African Safaris


African Safaris

Timeless Travel Africa offers unique African wildlife safaris, mountaineering treks, cultural experiences, historical site visits and beach holiday escapes exclusively in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique & Seychelles.We are passionate about our wildlife, tribal cultures and all of the mystical treasures that Tanzania has to offer and this makes us proud to present it to you.

The combined experiences of the Timeless Travel team demonstrates a concise understanding of wildlife behaviors, practical local knowledge of culture and history and dedication to each individual adventure – All of which create a ‘special’ experience. !

Africa » Tanzania March 3rd 2015

Tanzania is home to many of nature’s most spectacular creations. Among them – Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s roof top and the world’s highest free standing mountain. The Ngorongoro Crater– the largest crater in the world, and a vast amphitheatre teeming with game. The Serengeti Plains – home to an estimated 3 million animals covering an area of 12,950 square kilometers.Get closer to wildlife & local culture & explore from the Serengeti to Kilimanjaro. Tanzania is one of the world’s greatest safari destinations. Known for its rich culture, and diverse landscapes, the country boasts a wildlife population that is unparalleled on the African continent. The country’s game viewing experiences are widely regarded as the best in Africa. url=http:... read more
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