Leah Orvis


Leah Orvis

Welcome to my blog!!

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh July 25th 2014

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein Karunalayam Care & Support Centre: July 21-24, 2014 It still shocks me to think sometimes that I am in India right now. I am currently sitting on a balcony, surrounded by flies and listening to the daily business of locals from Karunalayam. I hear ladies laughing as they clean up after afternoon tea in the dining area of the guest house we are staying at. I see a woman holding her baby and she hangs laundry and talks with an elderly man in Telugu, the local language. Men zip by on the motorcycles heading this way and that as a little boy strolls along riding a peddle ... read more
Men's Ward
Back again

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad July 20th 2014

"All power is within you. You can do anything and everything. Believe in that." - Swami Vivekananda Primary Health Care: July 14-19, 2014 On our first day at CHAI headquarters, we were told that India is like 2 countries in 1. One country that houses the wealthy and prosperous while the other that shelters the poor and needy. It is a curious thing to be driving down the street and see a beautiful glass building that allows you to see the expensive cars for sale in it's interior right beside a row of shelters half caved in and homes made from tarps. Poverty is real. Taking the form of beggars knocking on your car window, children prancing around in costumes asking for money if you take a photo and cripples curled up on the side of ... read more
School children in the village
JMJ college of nursing
Planting trees for the "clean green" program

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad July 19th 2014

"Life, often literally, hangs upon these moments." - Florence Nightingale The day is warm and humid. Small droplets of rain dance around as they hint at a storm that is to come. I sit on the steps in front of the three-bed guest room I have been sharing with two other new graduate nurses from Canada. As I look out into the courtyard I see young, quiet girls walking past in groups of two and three. Some pause to wave, say the Hindu greeting "Namaste" or just smile in my general direction; others say nothing at all but continue on their way to keep up with the strict daily schedule. There are many requirements of an Indian nurse. During her studies, she (or he - we saw a very few male students) has a schedule from ... read more
Saris and scrubs
Photo Campaign
India Needs Femanism

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Hyderabad » Secunderabad July 13th 2014

"People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centred. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway. People favour underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them. Help people anyway. Give the world the best you have and you’ll ... read more
Gurukulapatashala School
Streets of Hyderabad
Urban Primary Health Center

Asia » India » National Capital Territory July 7th 2014

"Used to say I would go, all I know is I'm back in the world again. Back in the world again, it's the only way to be." - David Grey (Mutineers - Back in the world again) The heat is the first thing that hits you. A wave of humidity mixed with pollution and sand that engulfs every inch of you. With temperatures in the high 40's (Celsius) during the day, it's hard to believe that people survived here pre-air conditioning. Even the airport is minimally conditioned and I find myself already sweating through my sweater and long pants that got me through the long 24 hour journey to India. Coming out of the airport, slightly discouraged having just learned that our bags did not arrive with us, my travel companions and I ventured into the ... read more
Mountains of garbage
The Taj Mahal
Breakfast at Krishna's Palace

Africa » Ghana » Western » Humjibre July 25th 2013

I didn't know what to expect from my journey to Ghana. Really, I had no idea of what I was getting myself into. Maybe it was the constant studying and fear of failure from my nursing studies that kept my mind preoccupied with seemingly more vital day-to-day tasks; or maybe it was the daily reminder of my bodily deformities and chronic pain that left me wondering if I would be well suited for such a physical adventure; or maybe it was the ugly blackness of depression looming over me that made me believe that I was not good enough; whatever it was, I was fully unprepared to leave the comforts of home and head to Africa - and so, expected little. In truth, Africa was never on my list of places to visit in my lifetime. ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Western » Humjibre April 7th 2013

Time. I’ve heard it said that “time is a valuable thing”. We have too much time or too little time; time goes by too fast or too slow; people are too busy or too lazy. Well, these past few months – maybe the past year even - I feel like I just haven’t had enough TIME. I can’t believe how I have managed to compile everything into the last month. First there’s the things that actually needed to be DONE: finishing my courses, writing exams, moving out of my apartment, planning (and the cancelling due to weather) a fundraising event, visiting Ottawa, going to my family’s cottage, and trying to gather everything that I need for this trip. Then, there are the mental challenges: keeping my brain charged while studying for exams, battling anxiety, and trying ... read more

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Tlacolula December 1st 2011

I promised a certain Dave and Wendy that I wound finish blogging about my travels in Mexico AGES ago; and to be honest, I have had a really difficult time coming up with the words that would end that chapter in my life. I returned home with mixed feelings about everything I had experienced over the previous year. In fact, I am still working through my thoughts and feelings. My foundations were rocked. My beliefs were questioned. My understandings of “self” and “community” were shifted. I came home with an unsatisfied feeling; like I had this pit in my stomach that I couldn’t get rid of but I didn’t know exactly what it was. I wanted to help; but I felt helpless. I wanted to be able to pray; but I didn’t see its effectiveness. I ... read more
Me and Nathan
Baby Dedication
An adventure with mom :)

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Tlacolula September 6th 2011

I had a pet spider once. His name was Jorge. Well, I guess I can’t technically use the term ‘pet’; he was more of an acquaintance who I had a good cohabiting relationship with. Jorge and I agreed upon two things: 1. That he could live in my room as long as he never left the window sill, and 2. That he could eat as many ants as he wanted. This arrangement worked out nicely for both us. You see, I hate ants. They are horrible disgusting critters. A spider, with its 8 legs and more then enough eyes, is creepy but at least, in most cases, it works well independently. Ants, on the other hand, work in colonies. COLONIES. That’s a lot of ants. That’s a lot of ants. One bite may not hurt for ... read more
Carolina eating the ant
On top of the sleeping lady
The home from the sleeping lady

North America » Mexico » Oaxaca » Oaxaca May 29th 2011

Imagine like you are standing at the end of the world. Crisp air blows in your face as your toes dangle over the edge of a cliff. Civilization is miles below where you stand. There are no guard rails, no security measures, nothing stopping you from plummeting to your death…. Welcome to Hierve el Agua; literally translated to Boil the Water when, in fact, there are no boiling waters there. It is what they call a petrified waterfall but is, in fact, not a waterfall either. Hierve el Agua is a collection of natural structures called “Cascadas de Sal” or “Salt Cascades” and is formed by natural springs that run over cliffs. Since the water is saturated with calcium carbonate it crystallizes, like that of large stalactites found in caves, and creates the appearance of large ... read more
Natural Infinity Pool
Playing on the wall
Trying to float

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