Blogs from Päijänne Tavastia, Finland, Europe


Europe » Finland » Päijänne Tavastia » Lahti July 9th 2017

Aujourd’hui, nous visons la ville de Lahti que nous trouverons sur le lac Päijänne qui s’étire entre Jyväskylä (Catherine tu prononces : Yu vas sku la… c’est pas du wallon mais comme tu le vois c’est chose possible !!!!), au nord et Lahti au sud. Plus profond et deuxième plus grand lac de Finlande , il est deux fois plus étendu que le Léman et alimente Helsinki en eau potable grâce à son aqueduc long de 120 km… Le parc national du Päijänne protège sa partie sud. C’est ainsi que nous avons décidé de faire une petite promenade dans ce parc qui nous annonçait un point de vue que nous n’avons jamais trouvé… Par contre découverte amusante dont nos maires devraient approfondir comme question afin de faire de même dans nos communes…. Un parcours de Discgolfpark ... read more
02 parc national de Päijänne
03 parcours du golf-frisbee
04 les golfeurs s'y retrouveront !

Europe » Finland » Päijänne Tavastia » Hämeenlinna November 9th 2014

Since arriving back in Hämennlinna, i don't think i've had time to think let alone stop. The first week back i visited a place i can never pronounce, (and i cant even remember what it sounds like right now,) to watch the models for the fashion show which was nice, i love that the fashion class here offers everyone a chance to do promotion-y things as well as all the making side to fashion. Halloween was the best, ended up taking the bathroom cabinet off the wall to use the mirror, painting everyones faces- steaming and then sobered myself up riding the 3km into town to the bloody bar... Found a drink that doesn't cost an arm and a leg and tastes a million times better than beer... Long drink, dont ask me whats in it ... read more

Europe » Finland » Päijänne Tavastia » Hämeenlinna October 28th 2014

So for obvious reasons i have written my blog in almost a month, it’s in all honesty been one of the worst months ever. When i planned to come to Finland it was Nan that i sat down and talk about it too.. not because my parents didn’t want to listen or anything else but it was nerve wracking enough for them without me telling them the ifs the buts, the good points and the bad. Without Nan constantly telling me about the time her and my grandfather moved to Yugoslavia for six months and telling me how much she enjoyed living in a different culture and understanding that it would be hard not knowing the language and having to be fully independent, i may well not have taken the leap. Not only was she there ... read more

Europe » Finland » Päijänne Tavastia » Hämeenlinna October 4th 2014

So my first week back after ten days home has been so busy and now i'm on route back to Wales. I'm knackered. Like falling asleep standing up kind of tired. It was so amazing to be back in Hameenlinna on Friday, i wish i could cut myself in two somedays so i could spend as much time with Nan as i can and to enjoy everything out in Finland, even though she's adamant that i'm to finish my time there, which either way i'll definitely do for her :). When i got into Sairio the spanish amigos had written a song, we caught up on all the news from the ten days and chilled. The plan was to go out that night but i passed out by 9.30 from all the travelling, i wish it ... read more

Europe » Finland » Päijänne Tavastia » Heinola June 20th 2013

On the second weekend of June, I was invited to Scott and Virpi’s wedding in Finland. They both live in Newcastle, Australia, but Virpi is originally from Finland, and so they had decided to celebrate in the village of Hartola, about 180 km north of Helsinki, where Virpi had grown up. When I landed in Helsinki the day before the wedding, it was pouring down with rain, and I was hoping for conditions to improve because I knew that Scott and Virpi were planning some outdoor activities. I was going to share a rental car with Virpi’s friend Inga from Düsseldorf, and I met her and Virpi’s friends Corinna and Nino at Helsinki airport. The four of us arrived at the mansion in Hartola where the wedding would take place in the evening. It was so ... read more
A bilingual wedding
Hartola Museum I
Hartola Museum II

Europe » Finland » Päijänne Tavastia » Heinola December 28th 2011

Jari Tukiainen has just stamped his favourite entry for the harbour competition with a "this is the best" sticker. He hopes the entry is ultimately selected and the competitors' ideas become the blueprints for the harbour's redevelopment plans. Tukiainen and I are doing the rounds at the Helsinki City Planning Department's Laituri building, an exhibition space created by the Planning Department for town planning enthusiasts like him and curious tourists like me. And everyone in between. The harbour area competition was held to tap creative minds from across the world to find ways to integrate the harbour area into the city's urban space. But even the most talented urband planners can overlook some aspect of the city's character that makes it what it is and fail to account for the same in the plan. An alert ... read more
Open House Every Day
The Keeper of the Past
The epic that binds the Finnish people

Europe » Finland » Päijänne Tavastia » Lahti October 3rd 2011

Getting ready to go! Three months in South America, I can't believe it! I try to be prepared for warm and cold weather (beaches... mountains...) mosquitoes and jungle... So I packed my 65L backpack, now it weights 14,3 kg. What's in it? -snorkel, diving mask -digital camera, memory cards, battery loader -3 pairs of shoes -jacket, rain coat -long trousers, shorts, skirts, leggins -pareo (can be used as skarf if cold!) -underwear, socks -t-shirts, tops, long shirts -bikinis -shampoo, dry shampoo -tooth brush and tooth paste -contact lenses -sun screen, mosquito repellent -headlamp -plasters, ideal bandage -sleeping bag, sheet, towel -medicines (diarrea, pain, allergy, probiotics, motion sickness...) -calendar, pen -book to read -jackknife -lots of other small stuff that I probably will not need... Of course I also have a handbag that I didn't weight ;) ... read more

Europe » Finland » Päijänne Tavastia » Hämeenlinna August 17th 2010

After the wedding, all of the family (yes Jodie you are considered family you poor thing) from Australia went to stay in a cottage on one of the many lakes north of Helsinki. Before we even got to Finland I was refering to the cottage as the "Hall of Truth". And didn't it live up to its name. The drive up was the first chance for us all to get back together after the wedding reception. It turned out that there was more to the evening than I thought. We had people nearly getting kicked out of clubs for trying to jump the line and not paying (and really at his age he should know better); a sister left at the bar by herself with numerous drinks she had payed for and then having to make ... read more
The cottage.
Fishing on the lake.
On the water.

Europe » Finland » Päijänne Tavastia » Hämeenlinna June 28th 2010

Men Litouwse kamergenoten waren al vroeg op de been. Ik vertrok een pak later. In het begin probeerde ik de Finse fietsroute uit maar na 10km was ik het spoor al bijster en kwam op een hoofdbaan uit met gemiddeld verkeer. Dit zou eigenlijk zo blijven voor de ganse dag. Het schoot zo wel goed op maar aangenaam rijden was het niet. Ik ondervond ook dat Finland niet plat is, de meerdere heuvels werkten uitputtend en het laatste stuk met veel tegenwind deed daar ook geen deugd aan. Redelijk laat op de avond kwam ik op de camping aan waar ik even achterover viel van de prijs van 20€. Dit enkel voor mezelf voor 1 nacht! Er waren nog enkele gasten. Tent opgezet en gekookt. Ik ontdekte ook dat Finnen niet echt preuts zijn want de ... read more

Europe » Finland » Päijänne Tavastia » Lahti April 24th 2009

Nach der fantastischen Woche in Lappland habe ich die folgenden Wochenenden genutzt, um die nähere Umgebung weiter kennenzulernen. So klapperte ich mehrere Skigebiete ab und stellte immer wieder fest, dass die Loipen gepflegt und nicht zu viele Leute unterwegs waren. Den meisten Spaß hat mir das Fahren auf den zugefrorenen Seen und dem Finnischem Meerbusen bereitet. Obwohl es schon ein eigenartiges Gefühl war, „auf“ einer durch Bojen gekennzeichnete Fahrrinne Ski zu laufen. Bei schönem Wetter war am Wochenende richtig Betrieb (für deutsche Verhältnisse: einige Menschen) auf dem Meer. Außer den obligatorischen Eisanglern, Skifahrer und Fußgänger konnte man auch Fahrradfahrer und Autos antreffen. Selbst gegrillt wurde auf dem Eis. Ein Tagesausflug fuehrte mich nach Lahti. Wenn nicht gerade ein großes Sportevent anliegt, ist Lahti im Winter eine ruhige und verträumte Stadt (das Touristenbü... read more
Die Schanzen von Lahti

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