Andrew Wade


Andrew Wade

HI Im Andrew and this is my travel stories of the 2009 trip AROUND THE WORLD

Thanks everyone for reading TRAVEL ON

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 3rd 2009

Back to the zoooooooo... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 2nd 2009

Ahh back to chillin in Chiang Mai ... read more
Crazy coffee shop
Buffalo Steak dinner
his doggie

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai December 1st 2009

Well i was kinda excited to see what it would be like to ride an elephant. I was told that they treated them really badly but i wanted to see it with my own eyes. I paid for it already anyhow!! Experience all in all never again!!!... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Mae Hong Son November 30th 2009

I was the first one up this morning and it was freaking FREEZING! My feet were numb and i couldnt wait for the damn sun to come up.... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Mae Hong Son November 29th 2009

Today was the day i set out early for some action. I was a little worried when we finally picked everyone up that it was gonna be a boring group but it turned out alright!... read more
stick bug
river flowing
so nice

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai November 28th 2009

woke up and had a quick bite before cooking class started at 9am sharp... read more
all sortsa eggs

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai November 27th 2009

made a few friends in chiang mai.... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai November 26th 2009

Day 2 in this crazy city! Had to rent a scooter... read more
traffic jams

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai November 25th 2009

Well the early wake up call was no problem for me as there was absolutely nothing going on last night to keep me up past 10. Ha so the earliest possible way to Chiang Mai was @ 730 which gave me enough time for some yogurt and muslix, and a shitty coffee.... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Sukhothai November 24th 2009

Oh my god. What a shitty sleep. I was awoken every ten minutes or so to the call of a rooster, right beside my bedroom wall. Even ear plugs would have been useless but i was dead tired and struggled through it. Man this lady that gave me this room is mean. She knew it too there was plenty of rooms left but she gave me this one!... read more
pond of flowers

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