mr mink's Guestbook

30th October 2013

A great relief
Its a relief to visit a place where God is woman.
14th June 2013

BBQ seafood is where it\'s at bro! ;)
9th June 2013
Hashidate seafood lunch

Nice photo
Always good to go with seafood.
11th March 2013

Sounds as if you are working hard at your culturfication there in Adelaide. John
1st October 2012

And we banned Guy Fawkes
Wow! What a wild whizzymagoo! I have heard of a similar dangerous rocket event in Taiwan when moving a local god from his temple to visit the village. Keep up the great anthropoligical studies. John
27th September 2012

Flame throwers!
Hi Mike, Loved your thoughts on "industrial strength, on fireworks, he he. Man that is one crazy festival, love all the photo's, you felt right there, ouch! Wonder if the local hospital had more visitors that night? Thanks for the Madrid postcard, lovely shot. Love Huddo and girls.
25th September 2012

Yes, The Guggenheim
Actually, it's part of the museum building: "There is a massive concrete tiled structure next to the bridge which mimics the Gugg - not sure whether Gehry designed that as well to go with it."
21st September 2012

Hi Mike, Phew! the bus and train travels that you fit in, unreal. The bus? that sounded like one to stay on for a fair while, he he. Thought the Bilbao skyscraper shot in there was really good. The Guggenheim shots were just fantastic,the night view, my favourite. The Bilbao metro station looked impressive as well. Have a grand time in Zaragoza. Love Huddo and girls.
18th September 2012

Burgos and Hotel.
Hi Mike, Wow that is some Hotel stay there, and good value. Take my hat off to the Denmark couple, some walk! The Cathedral photo's were brilliant, the ceiling ones was superb, plus El Cid flying into full battle as well. Love Huddo.
17th September 2012

Cheesed off.
Hi Mike, Yes I have commented on your cheese platter privately! Great shot from your hotel room, loss of notebook? how annoying. Love Huddo.
17th September 2012

Bull indeed.
Hi Mike, Having been to one of those "events" myself, yes it is indeed a very, very personal view of the event itself. However! as a Sportsperson myself, the bulls are "fighters" but they have little chance in the long run, despite the artistry. Photo's superb as usual, thank you. Love Huddo.
12th September 2012

Zamora, and more.
Hi Mike, The Cathedral, and those "black tapestries" sounded pretty interesting, the photo of the KKK clones was really good. The carved wooden statues were another great shot. Love Huddo.
6th July 2012
Independence Hall - Jay poses

i'm so curious about the fact that australia has that cold winter. when i was in nz 10 years ago, it just rained warmly during the whole winter! whatever, glad that you had a great and hard travel that made u lose ur weight! haha btw there are the exact same places where i've been during this trip too such as jeonju hanok village and busan. well i didn't like the village, but i loved that awesome bean sprout soup with rice, which we call it 'kongnamul gukbap'! i still miss the food that i had during the trip. lol and if u have a facebook acount, add me 'jeong woo kim', with a handsome profile picture taken in ktx :D if you don't, i will just keep visiting this blog .
9th July 2012
Independence Hall - Jay poses

doing the Facebook thing?
Jay, I do not really "do" Facebook - although I have a listing there, it is really only to see very occasionally the stuff other people I know put on there. There are about 8 Michael Hudsons on there - but my snap there is the same anonymous @ 5 year old as on this blog. The situation is the same for multiple "jeong woo kim" in Korea - sorry I did not find which one is you. However due to privacy concerns I am over Facebook timelines and stuff so would rather you sent me a private email to: happy to talk via there.
3rd July 2012
Independence Hall - Jay poses

finally i found you!
what a long trip! i just finished my trip toward all around korea. did you get back to australia?
5th July 2012
Independence Hall - Jay poses

back in Australia-land indeed
Hi Jay - glad you found it (the blog). Hope you enjoyed your trip ard Korea as much as I did. I arrived back only yesterday 4 July - and believe me it is rather cold here! 15 degrees max today (but sunny) makes a change from 30 in Seoul and Gyeongju that is for sure. Last winter was quite warm but I am told that winter here is colder this year. I look forward to coming back to Korea and seeing all the bits I missed - and of course the lovely food. Even though I think I lost 3kg in weight I think this is mainly the travel. All the best post-military and hope you find all that you are looking for. I will likely post one final wrap-up blog post on Korea so keep reading!
2nd July 2012

33 steps.
Hi Mike, Buddah's out of bounds on photo's, very respective. Some beautiful photo's there. The lanterns, the lotus flowers, and the bike and rice paddy in the background was really good, a symbol perhaps. The locals get right into "Action Jackson" hiking on the weekends! Huddo.
2nd July 2012

Fistfull of dollars.
Hi Mike, Love the Dollar motel, outside, and the corridor. The Gyeongju "theme" room, looked like a young Sophia Loren. Rather you than me with the bus scheduling, and working them all out. Huddo.
29th June 2012

Hi Mike, Had not heard of David LaChapelle's work, M.J. shot looked very interesting. The day shot of the Gwangan Bridge reminded me of the Auckland bridge a tad, and how Mum used to call it the Nippon "clip-on" after extensions. Nice shot of the copper hoods, and 10 scallops! plus extra's to eat, watch the waistline! The night shots were great, also the Gwangan Bridge looking back to Hi-Rise buildings. Love Huddo and girls.
29th June 2012

Mountain climbing.
Hi Mike, Phew that was some hike up Geumjeongsa. The views were superb, and the photo's of the rocks and tree's were dramatic with the view. The snake one was a beauty, could do with that in OZ. Your late finish off the mountain top was a classic. Great shot of the cable-car view, and the "suits" over looking the beach tatts? They should have been at your smorgasboard! Love Huddo and girls.
28th June 2012

Lord of the Manor.
Hi Mike, The Gimhae shot looked indeed like Hong Kong! Jap food must have been ordinary for you not too comment. Surprised to hear of the Baguette baker shops in plenty. The spam supermarket signs, and product were out there! Huddo.
28th June 2012

Hi Mike, Quite an adventure seeing Ilchulbong. That was some view, blow the fillings out of your teeth! The black pork dinner looked and sounded a beauty, the size of the meals! they do not seem to like single diners, why? Huddo.
27th June 2012

Lava King.
Hi Mike, The Manjanggul lava cave sounded unreal. The photo of the depth and height, said a lot. Great photo's of the sunset and dusk, blowing a gale! You may have to "adjust" to normal food when home perhaps! Love Huddo and girls.
26th June 2012

Bobos, and Chinese.
Hi Mike, Bobos looked pretty flash, and your "worst" meal made the other feasts you have had, look pretty good! Your flight to Busan was cheap! that was good value. The breake blueberry buns looked tasty. Huddo.
24th June 2012

Slow times.
Hi Mike, How cool is that, a slow city, like the snail concept. Great you meet Martin and others on the road. The cut-outs on the Movie house were really good. Loved the ferry shots, watch that parking! Huddo.

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