Carole Walters


Carole Walters

I am now a solo traveler and am looking forward to many more adventures. I retired in December 2016 and my hobby is travel.

Africa » Egypt » Mediterranean » Alexandria February 21st 2017

Geo: 31.2135, 29.9443Alexandria stretches along 12 miles of the Mediterranean coast and is the second largest city in Egypt. It was founded in 332 BC by Alexander the Great and its rich history includes Cleopatra and Anthony and a litany of Roman Emperors. The city grew to be the largest of the known world at the time. Alexandria was sacked and burned during the civil war that followed the takeover by Julius Caesar. For more of it history go to city today has the potential to be quite beautiful. Fort Qaitbey still remains as does the Pillar of Pompey but little else of its ancient history remains. The new library is spectacular and also houses several museums of art and antiquities as well as a special Sadat Memorial Exhibit. Fort Quitbey is a fortress built ... read more
Artifacts at the site of the pillar
More artifacts

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo February 21st 2017

Geo: 30.0982, 31.2461... read more

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo February 18th 2017

Geo: 30.0982, 31.2461I am going to try to do Egypt in 3-4 postings. This is the first. Egypt is an amazing place to visit. I chose to do a tour with G Adventures. This is a small group tour company that I also used last year to go to Israel and Jordan. Brenda, my travel buddy, also did the tour. We have known each other since 6th grade and first traveled together, to Europe, right out of high school. I realized very quickly how little I know about its incredible history. Of course, I knew it was ancient and could name a few historical figures – Tutankhamen, Ramses II, Nefertiti, Cleopatra etc.. I had no idea of the actual periods of time of their existences and how important or not important they were in the overall ... read more
From a distance
More from a distance

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens February 18th 2017

Geo: 37.9792, 23.7166I am slowly catching up on my blog posts. It is after the fact but better late than never I suppose. I flew from Rome to Athens on Feb. 12 and met up with Brenda. We spent just a few days in Athens before heading to Egypt but it was a great taste of the city and left me wanting more. A few days in Athens has been a real pleasure. The current city is not that old, unlike Rome, because it was almost completely abandoned during the Middle Ages and over centuries of invaders and wars most of the ancient buildings were destroyed, ruins were looted etc. The result is a relatively modern city with most of the homes and buildings built from the mid 1800's on. The sites of ruins are scattered ... read more
Close up of a maiden

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens February 18th 2017

Geo: 37.9792, 23.7166... read more

Africa » Egypt February 15th 2017

Geo: 24.0909, 32.9044The Nile ValleyThis area is described as the greatest open air museum in the world and that is not an exaggeration. We spent the bulk of our time in Egypt here see some of the most amazing places and antiquities. This area is also the very lush because of the dams of Aswan so the communities along this part of the Nile have an economy that is not solely dependent on tourism although the decline in tourism is still quite evident. Tourism in Egypt is down by about 50% since the 2011 revolution. It's a great time to visit because you get to see all these wonderful places without the crush of tourists that would certainly take away from enjoying the grandeur of everywhere we went. We flew to Aswan from Cairo to start ... read more
View of Lake Nasser
Entrance to Ramses II Temple
Entrance to Queen Nefertaris' Temple

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome February 11th 2017

Geo: 41.8955, 12.4823So, it is really down to the wire now and I am trying to make the most of the last two days in Rome. Today I headed out to do a walk around to some of the more well-known sites that I never tire of seeing. I started out at St. Peter's Square. Busy there today. The line was very long to get in. It went almost all the way around the perimeter of the square. Still fewer people than in peak season but the longest I have seen so far on this stay. The fountains were running today which made my day as I have been here many times when there weren't. I then moved on to Campo di Fiori. I just love to wander around and look at all the fresh fruits ... read more
Clever artwork
Fountains are running
Some of the line

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome February 9th 2017

Geo: 41.8955, 12.4823I am down to the last few days of my 6 week stay in Rome. I am so grateful that I have had the chance to live this dream and I am very sad that it is coming to an end. When I initially set out to stay for an extended period of time I did wonder if I would end up being done with this city but I was willing to take the chance to really understand if my fascination was passing because I only spend a few days here each year or if it was more enduring. It has turned out to be enduring. I am not done with this place!I always make lists of things I want to see and do when I travel. I have lists for many cities and ... read more
Top of  the Spanish Steps
Santa Maria degli Angeli
Trajan's market

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome February 7th 2017

Geo: 41.8955, 12.4823Rome is chock full of churches and basilicas and there are two things that make this great regardless of your religious persuasions. 1. They are free to enter and open most days except between about 12:30-3pm. 2. They have incredible works of art by both famous and not so well known artists from over the centuries complete with information in English about the chapels and the art.Much of the art was commissioned by wealthy families for their private alters and tombs. Here is a list some of the churches and what you can see and it is by no means complete. Each of these also have incredible ceilings, floors and altars all worth spending a bit of time to explore.St. Peters Basilica – Bernini sculptures, Bernini and Michelangelo architectural designs, frescos and paintings by ... read more
Floor monument - Del Popolo
Del Popolo
Caravaggio - Del Popolo

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Tivoli February 6th 2017

Geo: 41.9636, 12.7983Hadrian's Villa and Villa D'EsteAbout 40 KM from Rome is the small town of Tivoli and besides being the home of olive groves that produce some of the best olive oil in the world it is also the location of two amazing places to visit – the ruins of Hadrian's Villa and Villa D'Este.Hadrian's VillaHadrian was the second Spanish born emperor of Rome and is most famous for his attempts to unite the provinces of the Roman Empire so they would all feel equally part of the vast empire. He also loved architecture and built structures around the world that still exist today – Hadrian's Wall, structures in Athens and Rome and he rebuilt London in 122 AD, sixty years after the fire. His love for Greek culture is evident in this Villa overlooking ... read more
Hadiran's Villa
Wall that surrounded the Villa
The Fish Ponds

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