Jessi and Monte Dunlow

Wandering Dunlows

Jessi and Monte Dunlow

South America » Colombia » Bogota August 18th 2009

Knowing that we want to fit in many activities today, we wake up bright and early at Pilar's apartment in downtown Bogota. It's overcast and slightly chilly as usual, so we dress in layers for the long day out and about. Our first stop was the impressive Montserrate. A monastery and sanctuary, this mountain top site has actually served as a site of pilgrimage for religious followers. On most Sundays, lines of people trek to the top by stairway to visit the holy church and surroundings. Other days, Monserrat serves as a serene destination for those wishing a spectacular view of Bogota. The sprawling city of 8 million people is unbelievably impressive from this scenic overlook. A cablecar or funicular takes you to the top, and the well manicured gardens and ancient architecture complement the natural ... read more
cable car ride up
ride up over looking Bogota

South America » Colombia » Bogota August 17th 2009

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." -- Mark Twain The above is one of my favorite quotes because I have always believed in its sentiment wholeheartedly. And while I believe in it just as much, if not more so, since spending time here in Colombia, I was surprised to also feel that my corner of the earth isn't so bad, and in fact, can be pretty great. Perhaps these longing thoughts of home were occuring, not coincidently, this morning when we awoke, ate another hearty, warming breakfast, and prepared to hit the road for Bogota, only to be delayed by ... read more
Zipaquira Cathedral
Zipaquira Cathedral
Zipaquira Cathedral

South America » Colombia » Villa de Leyva August 16th 2009

Knowing that we wouldn't be back, I was sad to leave our hotel in the morning, but I was looking forward to the tour of the surrounding area we had planned for the rest of the day. A breakfast of url= pericos, juice, and coffee was served in the dining room, and then we were on our way. Our first stop was the Finca de Avestruces (Ostrich Farm). We followed guided lectures on the ostriches... read more
Ostrich Nursery
Scary Birds
Ostrich Farm

South America » Colombia » Villa de Leyva August 15th 2009

I have to start out by saying that today was definitely a highlight of our trip. I cannot say enough good things about the charming colonial town of Villa de Leyva. All the guidebooks and travel forums point out what a gem this town is, so it easily could have been over-hyped, but it actually exceeded my expectations. We packed into 3 vehicles and drove caravan style to Tunja where Clara ibeth's sister, Pilar, was joining us. Her bus from Bogota was on time, and we continued on our way. Since everyone was getting hungry and restless, and we were still not close enough to Villa de Leyva, we stopped very briefly at a beautiful town for snacks. This place was so small, I never took note of the name, and I can't even find it ... read more
Boada siblings
Our European Lunch Stop
Courtyard after lunch

South America » Colombia » Tunja August 14th 2009

It's 11pm and we're exhausted from a long day of flying and driving to our destination of Claraibeth's hometown in Boyaca. We settle in under many layers of blankets in bed; it will get down to 48 degrees tonight. It's 12:30am. Reggaeton music pulses in the background as the central square to the small town is one street over, and there is a festival this weekend. A d.j. on stage keeps the crowd going strong. I try to fall back asleep. It's 2:30am. The d.j. makes one last announcement to end his set on stage. I wake up momentarily to the short speech on the microphone. Back to sleep. POP! POP, POP, POP! CRACK! WHIZ, POP, POP, POP! It's 4:15am. Is someone hammering metal on the roof of the house? Are we being attacked? Should I ... read more
Purple corn
The country side through Boyaca
Michael Jackson's Video Library

South America » Colombia » Medellin August 12th 2009

Monte said today, "I know it has only been a week, but it almost feels like we live in Colombia now." It's hard to explain what he means, but I feel the same way. Some things are so dramatically different here, and our schedules are so much changed from our normal daily lives, that I've forgotten what it feels like to drive a car, watch tv, cook dinner. Also, Monte and I were so concerned with blending in and immersing ourselves in the culture from the very beginning of this trip, that we let go of a few americanisms along the way. Today was hit and miss with the activities. We started out with a miss. A few tickets had been left for us to check out the Medellin Botanical Gardens. Although not super excited to ... read more
Tatice's House from the front
The house from the back
Beautiful country view from the backyard

South America » Colombia » Medellin August 11th 2009

Although I haven't written about it yet, now is probably a good time to mention how our mornings start in Medellin. To do that I have to first talk about class. Before this trip I could tell you a lot of things about Colombians, about how they lived, what they ate, what they like to do. What I couldn't tell you, because I didn't know, was that there is a fairly obvious class system in this country. My naivety is surely the result of having known mostly family from Colombia, and therefore, mostly one type of class. Monte and I started to notice this right away since class differences are obvious from the time you wake up in the morning. A typical morning for us in Medellin would include walking into the kitchen to tell the ... read more
View from the kitchen balcony
Our typical breakfast
Mountains over Medellin

South America » Colombia » Medellin August 10th 2009

After day trips a plenty outside of Medellin for our first few days, we finally spent some time getting to know the city itself. Although I've spent hours already staring out onto the cityscape from the balcony, my twinkling viewpoint was still far removed from the hustle and bustle of the taxicabs, the crowds, and the sounds of the inner city. Instead of stepping in one leg at a time, grandpa had us dive right in with a trip on the metro. Here is also a good example of the confusion that happens when a group containing members aged 9-79 tries to travel together downtown. Luckily, grandpa revealed to me the detailed travel plans of the day, and more importantly, the route we would take on the metro to our final stop. As the metro train ... read more
Metrocable station
In our cablecar

South America » Colombia » Medellin August 10th 2009

Although we're only a long weekend into our trip, I feel like I've been here for weeks already. Everyday so far has been full enough with activity that we are ready for bed by 10pm. There's no daylights savings here, so it doesn't help that it's dark around 6:30, too. Our favorite thing to do so far is to sit out on the balcony of my grandparents' condo. Monte says he could sleep out there. We eat, drink, talk, read, and gather out there for hours at a time. We're on the 20th floor of a tower that gives us an amazing view, and the weather is so perfect, that the windows and sliding doors are left open all the time, even when we sleep. Eventually, I'll get some pictures up here. Our first weekend ... read more
First night on the balcony
Checking out the condo
Our bedroom

South America » Colombia » Bogota August 7th 2009

I didn't think Id be writing my first blog entry so soon, but I also didnt think I would be staying my first night in Colombia at the Bogota Sheraton with internet downstairs. The 20 minute delay we incurred from Dulles to Bogota caused us to miss the last flight to our final destination of Medellin last night. We're missing the first day of the Feria de los Flores today, because the first available flight to Medellin today is at 4pm. Oh well, change of plans... first day in Colombia: downtown Bogota.... read more

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