Blogs from Satakunta, Finland, Europe


Europe » Finland » Satakunta » Rauma July 10th 2017

Nous irons à Tampere, elle est la seconde agglomération après Helsinki. La ville industrielle de Tampere connaît un essor pratiquement continu depuis le milieu du Première Guerre mondiale, le sort économique de la ville devient directement lié au sort des armes et donc au sort militaire et économique de la métropole russe à laquelle est encore rattaché le Grand-duché de Finlande. Les commandes de guerre russe stimulent l’industrie locale avant que leur arrêt brutal ne stoppe net cette activité économique perturbée par les difficultés de ravitaillement liées à la guerre en Baltique. Tampere a été le théâtre de la principale bataille de la G... read more
vieille ville de Rauma

Europe » Finland » Satakunta » Pori October 2nd 2015

I first heard the name of Pori about a year ago when I was reading about Rauma and I thought it a nice city for a visit. First I wanted to go there on one day with Rauma, but then decided not to rush things. The opportunity to go to Finland came with an e-mail from Lux Express offering 50% discount for bus tickets to Helsinki; I at once bought them and checked the options for reaching Pori. If you check tickets via Matkahuolto website, the price will be perhaps 80 Euro a return ticket; but I found the amazing Onnibus which I had previously noticed in Helsinki – the all-red double-decker with the funny picture of a deer. Their prices were 5 Euro from Helsinki to Pori and 7 Euro the return journey. As usual, ... read more
Helsinki, Train station
Pori, Something

Europe » Finland » Satakunta » Rauma October 17th 2014

Porvoo I had thought about visiting Rauma long ago, when I checked up the lists of UNESCO World Heritage sites in European countries. Of Finland’s World Heritage Sites, I have seen only the Suomenlinna Fortress, and the other few ones I’m not yet planning to visit. It was not a nearby town, and when I checked up the total price of getting there (from Petersburg) I thought it a bit expensive, but nevertheless made plans to go there. Finally, I had the opportunity of arranging a short journey to Finland. According to initial plan, my work in Moscow was to be finished by October 14 but I will have to stay till the end of October. However, when I was planning this trip I yet thought I’d be at home during this time. So, I bought ... read more
Porvoo Street

Europe » Finland » Satakunta » Rauma August 19th 2007

Huhhuh...lähtö Ranskaan lähestyy kovaa vauhtia. Viimeiset kahdeksan kuukautta olemme tienneet lähtevämme reissuun. Tällä hetkellä ainakin minä haluaisin vain päästä matkaan, jotta pääsisin tästä odotuksesta. Vielä kaksi päivää aikaa miettiä, mitä on mahtanut unohtua. No, emme onneksi ole lähdössä ensimmäistä kertaa pitemmäksi aikaa Ranskaan. Kaikki tulee järjestymään. Eniten odotan uuden kodin näkemistä. Olemme vuokranneet kalustamattoman asunnon, jossa ranskalaisen tavan mukaan ei ole yhtään mitään. Eli keittiömme käsittää vain lavuaarin ja vesihanan. Jääkaappi ja uuni puuttuvat täysin. Onneksi ranskalaiset ystävämme ovat lupautuneet auttamaan huoneiston kalustamisessa. Tällä hetkellä tyhjä asunto tuntuu inspiroivalta, mutta paikan päällä voi kaiken olennaisen puuttuminen jossain vaiheessa harmitaa. No, katsotaan miten homma etenee. Alussa tuskin nettiyhteys toimii asunnossamme, ... read more

Europe » Finland » Satakunta » Rauma June 8th 2007

Holiday Boy Route 1 Well its been a while since our last update about 4000KM to be precise!!!! We travelled all the way up to the North Cape the northern most point in Euorpe (that isnt actually the northen most point theres a piece of headland around the corner that sticks out a bit further but thats a 10KM walk to get there!!!!). The Norweigens have tourism sussed though its cost £35 in road tolls to get to the North Cape although I cant complain the road is amazing and even includes a 7KM tunnel under a fjord, that said you then have to pay £20 per person to get into the visitors centre which is a bit of a rip off. After that we headed into Finland as soon as you cross the border there ... read more
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Europe » Finland » Satakunta » Rauma May 15th 2007

well what and night the day begain early up at the bus station on our way to rauma it was a pleasent drive arrive just in time to get lace and bobbin ellen mum wanted lace when we arrived where ellen had book us in for the night i was shocked to say the least it was a workers camp it was a saturday and we were in for a fun night the men cos i think we where the only two women in this camp started drinking around 1200 and didnt stop they where singing and carry on then it turned into fighting cos there where all notionalities in this place russians polish finish and so on all working for a ship yard come 0100 in the morning one man tryed to get into our ... read more

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