Blogs from Encamp, Andorra, Europe


Europe » Andorra » Encamp August 13th 2019

Aujourd’hui était le dernier jour avec Christine, elle prend la route demain pour Madrid, avant de me rejoindre à Barcelone dans une semaine. Je n’ai pas fais de blogue ces derniers jours car j’ai promené ma visite à des endroits déjà présentés. Ce qu’il y a de différent: les restos! Aujourd’hui, nous sommes arrêtées à un bon restaurant dans Encamp, au pied du Funicamp. C’était très bon, et le propriétaire nous envoyait sans arrêt ses serveurs avec des digestifs (total : 8)! C’était très drôle car juste avant, une famille de Paris nous avait payé des espressos en haut de la pente de ski... y’a des jours comme ça je suppose... ... read more
2è tournée
4è tournée
pizzas 4 fromages

Europe » Andorra » Encamp August 4th 2019

Bon, aujourd’hui, je me suis réveillée beaucoup trop tôt (vers 7:45h). C’est trop tôt pour le dimanche! Les premiers humains croisés sur le chemin = à 9:30h! J’ai décidé d’aller faire un tour de funiculaire dans une station de ski... prise 3. Arrivée au kiosque d’info touristique, le monsieur m’informe : c’est gratuit aujourd’hui! C’est qu’il y avait une course de vélo, donc trop de monde : bénévoles, supporteurs, et bien-sûr les vélos dand les cabines pour redescendre! Yahhoo, j’ai donc gardé mon 10 euros pour acheter mon 4è livre, un Star Wars. Le dernier sorti. C’est mon 4è dimanche ici, 4è semaine, 1 livre par semaine. Arrivée en haut, j’ai voulu prendre un sentier, mais un gros chien blanc gardien de brebis m’a fait faire demi-tour. C’est que ses brebis étaient toutes dans un mini ... read more
plus de vaches que d’humains
Au loin : Pas de la Casa/France

Europe » Andorra » Encamp July 29th 2019

Aujourd’hui, journée rando #4! Mon point d’arrivée, le lac d’Engolasters, n’était pas du tout mon objectif du jour. En fait, je n’avais pas d’idée où j’allais. Raison : dans le merveilleux monde des trails, la réalité est qu’il y a tellement de possibilités de chemins (cami/camins) dans les montagnes, qu’on peut marcher à l’infini sans passer 2X à la même place. Et à la grosseur des montagnes ici, il peut y avoir des trails sur plusieurs faces d’une même montagne. Ce qui fait que j’ai toujours beaucoup trop d’options, mais il n’y a pas une source qui les regroupe tous. Donc, me voilà avec : 1. Le guide du pays, 2. Mon guide du UK, 3. Les camins de chaques paroisses, et 4. Toutes les autres options. La rando d’aujourd’hui a commencée sur le Cami La ... read more
Mirador Les Fonts
Lac d’Engolasters

Europe » Andorra » Encamp February 19th 2016

We booked the busticket apart and then hotel, ski pass, snowboard rental and classes with (very cheap and recommendable) - Took the bus from Sants, short busride for me since I once again managed to sleep most of the way. Arrival in Andorra de la Vella late, no more busses so we split a taxi to Encamps where our hotel (Hotel Oro) was. We checked in and went almost straight to bed. Next morning we got up very early, went for the not very good at all breakfast but it kept us full till lunch. Went up to the Funicamp with a short bus ride in the free shuttle bus, picked up my gear and then took the Funicamp up - very amazing view and super sunny weather! We had to try and make it ... read more
Andorra 002
Andorra 006
Andorra 008

Europe » Andorra » Encamp March 6th 2012

My adventures in Andorra and Carcassonne began with a cheap flight from Manchester. I landed in Girona, Spain and diligently waited the next morning for one of only two buses per day to take me to Andorra. There was no internet site and no pre-booking so I just had to hope a seat was available. I was in luck and spent the next 4 hours on a bus ride through the Spanish countryside and up into the mountains of the Pyrenees mountains. I stayed for two nights in the Cisco Hotel, right in the heart of the medieval section of Andorra la Vella. The first day I went for a great hike around a path that encircled the entire valley. I saw some cool buildings and bridges along the way and had a fancy tapas style ... read more
Andorra la Vella
Casa de la Vell, Andorra la Vella
Casa de la Vell, Andorran Parliament

Europe » Andorra » Encamp November 25th 2011

From Paressiene bussle and smog And to avoid the eternal fog Venture we did to warmer towns To the great Carcassonne; city of crowns Where kings and knights once did meet Along winding alleys and grand royal street Then up to where the air is clear Pyrennes mountains scattered with deer Near a lake in frosty Andorra We studied the beautiful fauna and flora It was then my car keys did disappear We scowered the snow far and near As we descended we couldn't be sure But a eagle was clasping them by its claw As it widened its brilliant span And sawed through the sky as well it can They jingled and jangled as he ascended Where mid-air my keys were pended Down they came at a terrible pace To a dismayed look upon my ... read more
Fanny running free
Corner Towers at Carcassonne
View over Castle

Europe » Andorra » Encamp September 4th 2010

When it's a country... Andorra so far as I can tell is one big 40km hill, of which I am just over half way up currently in the town of Canillo (at 5,000ft). Not quite the epic collection of cols as with yesterday, but still enough climbing to make everything hurt again and just enough descending to make it all seem worthwhile. As with yesterday the route was just shy of 100 miles, although a mere 10,300 feet of climbing compared with about 13,400 yesterday. My knees are shattered so it's fortunate that tomorrow finishes at sea level, though still a couple of mountain passes to say goodbye to the Pyrenees. On Tuesday my ride is only meant to be 75 miles and pretty flat, so if I can get that far I'll at least have ... read more
Andorra to Perpignan 2
Andorra to Perpignan 3
Andorra to Perpignan 4

Europe » Andorra » Encamp March 14th 2010

Today in Andorra we had the opportunity to experience a calçotada, a popular gastronomical event held around this time where calçots, a type of green onion, are consumed in large quantities. Somewhat milder than onions but looking like thinner versions of leeks, calçots are native to eastern Spain and not really consumed anywhere else. The tenderness of the long, center is achieved by planting the onion bulbs in trenches and successively increasing the depth of the soil around the stems throughout autumn and winter as they continue to grow. The catalan verb calçar apparently means literally to cover the trunk or bottom of plant with dirt, hence the onion's name calçot The calçots are barbecued in large quantities over fire, then served - today they were divvied out and wrapped in newspapers. Once you receive your ... read more
My calcots with half-eaten sausage
Outdoor grills
Wrapping up the calcots

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