Blogs from Salzburg, Austria, Europe


Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Salzburg May 15th 2024

Cough, cough, cough! It's been a day of trying to overcome a damned persistant cough. Since Linds and I have been here before we thought it would be a good alternative to the usual "must do's' and go and visit a lake we had heard about years ago. The Konigsee is considered one of the prettiest lakes in Germany and is situated in the Berchesgarten National Park in southern Bavaria, just over the Autstrian border. The National Park is the only alpine national park although there are others. We had checked out timetables, and yes, it would work. There was a bus the whole way to the lake. The route took us through rolling countryside and eventually into the alps with soaring peaks with snow highlights. I'm not sure what we expected but it was much ... read more
A hanging valley off the main valley
The church half way up the lake
At Obersee

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Salzburg May 14th 2024

Our day started with an early pickup by Pierina and Diego to take us to the station. So, a fond farewell to Elisa and Elias and a last look at our home for 5 days. We have been so lucky to stay on the vineyard and see the progress made on the house and farm since our last visit to Diego and Elisa's wedding. Now, the house renovations are mostly done, a shed has been demolished and a new one built. Mostly there is just landscaping around the house to complete. It's beautiful and the vines are looking good for a future harvest. But like all holidays, it's time to move on. Goodbyes and hugs all round, and we were off to Venice to connect to our more direct train to Salzburg. First the journey was ... read more
The family house from the Annone Veneto road to Portogruaro
Viaduct through the moutains

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Salzburg May 14th 2024

The weather continues to be fantastic. So far, a week of warm weather from 20 to 28 degrees. I am full of a cold (thanks, Linds) and not feeling great but doses of paracetamol, iburprofen, antihistamine, nasal spray and throat lozenges and off we go. As we have only two full days in Salzburg we've had to be selective. For today we've decided on the Hellbrun Palace, the Salzburg Fortress (Castle) and Old Town meander. From the Station we took a number 25 bus out of the city a little way to the Hellbrun Palace and garden. What a beautiful building and garden. It was initially built in 1613 by Marcus Sittikus, Archbishop of Salzburg. He had a penchant for trick gardens which had been all the rage at one time but now these gardens are ... read more
One of the many ponds and statues
The palace unicorn
A pond setting for guests complete with table and chairs

Europe » Austria » Salzburg October 18th 2023

Up early breakfast and on the bus to Salzburg 3 hours and arrived at 11 am … a great guide gave us lots of local information and saw the scenery en route…. Our guide gave us a great walking tour of the Sound of Music sights and the cities history and architecture…. Had some free time bought our usual souvenir pins and some chocolates and met at the bridge 1pm and on the bus to drive up the mountain overlooking Salzburg for lunch …. Amazing view and a show with Sound of Music recreations enjoyed lunch of traditional Austrian food and back on the bus to make the 3 hour journey back to the boat …. Enjoyed cocktails and our last meal on the boat all feeling a little down and tired after a long day ... read more

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Salzburg September 5th 2023

Yesterday we spent most of the day at the Schoenbrunn Palace, Vienna's answer to Versailles. Originally the emperor used it as a summer palace, but the last few lived there full time, right up to the abdication of the last emperor in 1918. We toured the state rooms, which are highly decorative in an 18th/19th century way. Unfortunately, no photos allowed inside. Like Versailles, the palace is surrounded by huge, beautifully designed grounds. We spent a couple of hours exploring the paths and looking in bemusement at the faux Roman ruins and strange fountains. Back in central Vienna we had our best dinner yet at a (mainly) vegetarian restaurant. They did veg variations on some standard Austrian dishes, such as the mushroom schnitzel I had. Very delicious! Today we took the train to Salzburg and spent ... read more

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Salzburg July 24th 2023

July 24, 2023 – The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music It’s Monday morning and I wake up and rollover. I’m dead tired. Kirsten has already walked to the bakery and returned with our breakfast bread. I hear her call from the kitchen, ok everyone get up we have another busy day and we need to be on the road to Salzburg by 9:30 am. I crawl and I mean crawl out of bed and make my way to the bathroom; I crawl in and out as fast as I can. Once I arrive in the kitchen, Kirsten, Caroline, and Bea are already eating and discussing today adventure to Salzburg. On our last day in Berchtesgaden, Kirsten planned to visit to Salzburg, you know where the movie Sound of Music was filmed. The Hills ... read more
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IMG_4800 Large.

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Salzburg May 8th 2023

From the NY Times: The war in Ukraine has transformed Europe more profoundly than any event since the Cold War’s end in 1989. A peace mentality, most acute in Germany, has given way to a dawning awareness that military power is needed in the pursuit of security and strategic objectives. A continent on autopilot, lulled into amnesia, has been galvanized into an immense effort to save liberty in Ukraine, a freedom widely seen as synonymous with its own. No more so than my last trip to Europe in November, the war has changed Europe forever. And I think it has changed many of us across the ocean as well. I now hesitate to visit countries on the Russian and Ukrainian border. I see more armed soldiers than just about any time since the Cold War. In ... read more
EU map

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Zell am See August 14th 2022

Am Sonntag war wolkenloser Sonnenschein und wir fuhren mit dem Auto die Großglocknerstraße bis zu ihrem Ende. Wie vielfach auch andernorts gemeldet ist der dortige Gletscher etwas kleiner geworden. Wir machten eine kurze Kaffeepause und im Gegensatz zu Zell am See am Vortag waren hier weniger Araber. Anschließend kehrten wir wieder zurück, durchquerten Kaprun und erreichten die Bahnstation zum Kitzsteinhorn. Bis zur letzten Station war die Fahrt in 4 Abschnitte und jeweiligem Umsteigen geteilt. Auch hier waren wir oben im Restaurant und die Aussicht war sagenhaft. Abends aßen wir im Hotel dann wieder zu Abend und waren auch in der Bar.... read more
Fahrt zum Großglockner.

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Zell am See August 13th 2022

Letztes verlängertes Wochenende waren meine Mutter und ich in Zell am See. Am Samstag fuhr meine Begleitung mit dem 9-Euro-Ticket vom Raum Nürnberg nach München und wir setzten die Fahrt mit dem Auto nach Österreich fort. Die Lage auf der Autobahn hielt sich dabei in Grenzen und nach dem Inntaldreieck wurde es besser. Am Hotel angekommen checkten wir ein und tranken erst einmal Kaffee. Danach nahmen wir den Bus zum Zentrum und spazierten am Seeufer entlang aber auch durch den Ortskern. Dabei fielen insbesondere die vielen Araber auf, zu denen die Einheimischen eine gemischte Beziehung haben. In einem Souvenirladen kaufte ich auch noch ein paar Pinzgauer Delikatessen. Anschließend kehrten wir zum Hotel zurück, wo wir zu Abend aßen und die Bar besuchten.... read more
Spaziergang durch Zell am See.
Spaziergang durch Zell am See.
Spaziergang durch Zell am See.

Day sixteen. Up with the larks (by comparison with the rest of the week) it was time to ship out. Ash feasted on bled cake for breakfast (when you've got to eat all the food before you go you can be forgiven) and we loaded up the car, got our sunglasses on (no rain today) did one last check of the apartment and headed to the beach for one last paddle. The danger flies joined us as we sat for one final drink at the beach bar, Seth and I ate giant ice creams (god's honest truth Seth made me, he'd got to the kiosk and ordered me a Siberian blueberry before I'd even got up from my chair as he wanted me to have one as well!) Finally bidding farewell to the beach and the ... read more

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