Nancy Kuy

The World In The Eyes Of A Valley Girl

Nancy Kuy

I'm a native Angeleno, born and raised in Los Angeles (well, raised in the San Fernando Valley to be more specific). For as long as I could remember, I've always wanted to travel the world. I did a little of that in 2005 when I lived in London, but I still fell short of places I wanted to see and experience. It's one thing to travel, but it's another to actually circle the globe all in one go. Well, now that I'm in a point in my life where nothing and no one can persuade me to do otherwise, I will be doing just that: an around the world trip! I hope to keep in touch with old friends whilst on my journey and make new ones along the way. What I hope to achieve is a new outlook on life as this will be my time to reflect on the past and look forward to what the future has in store for me. So, here I go: 9 countries in 42 days with a passion for food, love, life, and happiness.



Europe » France » Île-de-France » Torcy February 20th 2013

I arrived here on a Monday morning, exhausted from having had only 2 hours of sleep. I had a lovely breakfast at Aurelie's place and we spent the day around her area, shopping and relaxing. I met up with a few of her friends in the city and had Argentinian steak and some drinks. Believe it or not, I managed to take down 2 glasses of wine and 3 shots of alcohol! I can guarantee you that I was a bit drunk and we didnt get home til about 3am. The next day, Aurelie woke me up at 1130am cause we had reservations for lunch in the city at 1pm. Lunch was pretty good. We went shopping and then had dessert at Lauduree at 5pm. We went shopping some more and then had dinner with her ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver September 29th 2012

I finally made it to Vancouver! It's great to meet up with my girls I had met in Cambodia in their hometown where we're neither sweating, in dirty clothes, or rushing to go from place to place. After having suffered from food poisoning two days prior, I feel I made the right decision of following through with my trip! There was no way I was going to change my flight yet again. I was greeted by Sam at the airport and we went straight to the Granville Island Public Market. It was lovely. It reminds me very much of Pike's Market in Seattle, but a bit bigger. Afterwards, we went to do a bit of sightseeing and headed over to Forty Ninth Parallel for some tea and Burgoo for dinner. It was nice and a very ... read more
Granville Public Market
Granville Public Market

Oceania » French Polynesia » Moorea May 18th 2012

I arrived in Moorea with such awe. I can't believe how gorgeous this island is. It is one of the many islands of the French Polynesian Islands (probably the most famous island is Bora Bora or Tahiti). Being here makes me realize the necesity of learning French. Granted, most people here speak a bit of English, but I think the reality is, it definitely would help me if I can learn how to speak french for my future visits to France to see Aurelie and of course, here! I came to my hotel and had the luxury of staying in a hut rather than a hotel building. The location of the hotel is very much surrounded by local people in the middle of nowhere next to the beach. The room was ok and definitely has many ... read more
Swimming in the lagoon off the hotel
Belvedere Point
Le Plantation

Oceania » French Polynesia » Tahiti » Papeete May 13th 2012

My last day in Auckland was pretty darn nice. I woke up after having a nice sleep in and ventured off to the waterfront to have a good ol' breakfast. It was absolutely lovely having a view of the harbour while eating my scrumptious eggs benedict. What more could you ask for? Afterwards, it was time to search for this 'hokey pokey' ice cream flavor that everyone insisted I have to try. I went up and down Queen Street and into the side streets, and found zero ice cream shops. Then...I see it: a chocolate shop with the flavor 'hokey pokey' with amongst six other flavors. I got a scoop of it and it was yummy in my tummy. Basically, vanilla mixed in with hints of caramel and honeycomb. In the afternoon, Daniel and Hannes (the ... read more
Me and Daniel
Daniel and Hannes

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » Central May 11th 2012

So, so tired. I arrived in Auckland late last night and met some cool German guys on the flight, who I might hang out with while here in Auckland. We exchanged info and as soon as we parted ways, I was ready to eat. I was starving! As soon as I checked into my hotel, I went straight to the restaurants in search of lamb. Boy, did I find it! A yummy lamb shank courtesy of Restaurant No. 1. The meat fell off the bone and that was all I could ask for (this one was for you Marlaina)! On my way back to the hotel, I passed by a gelato place. If you know me, you know me and ice cream go hand in hand. I'm in search of the best ice cream spot in ... read more
The view
I have a washer/dryer in my room!
I have a kitchenette in my room!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Tully May 9th 2012

Wow! What a day...or rather, what a night! I was feeling great last night having met Bella and having dinner with her. Then I started having the usual symptoms of UTI at 11:30pm. I was contemplating what to do...whether to wait it out or see a doc. I decided with the latter and off I went at 12:30am to the 24 hour clinic. I was the only person there, so I was able to see the doc right away. He didn't do a test, he just asked me what I was in for and he prescribed me meds right away. I guess its that easy :/ I started to feel a bit better after taking the first set of antibiotics. I didn't get to sleep til about 2:00am and I had to wake up at 5:30am ... read more
Photo 12
Photo 13
Photo 2

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cape Tribulation May 8th 2012

How beautiful is Australia? Seriously, this country is so lovely. I went to Cape Tribulation today where you have a lovely rainforest bordered by lovely beaches. I couldn't swim out since its jellyfish season, but still, it was beautiful! So my day consisted of a river cruise along the Daintree River. It was super cool and actually saw a few crocodiles! Then went on a walk through Cape Tribulation and saw the beach meeting the rainforest. I also had a lovely scoop of ice cream (or rather 4 scoops of authentic tropical fruit ice cream for $6) from Daintree Ice Cream Company. Can I just tell you that it was so freakin worth it?? The ice cream was delicious and the fruit was definitely weird looking! Then it was onto Mossman Gorge to learn of the ... read more
Walu Wugirriga aka Alexandra Range Lookout
Daintree ice cream company
Ice Cream

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City May 7th 2012

My first day upon arrival in Cairns, I was relieved to be in warm weather. It's humid, tropical, and definitely a turnaround from the weather in Melbourne. I had a walkaround the city and was determined to hold a koala. I asked around and it was too late to take a trip to the zoo. I knew the only time I would be able to do so would be on my first day since I have day plans for the next three days. So...I asked around and found a place in the city where you could do so. And that I did :) So cute that cuddly little fur ball...with massive claws! Next, I needed some lunch...had some fish n chips. Then walked around the night market and had met a cool girl at the tourism ... read more
YES! I'm snorkeling in the the Great Barrier Reef!

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » Philip Island May 5th 2012

My second day in Melbourne was nice. Woke up early and headed out to Federation Square. Walked out to Chinatown and had some really good Japanese curry for cheap. Then made our way to Churchill Island, saw some wallabies, went to the Koala Conservation Centre, Heritage Farm, and Phillip Island to see the Little Penguins. There were so cute, all 800 of them. They basically waddle their way from the shore to the beach and into their burrows as you walk along the boardwalk. Then got back to the city and had to make sure I made a trek to Red Pepper Indian Restaurant, as recommended by the people I met last night in the Italian restaurant. I went there, it was cheaper than expected ($19.50 for a curry, naan, rice and samosas), and absolutely delicious! ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » City Centre May 3rd 2012

Yesterday was my last day in Sydney and I had a lovely time. My travel agent booked a harbour cruise ride for the Sydney Harbour for 2:30pm that day. So, I headed out to Circular Quay via train and got some fish n chips at Quay Seafood prior to the cruise. OMG! It was one of the BEST FISH N CHIPS I've ever had! It was super crispy, super fresh and pipin' hot! That alone was the highlight of the day! So yummy and I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. I just hated that the seagulls wanted my food....those vicious birds! When I got to the cruise, I was so disappointed and annoyed. The cruise lasted 1.5 hours and it was a big waste of my time. First off, I saw most of the sites ... read more

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