rferrebee's Guestbook

5th September 2021

Hugs Ice Cream Sign
Um.....What about Bear Hugs.......Corey Hamrick!
29th August 2021

I'm Getting Excited!
The place you are staying looks great! I hope the trip is not work!!! Enjoy this round of your life. Did you get to the Redwoods? Awesome what God can do! I like Russell Wilson. I didn't know you were related. I don't care for the Sea Hawks fans. They are blood thirsty, in my opinion. I am truly enjoying the blog. PLEASE , PLEASE FISH IN THE COLUMBIA RIVER, TERRY AND DAN. Hi Karen! Love you all, Nanci
26th August 2021

Closer to "Home"
The pics are wonderful! Getting closer to my part of the country. Can't wait until you hit the Redwoods! You're gonna love it! Thanks for sharing! Love you, be safe!
18th August 2021

Betty’s Wonder
As I read these blogs to Betty she smiles and will ask questions. Of course she loved the pictures of her boys the most. And Becki, Devils tower pic is frame worthy! Praying for y’all
3rd March 2016

Quite the journey
Thanks for sharing. It felt as though I was there. I really liked that you included the Bible verses. Cannot wait to see some additional pictures. Great Blog??
15th February 2016

Enjoy, be sure Anita behaves.
4th February 2011

I loved your pictures. Not sure if I will have any. Jack Chang is checking my memory card. Lord, I know you can work through this problem. Enjoyed meeting you. Call me if you ever wnat to do something. Barbara Quinet
3rd February 2011

Becky - Thank you so much for sharing this with us. The pictures are amazing. They were so touching to me - I can't even imagine actually being there and experiencing that. I'll bet Mr. Richie was the life of the party. WOW! Again thank you for taking the time to do this so we can share in this too!!l
2nd February 2011

Great Pics!
Again, the pictures are just great! I never thought there was a church more beautiful than St. Peters Cathedral in NYC. But now I see there is. What a glorious place! Have safe trip home. We will be anxiously awaiting your arrival. Missed you. Nanci
1st February 2011
Photo 31

Love It!
We all rolled when we saw this picture...
1st February 2011

Great Pix!
Loved the pictures; the rainbow, ibex, hyrex, camels....all were terrific! And loved your account of what happened at Masada; awe-inspiring! Thanks so much for taking the time to share.
1st February 2011
Photo 12

That is incredible! How wonderful!
31st January 2011

Actually looked good to me. But then again, I share Larry's appetite. It appears you're having a GREAT time! Thanks for sharing.....God Bless and stay safe
From Blog: Sea of Galilee
31st January 2011

Just dropping in to say hello. Looks like you are having a lot more fun than I am right now. I'd love to be there. Enjoy! Joe
31st January 2011

Once again, your blogs are the BEST! This trip with you has been very moving. I am so impressed with the churches, landscapes, architecture. I was so interested in the boat that was discovered and uncovered in the Sea of Galilee. Your trip to the River Jordan and the re-affirmation of your baptism moved me more than you will ever know. I loved the picture of the camel too! Becki, continue to have a safe journey. I know as well as anyone..."Life with Becki is an ADVENTURE!" Best wishes and hello to all my friends who are taking this journey with you. Love, Nanci
31st January 2011
Photo 17

Hello Quinet Family!
Glad to see all of you having a good time over there.... Love the Picture of you guys, Barb & Heather....
31st January 2011

Larry Richie...
It's obvious that Larry's true talents were clearly evident during this day's activities. I was laughing out loud at some of the pictures! And as is the case with each day's blog, some of the pictures were just awe-inspiring.
31st January 2011

Becki: Just talked to you on the phone as I was perusing your blog. Your pictures are amazing! They're especially meaningful because I know so many of the people in them. Your descriptions and accounts of everything that's going on are vivid, too. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
From Blog: Sea of Galilee
31st January 2011

I'm so glad you're doing this blog and I can follow along! Wish I was there! Sounds awesome. I am curious. Is anyone talking about what is happening in Egypt? It's all over the news here.
30th January 2011

Cool !
Thanks again for a wonderful vicarious thrill ! It's almost like being there! Your pictures are great - the churches are really beautiful... Be safe!
30th January 2011

Just beautiful, thanks for sharing. ENJOY
28th January 2011

Good lookin'
What a good lookin' crew! Have a great time for all of us who couldn't go! I'll be closely following you...
From Blog: At the Airport
28th January 2011
Photo 28

Great! Love it!!! Thinking of you guys everyday Great job with the blog Beck. Very interesting read! Tell Larry, Pat and Wild Bill hey for me!
From Blog: Sea of Galilee
28th January 2011

toooo much fun
You guys are in for a blast . . . what a great group to travel with! Have fun, stay safe . . . I'll be watching!
From Blog: At the Airport

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