Page 5 of The Cat Herder Gold Rush Travel Blog Posts

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Yarmouth June 17th 2023

As I am sure you probably already figured out we did not have internet yesterday so here is the blog that should have gone out last night. Day 5 We left Port Royal with a bit of overcast, but not cold. As we passed St. Mary's Bay it was socked in with fog which soon lifted, and it turned into a glorious day. Our drive today to Yarmouth was about 2 hours, and we arrived at our camp site, Campers Haven, around noon. After setting up, which has become so very smooth, and a quick lunch we hit the road with the "bug". Our mission today was to check out the area that Ray's grandparents, Frank German and Jane Amirault were from, Pubnico and East Pubnico. Also many generations of his family were from this area, ... read more
My great uncle's home

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Annapolis Royal June 16th 2023

After a wonderful nights sleep by the both of us, we awoke to a beautiful day. After breakfast we went to the Port Royal Habitation, a recreation of a 17th century french compound. It was very interesting to see how they lived and functioned in those early days. Because of the many hardships they had to endure, they established the Order of Good Cheer, to keep their table joyous and well provided. Basically, the men took turns hosting the banquet and arraigning entertainment. There was no mention of what the women were doing that night. Life then was pretty hard. From there, we headed of to Digby, where we planned to have lunch. Digby is a seaport catering mostly to fishing vessels, and claiming to be the scallop capital of the world. We found a lovely ... read more
Ray with his Beaver
Tight quarters
Ray in the "Order of Good Cheer"

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Annapolis Royal June 15th 2023

Woke up this morning to clouds and sprinkles. Ray had a tough night sleeping with his siatica howling, so we took our time getting ready and having breakfast. Even at that, we were on the road by 9:00. The sprinkles turned into bands of heavy rain, so we were slowed down quite a bit. Around 1:00, we stopped at a supermarket for some needed items. Before leaving home, Ray had said not to pack too much, as we could buy what ever we needed in Canada cheaper, and the exchange rate is very attractive. I was also very cautious about bringing certain foods, as I didn't want to give them to the Custom's agent at the border. Well, we got major sticker shock at the grocery store. The prices were extremely high, even by Naples, FL's ... read more
Lovely ride
Home in Annapolis Royal

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Amherst June 13th 2023

Day 2 was another long ride, but here we are in Nova Scotia. We did not get a super early start, about 10:00 after having the propane tank filled, but the roads were not busy so the drive was pleasant. Crossing the border was uneventful. The customs agent was a very friendly young women. She asked all of the customary questions, including how much alcohol we had on board. Luckily, we knew ahead of time we could only have two bottles each, so we were good. No questions on Meat , poultry, veggies etc, like some of our other border crossings. Ray had pulled in his big side mirror before pulling up to the window and she asked if he always drove with it in this position. He said yes, I like to look at myself ... read more
Vigilant at the wheel
Finally Nova Scotia
Night 2 in Amherst, NS

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland September 17th 2020

We woke up early this morning and finished cleaning out the fridge, cabinets and packed away all of the kitchen items. After breakfast we hit the road at around 9, with our first stop in downtown Stevenson at the local ACE hardware store to have our propane tanks filled. The young man that was helping us said that he was sorry that we were not able to view this area, The Columbia River Gorge, as it was quite beautiful. As you would expect the visibility did not get any better the closer we got to Portland, in fact, it only got worse. We arrived at Mt. Scott Motor's at 10:45 to drop off the RV's. The check in process was quick, and the people could not have been any nicer. While seeing a major part of ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Stevenson September 16th 2020

Woke up to a glorious morning at our Heppner campsite. The sun rise was hazy, but still beautiful. It appears the smoke has gotten worse since last night, and I fear it's going to get worse as we head West today. Our plan is to head north to Interstate 84, then join up with the Columbia River Gorge Scenic byway. After a nice breakfast, we got the RV's ready and headed out. I called the owner of the park to express our pleasure on the conditions of the place as well as the extremely nice couple managing it. She got a kick out of our story of heading into the grave yard yesterday. We headed north out of Heppner on Rte 74, and passed through beautiful prairies and ranches.Beside cattle, there were considerable sheep as well. ... read more
Scenic view of the Columbia River
Crossing the Columbia
The Last Cocktail hour

North America » United States » Oregon September 15th 2020

Lazy morning in Baker City. As we didn't have a long leg length planned for today, we kind of took our time in getting on the Road. We left Baker City close to 9:00 with our destination being Heppner, OR. We headed north on Highway 84 to North Powder and passed the 45th parallel. This is the halfway point between the equator and the North Pole. We stopped at a small truck stop to fuel up and get a good cup of coffee. (The coffee all week has sucked). Leaving there, we headed West toward Ukiah. John asked what route number were we taking, and I told him it didn't have one. That probably should have been a hint at what was to come. We entered the Elk Horn Drive Scenic Byway. This was a lovely, ... read more
Lots of abandoned homesteads
Along the Elkhorn Byway

North America » United States » Oregon » Baker City September 14th 2020

Well. seeing as how we had an extra night to plan for due to our cancellations at Coos Bay and Crater Lake, we decided to continue heading East today on Oregon's Scenic byway called Hell's Canyon. The plan was to traverse the entire 42 mile road and then proceed to LaGande, OR for the night. There is still smoke in the air out here, but is much better than previous days. We were able to enjoy the scenery a whole lot better today. We headed out on Rte 86, and passed through a few small towns. The area is completely covered in huge cattle ranches, with grazing land that stretch as far as the eye can see. The land here goes from rolling hills and prairies to mountainous along the whole route. It is very beautiful, ... read more
Hollis Canyon Drive
Snake River
Steep drop offs

North America » United States » Oregon » Baker City September 13th 2020

Well, as we stated in the interim blog for today, we arrived at a plan B, and hoped it would work out in our favor. We left Sisters at 8:10 am. The smoke seemed a little less than the night before and we wondered how far East we would have to go to lose it entirely. We spoke with others that had altered their plans, and many of the RV parks were getting cancellations. As bad as we felt about not seeing some of the sites we had planned on, we felt worse for the many people that had to leave their homes and lost them to the fires. I thought I'd do a section here on RV life, at least the life that we've experienced in 30' RV's. First off, if you can't stand being ... read more
Our bedroom
The kitchen
Dining area

North America » United States » Oregon » John Day September 13th 2020

Well, it's 6:30 am our time, and we've come up with a plan B. Ray has been checking the DOT road closure line, looking at the Oregon fire maps, and googling potential scenic routes. The fires are all in the Western part of the state, right where we have been, or were going. We were actually lucky that we were able to get from the coast to Sisters yesterday, as most of those roads are closed. There's a tremendously large fire burning southeast of Portland, with many towns being evacuated. We've decided to head East along Rt 26, toward Baker City. There are no fires out there, and it appears to be very scenic and mountainous. We're going to wing it on RV parks for tonight, as we don't know where we'll end up. This is ... read more

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