ilchicag's Guestbook

26th August 2012

Deux Rivieres madness
We went through this area - one of several Quetico trips in the late 70's early 80's. I see it has not changed much. We got stuck in the mud a few times and had to use the canoe for stability, my friend John took a mud bath once - poor guy (LOL). It was a very difficult stretch but was eventually conquered. The bugs were horrible but the fishing was excellent! I highly recommend a trip up there!!!!
18th May 2012
The Pompeii amphitheater

Enjoyed Your Photos of Pompeii
Thank you for your photos of Pompeii. I am dreaming of visiting Pompeii, one day. Good luck with all your other travels, and keep posting photos!
1st November 2011

little traveler
I'm 8 years old. My mom let me read your blog and i really like it. I've wanted to go to the alps for a long time. I liked how you said " We're in the alps in December...go figure it's snowy." I think to go to the alps would be fun to ski on, but I can see you didn't!
9th March 2011

hi Liz
Hmmm, looks like the year 2011 spelled love and charm for many TravelBlogger couples, with 2 pairs getting married, and now you getting engaged. Congratulations to all of you. And thanks so much for sharing these photos (and your story) with us. Truly makes for a good read!
8th March 2011

Superb composition in this photo.
15th February 2011

I'm glad you guys had such a great time in Munich! I just got home from there, I was living in Munich for about 4 months to improve my German and it really is an awesome city! It looks like you got to see all the best sites :) Safe travels - Johnny
15th February 2011

I know what you mean with that Winter weather! I've lived in Germany for the last 4 1/2 months and did a lot of sightseeing in Europe and I felt the same way. It's great with less crowds, but the gloomy weather gets old and really ruins pictures :P I just got back to North Carolina in the United States, where I'm from, and it's sunny everyday :) safe travels!
11th February 2011

Qué bonito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Qué bonito!!!!!!!!!!!! It means "What a lovely place". Really interesting. I was surprised to see the man lighting the candles on the streets. Lovely. Thanks for shareing. Graciela, from Argentina.
5th February 2011

Nice blog
Beautiful photos and nice brief blog about the place. I didn't have Innsbruck on my travel list but will put it there now!
5th February 2011

Wow,very nice place to go!
4th February 2011

Your photos of Innsbruck are amazing! It's definitely going on my 'Must Travel To' list now.
18th December 2010

I love butterfly because they are very very pretty they are cute.It is very interesting.
17th October 2010
Early morning clouds

Early morning clouds
Very nice work. What and exceptional job I capturing this scenic view in the morning with just the right light and serenity of creation.
21st September 2010
Turtle tracks

nice picture....step by step
I like this nice
31st August 2010

I did a similar project too!
Hello, I came across your blogs while at work just browsing...anyway, those baby turtles are so cute! this past march I did a similar project, only flew into San Jose and drove down to san San Ponds, Panama to do sea turtle conservation. I loved it! Only I was there in march which was still too early in the season so i didnt see any baby turtles! but I did see large leatherbacks at night and got to see the eggs and rebury them in the hatchery we had built. I wish I could have stayed longer so I could see them hatch....anyway, great pics, what a great trip!
28th August 2010
NYPD does Times Square

My old beat
In the early 70s I patrolled these streets
19th August 2010

idyllic pic
14th August 2010

Gabe, it is beautiful!! glad you have a travelblog :)
12th May 2010

The Accent
I was gonna chew you out on your use of "lah" in the title of the blog, but I read on and noticed you were simply jesting at being amazing at a boston accent. So instead i'll simply correct it =) we don't say "lah" for law. Lah rhymes too much with Hah (as in Hahvid) to be correct. We say law correctly and if anything overpronounce the w as in "Awe". But honestly I'm glad to hear you liked Boston so much, most of us New Englanders get kind of a bum rap but if weren't for some of us, the're be no US if you know what I mean. It would be awesome if you got to come back and see even more of the city. You've hit the nail on the head, we've got a hometown feel in a city that's got a ton to do for it's size. It's also interesting that you say it's expensive because relative to NYC it's similar or less (especially the rents around the city). I will say that the weather is only for the hardy, and being a native Massachusettsan I love the weather. So many different kinds and the changing of the seasons is spectacular, it really makes you a more well rounded person (I tend to find people from San Diego extremely boring). Anyhow, just glad to hear someone can come here and find the real treasures and see through our cities thick skin.
12th April 2010

Ireland The Beautiful...
Ireland is a welcomming place for all.. The people and very nice and hospitable... u will always feel like going back to Ireland once u go there... Swabi
12th April 2010

Great Tour
It is really a very interesting event to share, I really like the way it is explained.
11th April 2010

Great to see Ireland on the front page! Cool blog. Thanks for being kind to us in it!!
11th April 2010

The sights in those photos are familiar. I used to live near the Guinness Brewery. :)
6th March 2010

wonderful place ,this is haven
From Blog: Aloooooooha!

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