all know all the lyrics to Six, but only one of us feels the need to sing along. There’s still time for a rendition of Les Misérables. Singing along is trickier but daughter no 2 performs admirably (although I fear her head is going to explode during One Day More). We stop at a rest area to use the facilities. The toilet is so high tech it’s like wandering into the USS Enterprise. It’s a far cry from ... read more
Château de Fontainebleau
Château de Fontainebleau
Château de Fontainebleau

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Fontainebleau July 31st 2016

Today we headed out to Fontainebleau by car. It was under an hour and we made our first stop at the Chateau de Fontainebleau. This is the chateau that was lived in the longest by a string of nobility spanning over 400 years, including two of the Napoleons (I and III). The chateau itself was extensive, having been expanded over the centuries several times by each resident King. Once beyond the chateau and into the grounds, there was a huge pond stocked with large carp (including one albino one), extensive gardens and several additional buildings (likely stables, living quarters for the staff, etc). Next stop was the Grand Parquet. We had expected to find a fun kids fair but instead today turned out to be the Gran Prix of steeplechase horse racing. A seriously major event ... read more
Closer view
Closer yet
Gardens out back

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Fontainebleau February 22nd 2016

Apologies everyone- we have had no internet for the last 9 days so no ability to upload our photos our post a blog entry! Our journey continues and Italy and now France are both amazingly beautiful countries that render surprises at every turn. We have been to Cabris with Michael's son Simon, wife Sophie and two girls Clara and Fleur. Now we have journeyed northward towards Paris, Borgoule, the western edge of the Loire Valley, to Fontainebleu an hour south of Paris. Tomorrow we say goodbye to our trusty car: after a luggage drop off in Paris. Nervous driver, but we should be ok. Wish us luck. Three days in Paris and then off to London. The home stretch!... read more
Medieval stone bridge: Zuccarello Italy
Noli: Italian seaside town
The French/London family

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Fontainebleau June 11th 2012

I will try to reveal the splendor of Fontainebleau in a couple of sentences. We bought a guided tour starting at 8-30. It was a bit of a problem because the tennis game was put off for that very day due to the heavy rain (Djokovitch versus Nadal) and Luda was anxious to get in time back from the excursion. The guide said we’d be back just in time. During the drive, I noticed the sign of Porte d’Orleans metro station – that’d be our destination on the way back. The traffic into Paris was rather heavy and there seemed no end to cars. Le Chateau reminded me of St. Petersburg palaces in Gatchina, Pushkin, and Pavlovsk – quite similar splendor of the imperial luxury. Had the emperors been not so generous, there’d be fewer castles. ... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Fontainebleau July 18th 2011

We drove from Geneva across France to Chartres, 1 hour west of Paris, on Bastille Day. We had a slight hiccup coming off the autoroute when we go into the wrong lane (twice) and had to back out, then completely lost our ticket (did I drop it or did Pat file it somewhere in her purse never to be seen again?). Having found a ticket on the ground we carried on through and found that the 53 Euro price had now dropped to 18 Euro. We paid the money quickly and drove through perplexed - what are the chances that someone else dropped their ticket in exactly the same spot and we each picket up the wrong ticket? In any case, we treated ourselves to an extra large ice-cream on the proceeds! That evening we enjoyed ... read more
Louvre Museum
Notre Dame

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Fontainebleau March 20th 2011

French Version : Fontainebleau est une petite ville située en Seine et Marne à environ 60 km de Paris. Très connue pour son château, la foret de Fontainebleau est aussi un haut lieu pour les parisiens qui souhaitent prendre un bon bol d'air frais ainsi que pour ce promener en forêt. En effet, la forêt attire chaque année de nombreux visiteurs et de plus, de par son relief accidenté, et ses nombreuses zones rocheuses, Fontainebleau est un lieu reconnu pour l'escalade. Notre randonnée de ce jour partira de la gare RER de Melun où une dizaine de couchsurfeur se sont donnés rendez-vous. Vu que nous n'avons pas fait de randonnées depuis plusieurs mois, cela sera l'occasion idéale de s y remettre. Notre dernière randonnée était en Roumanie dans la région de Deda, à Istenszeke, et date ... read more
Near the Seine River
Welcome to Fontainbleau
Great House

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Fontainebleau October 31st 2010

Well, we are currently experiencing gales, rain, thunder and lightning down at the Med so have decided to take the opportunity to catch up on some of the 2 months of blogging I have hitherto neglected! Time to cast my mind back to the end of August.... After our stormy night at Samois we moved a little further down the Seine to Avon, a small town right next door to Fontainebleau - I would finally get to see the Château! We tied up at a barge stop for the night, grabbed camera, laptop in its backpack, phone and money and headed off on our bikes in the direction of Fontainebleau. Mike appeared to have lost the ability to walk, and slipped getting off the boat, and again as we got on the bikes. “Are you alright?!” ... read more
cool grotto at fontainebleu
fontainebleu and lake
funniest fountain

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Fontainebleau June 18th 2005

On our way home - not happy but unfortunately the time does come round and you have to bite the bullet and accept you can do nothing about it. The weather back home was dull and miserable and I knew I would miss the French weather and the way of life that went with it. I would have to resort to Tesco french baguettes and croissants to remind me of a way of life I love and wish I could take more of it in. Work gets in the way of travel unless you are very rich or don't give a damn and throw caution to the wind and set off into the sunset. Perhaps retirement when it comes will give us the opportunity of our missed gap year. We booked a hotel close to Fontainebleu ... read more
American Cemetery Suresnes

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