Team A's Guestbook

23rd July 2017

all good things
Hello dear Team A! 30 miles of sandy road is all it took for Andrew to see that there is no other gal like Alyssa and she is the gal for him.... Hooray! Thank you so much for sharing your tale. Reminded me of the Endurance..... Travel safe , get well and see you soon!
23rd July 2017

Great story and congrats on the engagement!!
15th July 2017

Yes, yet another new animal on the list. I looked up details and Wow! would I love to see one walking through my campsite. Very cool memory, no doubt. Hope you are both feeling well now and off to more adventure via the bicycles.
13th July 2017

I would have ended up just staying in Dublin haha, hope you get your bikes. The pics are GREAT <3 Angela
12th July 2017

goodness gracious
Thrill upon thrill reading the tale of your adventure. Thank you so much for letting me tag along!
9th July 2017

Such great pictures, fantastic scenery. Admire your adventurism!
30th June 2017

Oh! The places you go.....
Hello Team A! I do so hope your bicycles have arrived. Wonderful photos. Keep the story coming.....
24th June 2017

Team A&A on the way to another wonderful adventure. Enjoy!!
From Blog: Madagascar bound
25th July 2016

I can always count on a travel report from Alyssa and Andrew to leave me feeling hungry! The food experiences make for fabulous reading. Journey on!
25th July 2016

Once again you two amaze me. Love your adventures. Carry on.
19th July 2016

photos, food, fun
Well, the world is changing. I never would have believed wifi in the backcountry of Burma. Alas, the 21st century marches on. I am amazed at your journey into the depths of the forest of another country!? Do you speak the language? Or are smiles and sign language enough? Easy to see life is good when I note the bright red toenail polish! Onwards!!!
From Blog: Mingalaba
19th July 2016

Love the pictures
Great pictures and stories Alyssa and Andrew.. Have fun!! Dad
From Blog: Mingalaba
13th July 2016

feast for the eyes
Fabulous photo gallery!!!! Thank you so much for sharing your adventures.
12th July 2016

Hello from California
Hi Alyssa and Andrew. I'm glad you are having such a good time. Great pictures and story. Sounds like an interesting adventure. Have fun and be safe!
24th June 2016

absolutely amazing
The incredible journey by humans!?! Woozer, what a story! Thanks so much for including me in your adventure and welcome home.
From Blog: Cuba!
9th June 2016

I'm glad the trip is going well. Sorry about your phone/camera. You sure you can't just pick up a Kodak disposable camera at the corner 7/11? Enjoy your bike riding and adventure!
From Blog: Cuba!
8th June 2016

Keep on keeping on
Love the travel adventures you two. Keep going and have fun. Look forward to more stories posted oh, some day. :)
From Blog: Cuba!
8th June 2016

Thanks so much for the update from such an exotic place on such an arduous journey. Enjoy every moment!
From Blog: Cuba!
8th June 2016

Sounds fabulous.
From Blog: Cuba!
2nd June 2016

Best wishes for a great bike trip.
1st August 2015

along for the ride
Hello Team Double A: Thank you so much for the trip! I enjoyed every moment of every blog! My favorite photo? "jumping".
From Blog: Final leg
31st July 2015

Nice finish
I'm glad you guys had a nice week at a nice resort.. I love the pictures, especially the one of you jumping... And your sunglasses are cool.. Have fun and have a safe trip home. We have missed you!
From Blog: Final leg
28th July 2015

With Paulena's and Dave's well expressed comments I agree totally!! I have not had Internet access at home since May and must use a public computer to read your blog. So, although it may take me a while to get to read a new entry, I am always looking forward VERY MUCH to eventually getting the chance to read (and view) your next one!
21st July 2015

Cat Moments
I really enjoyed the description of your top 5 cat moments, especially number 1. That must have been an incredible sight!
21st July 2015

Your blogs and pics totally amaze me! Would love to see all the animal life! Truly amazing! Stay safe!

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