Page 3 of Sunnyskate Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville » Triana June 23rd 2014

We were even running late even on Spanish time we packed in so much. We stopped to leave a note for our host family first. We are supposed to meet today for lunch. We then discovered our favorite cafe now has new owners. We were hoping Gabriel would still be there! After that we stopped for helado. It's like our portion sizes have crossed the ocean. We were disappointed to see not only the price go up, but a small is 2-3x larger than it used to be! We enjoyed our small little servings! After that we went about Nervion mall and went to some of our favorite stores- pull & bear, Stradivarius, blanco, amici & also looked for bad English shirts. Favorite one: "Why I cannot understand you?" We were cracking up. We went to ... read more
Bad English shirt
La Giralda of the Catedral!

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville » Triana June 23rd 2014

Yesterday was fantastic! We had the best Siesta Fiesta ever! Woke up to a gorgeous view. Rented chairs under an umbrella for only 3 Euros each for a full day. The breeze was making us chilly & the sun was blistering hot- very interesting combination. It was a little cold for me to go in the water. Water was still chilly. Put my feet in but mostly just really enjoyed watching & listening to the waves and oh how blue the water is! We were highly entertained by a number of children. 2 specifically got into the sunscreen- their parents were eating on the patio. It was hilarious watching them squirt gobs of sunscreen onto themselves. Entire beach area was watching & laughing. While we were walking before we left, I saw 2 parrots. I thought ... read more
View from our hostel!
A sideways view of my Siesta Fiesta

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Málaga June 21st 2014

Hola de Málaga! We have arrived after spending a second day in Madrid. I finally met my friend, Sigrid! We've been friends through the skating world but never met til today. She took us around to some great parts of the city-namely parts of the park we didn't make it to yesterday. The Atoche station's little rainforest was impressive. Talk about turtles! Finally got to try Jamón Iberico de Bellota. Specially fed Iberian pigs. It was quite tasty! Found my favorite yogurt in the world at Corte Inglés...& had two...& more Maria cookies! They've been my snack on the run. Took the train to Málaga & arrived 22:00 & temp was 26C (a little warmer than 75F). Our hostel backs up to the Mediterranean w/a street in between. It's fantastic. Took a walk, tapas for dinner. ... read more
Sorry I'm sideways
King & Queen Souvenirs

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 20th 2014

I feel like today has spanned the course of 2 days. It's amazing how much easier handling jet lag is this time around. I can still stay up too late (138am) & sleep too late but it was a great day! Started out on a 2 hour walking tour. Love them because it helps me get my bearings and understand the important places to go in a short period of time. After all, we aren't here long. It turned into a 9 hour walking, eating & boating tour. Katie & I walked around for the rest of the day w/ new friends from the walking tour. We walked across the city to the park & rented boats! Afterward we walked clear across to the other end of the city only to find that they stopped admitting ... read more
Museo de Jamón
Street Performer!
'nuff said

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 20th 2014

Buckingham Palace. We're laughing...sooo jet lagged last night!... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 19th 2014

I have to try hard to remember where I left off. Jet-lag overdrive. We sat on the Tarmac to leave for London for ~2.5 hrs. Picked up Red Velvet Cupcake Murder in Buffalo and I've been blowing thru it w/all the time on the planes. Tried to watch the Lego movie. I'm sorry but the funny just wasn't funny enough for me. I think I was done by Tacko Tues. Or h/e they spelled it. Have to sleep cause that time goes by in a flash. Food wasn't so bad. I think I inhaled dinner by the time we finally got going. Landed in London a couple hours late & we still had to get from Heathrow to Stansted. Took the Underground & took an above ground detour to Nottingham Palace, which I had not seen ... read more
Airplane Gourmet
Mini Madrid

North America » United States » Illinois » Chicago June 18th 2014

Started out by trying to find my cat for a half hour so I could get him situated before I left. Ran a couple errands, picked up Katie, quick stop to see Grandpa and we were on our way! Chicago's flights were grounded due to weather & ended up getting delayed. Finally got out to O'Hare. Then we had to wait for a gate to open & by the time we got to our next gate, we were boarding! Much nicer sitting in a large plane. We arrive in London early tomorrow & have a handful of hours to switch airports, then onto Madrid! I am very proud to say I have a backpack and small tote bag for two weeks. Room to shop! Looking forward to reading my airport book-Red Velvet Cupcake Murder, watching the ... read more

North America » United States » New York » Rochester June 18th 2014

Katie & I can't believe that we're leaving for Spain tomorrow!! Woohoo!! Will be posting daily updates as long as Internet allows. Wanted to get this started to share the link! Vamos a España!... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City July 9th 2011

I'm going to go with London City. I think that's where I am. Anyway, I haven't been able to blog too easily as my computer hasn't been hooked up to the net and I've been checking with other computers and such. I could have blogged had I remembered my password. I didn't bring an adapter for the UK so I couldn't really use my computer without completely killing the battery (just turning it on drains it a bit...needs to be replaced). I'm in a hostel for tonight and some kind gentlemen left an adapter in the outlet. I'm borrowing it. Hopefully he won't mind. I'm in a coed dorm with 4 beds and it appears as though the other 3 are guys. Plus side: they have a lot less stuff and the room is barren. Compare ... read more
Doing what we do best.
City of Westminster
Horse Guard

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh July 6th 2011

Gotta make this short tonight. I'll try to write more later on certain destinations but it's just too late to write more tonight! I got up this morning and headed for the bus to Loch Ness. Again, I ultimately decided on the trip not just for the destination, but for the opportunity to see more of the Highlands. It was gorgeous in certain areas…ok pretty much all areas. The weather stunk but on the plus side, the fog and low clouds made for pretty photo taking. I wouldn’t have minded it being sunny and dry but I can’t really complain since I haven’t really seen a day of rain in 6.5 weeks. I can hardly comprehend that. The only other times I saw rain…about 2.5 mins in Sevilla the night we went out with the Pacos, ... read more
In front of Ben Nevis
Ben Nevis is somewhere behind the clouds

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