Page 2 of el Jefe Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Tanzania » North » Ngorongoro Conservation Area October 18th 2019

So as our time in the Serengeti was now over it was back on the horribly bumpy roads to get to the last stop on this leg of the tour: Ngorongoro Crater...we had had a taste of it a few days earlier from a wicked vantage point en route to the Serengeti, and now it was soon time to go down and explore the crater... That would however have to wait until the following day, by the time we arrived in the area it was late afternoon so just made our way to the spot on the rim of the crater, a bit difficult to see anything unfortunately due to the brush and trees (and risk of leaving the campsite and falling into the crater) so we contented ourselves with a visit to another local ... read more
Mom and Kid
Pint in our new local...
Driving down to the crater floor...

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park October 17th 2019

After successfully not getting eaten our first night we had to be up bright and early for another must-do on this adventure: Serengeti Balloon Ride...oh yeah, vowed if/when I ever got here that I would not miss doing this, so at the tender hour of 5am we woke up and with some trepidation made our way in the dark to the toilets, scanning the surroundings for beady eyes scoping us out...none to speak of fortunately...did however get to see this amazing storm way off in the distance, the flashes of lightning in the clouds were spectacular... It was just the two of us and a new amigo Michael from our group that would be doing the balloon ride, and sure enough at the appointed hour we could see the headlights of a jeep approaching to pick ... read more
Just itching for a belly rub...
Balloon Selfie...
Elephant checking us out...

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park October 15th 2019

After a great week in Kenya it was time for the next chapter in the adventure: Tanzania...three weeks here, jam-packed with safaris, Kili climb and some R&R on Zanzibar, but we'll start with the safaris... Made our way overland from Nairobi to Arusha, a healthy day on the road but decent enough...border crossing was relatively quick and painless (our guide Moses knew what to do, where to line up etc.) and by late afternoon we had made it to our hotel for the evening...6pm get-together to meet the new folks joining us and go over the game plan for the week, followed by dinner and some pints, nothing too exciting as we were leaving town the following morning... The next day we did a quick stop for supplies and then a 90 minute drive or so ... read more
Hanging with an elemephant

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP October 11th 2019

So here we are, Masai Mara, another mythical place for me, and with the opportunity to meet the Maasai themselves I was pretty stoked for this leg of the tour...we arrived at our campsite mid-afternoon, and after sorting out the tents we were given the option of visiting a Maasai village before heading out for the first game drive, didn't take a whole lot of convincing for me...haha...six of us signed on for the visit, and shortly thereafter a Maasai guide came to get us and escort us to the nearby village...we were greeted by the chief's son, and after a briefing of what the visit was going to comprise (and settling the agreed upon payment to do so) we were off and running... We were welcomed into the village with some ceremonial dancing, and then ... read more
No idea

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Lake Nakuru NP October 9th 2019

After a successful start to this adventure in Samburu it was off to our second destination: Lake Nakuru...same deal, a couple of days exploring the environs around the lake, and this stop afforded the potential to see a rhino, another top animal on my list... Bit of a haul from Samburu, and along the way we stopped at a signpost indicating the Equator for some photo ops, followed by a visit to a tea plantation that was cut short due to weather but cool all the same...arrived at our campsite in the early evening, a little late for a game drive so settled into our tents and then it was off for a pint at the little bar in the common building, sweet! After a breaky the following day we were off, with the plan being ... read more
At the Equator...
Rothschild Giraffe
White Rhino

Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Samburu NR October 6th 2019

And here it is, the number one all-time trip I have wanted to take, and after much planning and research it was finally going to happen! Africa, a continent that has always held an exotic mystique for me, and specifically the two countries of Kenya and Tanzania we were set to explore: the animals, the Masai, the parks/reserves, Kilimanjaro, Serengeti, Zanzibar, and on and away we go! Being a milestone birthday year for myself I floated the idea of doing some safaris in Kenya/Tanzania and ending with some beach time on Zanzibar to the Lovely K, and while safaris were not big on her list of things to do she suggested we add a Kilimanjaro climb to round out the adventure, perfect! This was to be a mostly guided tour, for some crazy reason they ... read more
Samburu Village
Hanging out...
Samburu Camp

So as the Canadian winter has decided to go on and on and on and on with no sign of Spring other than the date on the calendar it was high time we got out of the chilly climes for a week, and so it was back to Belize...debated hard on whether to return to Placencia (as we loved it there) or to try somewhere new, and at the 11th hour we decided on something new: Caye Caulker! Just a week getaway to relax, get some sun, catch up on some reading and more importantly to get back to the Belikin beer and burritos, giddy up! It's a bit of a hike for one week but well worth it; again as in Placencia there were no big resorts, very laid back atmosphere, great food and the ... read more
View from our perch...
Nurse Sharks behind our boat...
Greetings from Caye Caulker

Oceania » Fiji May 5th 2018

Bula! When planning our trip this year and having decided on New Zealand, we figured as it was such a long way to travel to that we had better include Fiji in our plans, having wanted to see this country as well and not knowing if we would ever be back in this part of the as we always like to end on a beach it seemed the perfect combo; three weeks of on-the-move travel and finishing with butt-in-hammock relaxation....oh yeah... Made the three hour flight from Christchurch to Nadi, but as the flights and ferries are not well sync'd we had to stay on the main island for a night at both the beginning and end, no big deal we arrived at our backpacker hotel around 8 pm it wasn't going to be ... read more
Leaving Nadi
Yasawa Flyer Selfie

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island April 30th 2018

As in the previous blog this leg started out with what would turn out to be our last hump day; a rip straight from Milford Sound to Dunedin, west coast to east...again a pleasant drive but not a lot to report on, so we'll start the show in Dunedin... After nine straight days in the camper, and no discernible camp sites near the city centre, we decided to splurge and a get a room for a couple of nights...came across this funky backpacker hostel called Hogwartz, used to be a Bishop's residence back in the late 1800's, and with it being a ten minute walk to the downtown area known as the Octagon it was perfect...we stayed in the carriage house, really cool with a well equipped kitchen and more importantly a real bed and private ... read more
Tunnel at Larnach Castle

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast April 25th 2018

For continuity's sake the title of the blog should read Abel Tasman to Milford Sound, however the rip from AT to Westport was simply a nice but uneventful day of driving and not a lot to report on...this was one of a couple of what I referred to as "hump" days where all we did was drive, again necessary due to the times/distances and the things we wanted to see...even Westport itself was really just a stopping point; not much there other than a pretty cool beach where we camped (Carters Beach) and a colony of fur seals which we managed to was kind of the trail head to the West Coast track, and as it was about 6 hours of driving from Abel Tasman that was more than plenty for the day... I was ... read more
Falls at Milford Sound
Rockin' it on Franz Josef Glacier
Campsite at Milford Sound

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