yaron and hagit's Guestbook

5th July 2019
Liya getting rasta hair

Not "rasta" hair...
Those are cornrows and they are an ancient African hair grooming style.
From Blog: Pacific Vacation
9th April 2019
Bangkok - Weekend market

Do you know of any way to purchase items from these people ?
8th May 2016
 Neuschwanstein Castle Germany

Neuschwanstein castle
would love to have this photo to frame for our home. We where there 2 years ago but it was rainy and cloudy. Love your photo !!!
22nd August 2015
Canaries, St Lucia

Incorrect name
Hi again...this is Anse La Raye and not Canaries...
22nd August 2015
Anes La Raye, St Lucia

Incorrect name
Hi there...this is an image of Roseau Beach and not Anse Lay Raye....
13th January 2013
Hoarse hear nebula  - I

Stunning :)
All your photos in this blog are great, but I really didn't expect a Nebula! Wow.
23rd December 2012

Well written, interesting, inspiring and amusing, with a touch of poetry. The photos are excellent and several of them are stunning.
8th December 2012

You're amazing! and so are your destinations!
How do you guys take off for 2 months? I can hardly get away for two weeks... On our last trip we needed a van (not minivan), and before that had an RV. With 7 it gets a bit difficult to fit into standard hotel rooms and vehicles... Happy Hanukkah!
8th December 2012

Anything you do with 7 gets my admiration
Happy Hanukkah
8th December 2012

What about Kindergarten???!!!!
Loved this entry! Reading about your adventures with your beautiful family was the perfect way to start my morning here in cold Illinois. Your kids are awesome and these trips are molding some serious future wanderlusters.....
7th December 2012

Oh My God and Jesus!
Its worth all the work though, right?
From Blog: North Island
8th December 2012

Of course :)
Worth every Miniut
From Blog: North Island
4th December 2012

Thanks for a comprehensive report on...
camper vanning in New Zealand with 2 children. Our average daily cost for transportation (rental car and gas), hotel room, and food for our family was US$266. What is is working out for you using a van and probaby cooking most meals in the van?
From Blog: North Island
5th December 2012

Probably more expensive. The camper is 280 nzd and foor and gas is extra
From Blog: North Island
4th December 2012

freedom camping
About half of our cross america camper trip was based on freedom camping. Apart from once, when we parked near a house in Jasper village inside Jasper NP , when the officer woke us up, but eventually just told us to move (it was already 7AM) our camper instead of giving us a ticket, in all other times it was great. Even downtown Seatle , Santa Fe and more, turned up to be good spots. All you have to do afterwards, is to go to www.sanidumps.com to find the closest dump station.
From Blog: North Island
23rd November 2012

Beautiful Blog :)
Lovely blog really enjoyed reading this. May have to swing by Vanuatu's islands one day...sorry you were too mellow to get stoned :D lifes good when that happens!
From Blog: Pacific Vacation
22nd November 2012

You are on a great adventure as always
Love your story telling and impressions . Waiting for the next edition of your blog.
From Blog: Pacific Vacation
17th November 2012
bicycle made for 5

Wow, you're amazing! Mazal tov for the baby! How old?
From Blog: Ready, set, go
17th November 2012

Mixed feelings
I admire you. I hate you. I'm so jealous. I don't envy you one cent. I wish I were there with you. No way I'm leaving home. I know exactly how you feel. I have no idea how you're doing it. ...Just keep doing cool things and writing about it.
From Blog: Acclimatization
15th July 2012
Kashgar - main Bazzar

I've been looking through your photography. Its WONDERFUL!! So glad I found you guys! I will be following....
From Blog: Kashgaria
14th April 2012

Need loads of info plz
8 countries?? God ! I am jealous.. plz plz share the information.....we readers must benefit from your journey & experience... :) where all did u stay? Need a list of places too... did anyone organise the local travel / tours for you? plz share ... thanks :)
1st December 2011
View from the entrence to Eisriesenwelt

Gorgeous shot!
Love it.
11th October 2011

Enjoyed your shopping
When I started reading my mind was racing quickly to decide what it was you would purchase at the Safeway. I would never have imaged the bounty that you selected....I sat here laughing. You are right-- the junk food in America is the best. Let us know if you get back to SF. Love to hook up with you.
11th October 2011
Kashgar - main Bazzar

Hi Yaron and Hagit, Saw this one on the front page earlier. Great photo - well done!
From Blog: Kashgaria
15th September 2011
Soup Bowl beach, Barbados

Grandparents are the best
I have relatives (two sisters) how have such a great system for this- at least once a year, when they go on vacation (usually a week in Eilat), they have the grandparents come with them at the same time, but they stay in a different hotel! the four kids are with the grandparents most of the day (except for meals, which they often eat together, and night-time), the parents get their much-needed rest, and everyone is happy. Tan-line on your feet from the sandals- waaaay to long since I had that. Though the kids have it now, and I'm jealous...

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