oldlowesontour's Guestbook

16th April 2023

Welcome home
What a trip ! It's been great fun reading about your adventures and your resolve/resilience. Where next ...?
2nd April 2023

Thanks for letting us follow you on the side
Hi Jan and Pete It's been so exciting to follow you adventures. You do daring things and write so well about it with a cliffhanger every time - can't wait to to read the next one. All the best from Ellen and Jens
8th April 2023

Thankyou Jens and Ellen for your encouraging comment
Thanks for travelling with us via the blog and we are glad you have enjoyed reading it. You know that we can make even the most mundane day seem like an adventure! We are always ready to host you in UK.....XX
29th March 2023
Didn't look like a Police car until you spotted the 4 aerials on the roof, and the blue lights started flashing....

I have just read a batch of your blogs all at once. Crikey o riley. I am completely exhausted just imagining it all. Someone should definitely make a film of your trip.... xx
30th March 2023
Didn't look like a Police car until you spotted the 4 aerials on the roof, and the blue lights started flashing....

Thanks for reading the blog Kate
You know that I can always make a drama out of a slight mishap!
30th March 2023
Didn't look like a Police car until you spotted the 4 aerials on the roof, and the blue lights started flashing....

Thanks for reading the blog Kate
You know that I can always make a drama out of a slight mishap!
30th March 2023
Didn't look like a Police car until you spotted the 4 aerials on the roof, and the blue lights started flashing....

Thanks for reading the blog Kate
You know that I can always make a drama out of a slight mishap!
21st March 2023
We'll deffo be alright now Jamie's got his specs on....

Are you stark raving mad??!
Suggest a nice trip to The Maldives for your next holiday! Love to you all, Nick x
19th March 2023

You can’t leave us hanging on like that
Not really a Neilson holiday experience then….. Jumanji comes to mind. Waiting with baited breath for the next instalment … if there is to be one. Go the Lowes!
15th March 2023

Hi Jan and Pete So good to follow your experiences. They make memories from our half year in NZ 26 years ago.with 6 year old Anna get alive. Wish you all the best Ellen and Jens from Denmark
17th March 2023

Hi Jens and Ellen so good to hear from you! We'll be back in April and always ready for our delayed visit from you to UK! Love to you both xx
14th March 2023

Making our holiday look so prosaic! Continue with the adventures and blog
17th March 2023

Thanks Ian, were certainly having a good time in this beautiful country. Back soon! Jan and Pete xx
14th March 2023

What an oar deal
Great to read that you were finally able to get underway. Best wishes from Doha.
17th March 2023

Haha thanks for the comment Al. What a beautiful country this is! Please tell Lynette! Xxx
26th February 2023

Holy smoke you are RIGHT, what a country.
I am so delighted - as, I'm sure, are your family - that you're somewhere so safe and normal... after all, what's a cyclone, landslips, raging floods and a 6.8 earthquake for anyone who caught the very last flight out of Ecuador? I LIKE the sound of those electric bikes but will put no money at ALL on Pete getting one. Until he's 95 at least. Very big hugs to you both and an EXTRA SPECIALLY HUGE one for Jamie Lowe! xxx
20th February 2023

Pie! Tell us about the pie!
Glad you are both safe from cyclones and earthquakes, and did not attempt a canoe voyage down the raging torrent! Loved the pies in NZ, amazing range of yum options. Good pie shop in Rotorua, what sort of pie was it Pete?
17th March 2023

Hi Neil currently steak and kidney with pepper is the fave .....xxxx
14th February 2023

Looks like uit is going to be 'interesting'!
11th February 2023

only my 3rd attempt to leave a comment...
Have you arrived, or are you in Australia having been beaten back by the waves over Auckland airport? perhaps still on a plane 5 days later? Maybe still in immigration with a mud-flecked tent peg? wherever you are I hope ti's dry, and that Notso made it through with all his important bits. xx
8th February 2023

So good to hear from you again
Hi Jan and Pete What a great surprise hearing from you again. And New Zealand - so lovely. When we traveled there 25 years ago with our 6 year old daughter Anna for half a year with a tent in an old Mazda, we said to each other that if we ever had to emigrate, New Zealand would be the place to go. So relaxed and welcoming people and such a beautiful country. Only good memories from that trip. Especially the Tongariro Crossing stands back as one of the most stunning experiences of my whole life. So: we wish you all the best and are seeing foreword to learn more about your experiences. Ellen and Jens
8th February 2023

Mange Tout et Bonnet de Douche
Hope the floods have receded and that you are soon paddling. I've a cousin in Hawera who I am sure would wring you out if the weather stays challenging. Take care and enjoy ! L&A x
20th March 2020

Wow - amazing job well done!!
So glad to hear you made it home - what a close shave. You do like to have a thrill when away don't you. Completing on our Devon purchase on Tues. Teleconference with Tom's employers this am to discuss the near death experience at training (been off 2/12 with PTSD). Busy times for all. Love to you both N&T xx
20th March 2020

Someone was looking out for you
Goodness talk about serendipity - if you hadn't lost your key you wouldn't have spoken to the landlord and you would indeed have been in Baeza for the next few months. What an incredible ending to a wonderful trip. Coming back with a sack of Ecuadorian lentils and pasta, and an unexpected love of the French, has to be a bonus. I just hope you turned all the lights off as you left... Good to have you home! x

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