Blogs from Cheb, Karlovy Vary Region, Czech Republic, Europe


Europe » Czech Republic » Karlovy Vary Region » Cheb January 28th 2024

Am Sonntag frühstückten meine Mutter und ich ausgiebig im Hotel in Karlsbad und fuhren dann nach Eger. Dort war es anfangs eher neblig, aber danach kam die Sonne durch. Hervorzuheben sind der Marktplatz und das Haus, wo Wallenstein im 17. Jahrhundert ermordet wurde. Dann gibt es noch die Burg und ein Kloster. Die Stadt macht durch die vielen alten restaurierten Gebäude einen schönen Eindruck. An diesem Wochenende schafften wir es ohne den Tausch von tschechischen Kronen auszukommen, aber die Einführung des Euro wird in unserem Nachbarland verstärkt diskutiert.... read more
Spaziergang durch Eger.
Spaziergang durch Eger.
Spaziergang durch Eger.

Europe » Czech Republic » Karlovy Vary Region » Cheb July 27th 2016

Next day we check out and head off for a small tour round West Bohemia on our way to Pilsen. Thunderstorms are forecast and the sky is grey and menacing. First stop is Loket, a pretty little medieval town (rather like a French bastide) set in a huge loop of the river in a valley and dominated by a minor castle. Next up is the Soos nature reserve, which promises bubbling mud springs and excites Hannah with the prospect of some geography in action. It fails dismally to live up to its billing. We set off along the boardwalk with not a spring in sight. The explanatory signs are all in Czech and German so add little to our understanding or appreciation. Eventually, we reach a section where some tiny bubbles can be seen emanating from ... read more
The castle at Loket
Soos nature reserve, bullrushes
The best of the bubbling bog at Soos

Europe » Czech Republic » Karlovy Vary Region » Cheb November 13th 2009

When we got on that bus to Dobra Voda, I really was not sure of what to expect. To be honest, I wasn’t so happy about waking up at 6:00am on a day off from classes. However, I can say that I got off that bus feeling like I had experienced something very fulfilling and enriching. I feel in order to truly understand the Romani people; you need to spend at least a day in their community. I worked with ages eight to twelve. We had originally planned a whole program of games and rules, etc. However, we didn’t end up doing even half of the games on our list. We were not prepared for their short attention span and hyperactivity! However, we still had a lot of fun teaching them games that we as Americans ... read more
Trouble maker
Rome House
Mathias Explaining the Rules

Europe » Czech Republic » Karlovy Vary Region » Cheb September 8th 2009

Czech Republic Pre Paint Day 9/1 - 9/8 (Total until 9/17) The last blog left off with Phoenix and I surviving a severely horrible and pukey 8 hour boat ride from Bornholm, Denmark to Sassnitz, Germany. And of course, as miserable as the trip was we are so grateful to have had that experience and adventure…and even more grateful that it’s over! So after the boat ride we ended up in Sassnitz, instead of on the Island of Hiddensee. This change in course worked out relatively well because we had no interest in taking another boat to get off that Island, and even turned down an offer by another boat owner from Tennessee to take us to the next biggest town. So we tried hitchhiking for about an hour, standing with two different signs and trying ... read more
Train to Train on the way to Cheb
Sleeping between stops
Next stop CHEB!

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