Jane Moorhead

The luxury adventures of Jane

Jane Moorhead

27 cities (some multiple times), 12 countries and 4 continents. All the places I have managed to travel to so far.
I am 17 years old and from New Zealand. Despite my age and isolated location, I have been fortunate to have some amazing trips around the world with family, friends, school or by myself.
Now I would like to share my adventures (past and soon coming) with other people suffering from wanderlust.
Please comment if you liked something or want me to write more a particular aspect! Or even follow me!! Thanks.

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 12th 2015

On my 3rdday in Berlin we hopped back on the coach to travel to Potsdam. Less than an hour later we arrived at Sanssouci… wow! We entered from the side, which makes it look like just a one-story yellow building. But as you walk around to the back you are able to marvel at its beauty. It is painted a lush golden shade that glows in the sunlight. It is rowed with windows that are elegantly decorated. I turned my head to my head to the left I noticed terraces cascading down to a huge and beautiful garden. The palace was built in the mid-18th century and was the summer palace to the King of Prussia, Fredrick the Great. It is done in a Rococo style and it is named after a French phrase meaning “without ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 10th 2015

I waved goodbye to Poland as I caught a flight from Krakow to Berlin. Are accommodation was located very close to the Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Berlin Central Station). So handy! Our accommodation has terrible food so after dinner every night we would sneak over to the train station to buy pizza or ice-cream… The first full day consisted of a coach tour of the key sights of the city. I was bombarded by beautiful sights such as the stunning Reichstag building, huge Berlin Cathedral, gleaming Berlin Victory Column, Altes Museum and elegant French Cathedral. Luckily we got off the bus to truly see parts of the Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. The memorial is rows upon rows of freestanding pillars concrete pillars. Before your enter it, it looks as if ... read more
Berlin Victory Column
Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
No longer a blank canvas

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Auschwitz July 8th 2015

All we hear about Auschwitz is the horrifying statistics. An estimated 1.1 million men, women and children, Jews, Poles and homosexuals, were slaughtered here. It is unique because as well as being the largest camp, it is the only Nazi facility that doubled as both a death/extermination camp and a concentration/labour camp. I will try to describe my experience at this haunting place but it is difficult to put it into words. I was not aware before visiting that there are two completely different parts of the Auschwitz Concentration camp. Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau. These are about a kilometer apart from each other and present completely different styles of concentrations camps. Auschwitz I in filled will tall brick town houses, along straight lanes. Without any knowledge of where you were, you could be mistaken to ... read more
Arbeit Macht Frei
Auschwitz I

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Kraków July 7th 2015

Next on the itinerary was to make our way down Poland to the city of Krakow. The city was occupied by Nazis in World War II but they found it so beautiful and similar to Munich, so they did not destroy it. Resulting in much of the Krakow’s Medieval, Gothic and Renaissance inspired architecture being well preserved for today. The first site we visited as we entered the city was the Wieliczka Salt Mine. A salt mine may sound like a strange place for a teenage girl to visit but it was a highlight of Poland for me. Just hold on while I explain why. The mine was built in the 13th century and continued to produce salt until the 20th century. What makes the mine unique is the extravagant and extremely detailed carvings the ... read more
Wieliczka Salt Mine
Wieliczka Salt Mine
St. Mary's Basilica

Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw July 5th 2015

The first stop was to the capital of Poland. Walking around the city, the first thing that struck me was rather an odd observation. How flat it was. As I gazed down the streets, no a single hill or bump insight. I later discovered this was due to Nazis just about bombing the city into oblivion during WWII. 85%-90% of the buildings were destroyed over the course of the Second World War. To be honest, I found the streets rather ugly and plain. All the building I saw were gone is a very Communist, Soviet Russia, concrete style. I was getting a very unattractive impression of the city until… until I wondered into the Old Town. The Old Town is the area of Warsaw that was untouched by the destructions of war. The town is ... read more
Old Town Market Place

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