Page 3 of el Jefe Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island April 21st 2018

Another early start but fortunately not a lot of driving today, the inter-island ferry was going to do most of the heavy lifting and then it was only 20 kms or so to our first stop on the South Island, the town of Blenheim...we were heading for the wine region of Marlborough, was looking forward to checking out some vineyards and sampling some vinos! The plan for the South was to do a counter-clockwise tour, starting in Picton and finishing in Christchurch in a little under two weeks...would prove to be a lot of miles and driving but that's the price we had to pay for what we wanted to see and do, and frankly the driving was a big part of the experience...fortunately the South Island provided tons of beautiful scenery, and it didn't take ... read more
Beach at Totaranui Campground, Abel Tasman National Park
Bye-bye Wellington...
Terns in Abel Tasman

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island April 16th 2018

So New Zealand, again a destination that wasn't very high on my list, but after hearing multiple testimonials from fellow travelers, family and friends on how awesome it was we had a serious look and decided, why not? Also discovered this country is absolutely set up for motor-home discovery, and having fallen in love with that concept in Iceland it pretty much sealed the it is pretty far to get to, we decided to add both a week to our usual three weeks and the country of Fiji as well, always like to end on a beach! So the plan was a week on the North Island, two in the South and the final week in Fiji...and with that we arrived in Auckland to see the sun rise, then promptly to the hotel for a ... read more
Pint at the Green Dragon

Asia » China » Tibet » Everest May 8th 2017

Our stay in Lhasa had come to an end and it was now time to get in the van and explore the Friendship Highway and even more importantly Everest Base Camp...while in Nepal we had toyed with the idea of doing the trek to that base camp, but with it clocking in at around two weeks round trip we just didn't want to devote that much of our vacation to it...we did however take a plane tour out of Kathmandu to try and get a peek at the peak, and while we did see it in the distance the tour abruptly came to a halt halfway through as we turned around and headed back to idea why, but with the safety of Nepali airlines being somewhat dubious we were glad to be back on Terra ... read more
Prayer Wheels
Everest and Prayer Flags

Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa May 6th 2017

Great start to Tibet and also starting to get a little more acclimated to the altitude, in hindsight I think the tour was designed in such a way as to do some lighter touring in the first couple of days (with some stairs at the monasteries) before tackling the many steps at the Potala Palace and later on in the week Everest Base Camp... This day was all about the two major sites here in Lhasa: the Potala Palace and Jokhang Temple...neither really needs an introduction, but for the sake of sake the Potala Palace was first built in the 7th century and then rebuilt/added on to by the fifth Dalai Lama in the 17th century, and became the official residence of each successive Dalai Lama and the center of Tibetan government...the palace consists of two ... read more
Decor at Jokhang Temple
Selfie at Potala

Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa May 4th 2017

And away we go! Now that we mostly had our legs beneath us in China, it was time to get on to the main event: Tibet! After a final day of touring Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City in Beijing we made our way in the evening to the train station, next stop Lhasa... We received our tickets and prepared to board the 8pm train, only to discover we were not all together for this portion of the trip...we were all in "hard sleepers", meaning 6 bunks in a "room" with no door, fortunately K and I were in the same berth along with Alex and Kevin, Maria and Jinba were in another car and unfortunately Erin was all by herself in yet another car...her first time to Asia, talk about cultural immersion! A real trooper ... read more
Watching the World Go By
Deprung Monastery

Asia » China » Beijing April 29th 2017

The beginning of a another great adventure.... This trip would prove to be a bit different from our previous excursions; a sizable chunk of it would be with an organized tour which we typically don't do, and geographically this would be all over the proverbial map and returning to a couple of previous destinations...starting here in Beijing, then taking a 40 hour train ride west to Tibet (okay, still technically China but I cannot call it other than Tibet), finishing the tour in Kathmandu Nepal, hopping over to Bangkok Thailand and finally some R&R on the tiny island of Ko Samet three hours or so south of Bangkok...yep, a little bit of everything... The focus of this trip was really Tibet, a land both K and I had long had a desire to visit...but with the ... read more
Lovely K at Tiananmen Square
Shrubbery at Tiananmen Square
Moi at Great Leap Brewery

North America » United States » New York » New York November 11th 2016

Touched down at Newark's Liberty International on Friday morning with "I Love New York City" by Andrew WK pinging in my head; hadn't been able to shake it the week leading up to our weekend getaway to the Big had been more than fourteen years since I was here last and I couldn't wait to get back into the fray and see what had been going on in my absence... I had been here three times before, all with my good mate Ken, and each time provided plenty of epic adventures and stories (with one or two still lore in NYC after all these years...haha...they will not be recounted here for the sake of time, and more importantly to protect the somewhat guilty...). And so it was Ken and I again and this time we ... read more
Lady Liberty
Canal Street
Times Square

Europe » Netherlands » North Holland » Amsterdam September 13th 2016

After a wonderful trip around Iceland it was now time for a quick add-on to Amsterdam before our return home...we originally thought the ten days in Iceland would be enough (in hindsight we could have spent longer but were still satisfied with the amount we saw) so decided a three day hang here would be a nice way to wrap the trip up, and it was! Arrived to a beautiful sunny day and more importantly an unexpected heatwave...temps were near 30C, which is unusual for Amsterdam at this time of year but we'll take it! Made our way from Schiphol to Centraal Station, then hopped a street car to the Spui district where we had rented an apartment...the Lovely K had been here before but this was my first time, and the area she picked to ... read more
I am Amsterdam
New gang in town...
Rembrandt's Night Watch

Europe » Iceland » Southwest September 11th 2016

Day 7, our last full day exploring the Ring Road...hard to believe we have almost come full circle, but the mileage signs to Reykjavik are the first indications we are nearing the end of the road trip... Enough of that though, still a full day ahead; after grudgingly leaving our warm and comfy cabin we were on the road for a day of waterfalls and the famous Golden Circle attractions of Gullfoss, Geysir and Thingvellir National Park... First leg of today's journey would be all waterfalls: Skogafoss, Seljalandsfoss and Gljufurarbui...Skogafoss was up first; an impressive 62 meter high waterfall that was really cool, and on the cover of the latest Lonely Planet I think...there is a long staircase leading up to a spot near the top of the falls, but we opted to just make our ... read more
Blue Lagoon
A wee nip on trail...
Path between the tectonic plates...

Europe » Iceland » South » Vík September 10th 2016

This was a day I had been looking forward to, some key sites that I couldn't wait to get exploring...starting with the famous ice lagoon of Jokulsarlon, Skaftafell national park and finally finishing in Vik with its black sandy beaches and basalt columns... On advice from some locals we pre-booked a zodiac tour of Jokulsarlon a couple of days previous and after only an hour or so from leaving Hofn we spotted the icebergs and tourist buses just off the Ring! You read about this place, see pics but they really don't do the spot justice; it is absolutely gorgeous...we were a bit early for the tour so were able to take a stroll along the edge of the lagoon and get our first glimpses at the utterly beautiful luminous-blue icebergs slowly making their way ... read more
The lonely highway...
Bundled up...

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