Page 2 of Sunnyskate Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark May 5th 2024

I managed to upload some photos. Having a lot of trouble with the site. Unfortunately some photos will only upload black. I will have to figure this out or change platforms. So enjoy the few I could get up!... read more
I just love the markets in the squares.
The Happiness Museum
Rosenberg Castle

Europe » Denmark » Region Syddanmark May 4th 2024

I arrived to a friendly atmosphere and met up with Caroline and headed to the house. It was great to have a home cooked meal and Danish dessert after arriving. I don’t know what to call it but it was everything I normally don’t eat and it was good! Buttermilk, another milk, vanilla something, cookie bits & ice cream. Was given plenty of wine and licorice liquor. It tastes like cough medicine. I was delighted that there were licorice candies out—I like REAL black licorice. We sat around and talked and relaxed…little bit of hygge there. Today I almost got dragged out of bed because I kept snoozing my alarm and finally compromised at 11am and got up. I figured 5am est was late enough. It was nice to not have to rush anywhere and visit, ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » North Holland » Amsterdam May 3rd 2024

I don’t know that I would recommend choosing to essentially do a day trip on a layover after flying to Europe and having a timeframe…especially having not traveled internationally for a bit. Canada doesn’t count. Navigating transportation was a comedy of errors that necessitated rushing around, which is not very fun when trying to see things! Anne Frank House I’m not quite sure how to describe the house. For me, with everything I have studied, it was more about the experience. I chose not to pick up the audio tour. I could hear it on others’ speakers but really wanted to just see the house and be in the rooms and understand the annex from the perspective of being there. It gives me a better appreciation for the situation they were in and the small spaces ... read more
Cafe at Anne Frank House
Amsterdam Canal
Dutch Gouda & Cheddar

North America » United States May 2nd 2024

Here I am trying to figure out if this entry is going to end up in the right blog. It’s a farce. I’m over the Atlantic. Not so user friendly today. ETA looks like it’s working…... read more

North America » United States » Illinois » Chicago July 1st 2014

I wasn't going to write another blog but this traveling home business is worthy of something. We began at 430 in the morning in Cork. Were kindly driven to the airport for our 635am flight. Thankfully took off on time. We took the Stansted Express to the middle of London & the underground to Heathrow. We had to 'mind the gap' a few times as we changed lines & trains. The guy at the Stansted ticket desk wasn't kidding. Took ~2hrs total.our flight to Chicago was delayed because the plane didn't arrive on time. The flight itself was mostly uneventful. I don't know how I got lucky enough to be right smack dab in the middle of the 5 person row. Wasn't as bad as I thought as I could choose which side I wanted food/drinks ... read more
Salad for dinner
Required delay drink. It was kinda weak.
Crazy storm

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork June 29th 2014

So we're about to close up our last day here. Stayed overnight in Coyne. Truly beautiful there. We partook in a traditional breakfast. Started with fruit, bread, and juice &/or water followed shortly thereafter by tea. Eggs Benedict was the special breakfast. It's not my favorite, but when in Rome, do like the Romans! I thought it smart to immerse myself. It was served on an English muffin. Pretty soon the waitress came over with 8 slices of toast (4 slices of bread cut in half to be fair). In case you glazed over the beginning, this was the 3rd serving of bread in one meal! I was stuffed! We took a taxi to the railroad station in Midleton & had a bit of xtra time, so we walked to the supermarket & bought tea. After ... read more
View from Barnabrow House, Coyne
Sorry we're sideways. Beautiful shot
Random house that fell apart.

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Ballycotton June 28th 2014

I'm actually writing from outside Coyne, but idk what county I am in. While Katie attends the after dinner wedding, I took a cab to dinner. Enjoying a nice glass of fruit cider while I wait for my food. I've found that there might be more lost in translation here than when I don't speak English. Everyone says I don't have an American accent. Funny! Keep 'em guessing! Cabbie asked if I had a slight Australian accent. Today we got up early to go to the souvenir shop & to Penny's. I'm not telling what I bought at the souvenir shop because it might spoil a few surprises. Did more than enough shopping for the hour we were down there. We arrived back to ready ourselves for the wedding & to have lunch before heading to ... read more
Sunny start today
Blallycotton & the Sea

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork June 27th 2014

I slept in today! It was delightful to actually get sleep. Katie had a Hen Party (Bachelorette Party) last night so I didn't really set my alarm. I knew she'd tell me after she got up. On the way to catch the bus, I bought a thin zip up hoodie to later with-downside of packing light! Penny's (not to be confused w/ JC penny's) is inexpensive & had some nice sales. That's the best thing of hitting Europe at this time are all the sales! Today we went to Blarney. After stopping into a souvenir shop w/ a lovely woman and some Irish lace, we walked on down to the Castle. Of course our first destination was the Castle/Blarney Stone. It was neat to see what used to be and a good use of imagination. We ... read more
Boring Still Water vs. Thrilling Fizzy Water
I don't even understand how this I'd upside down.
Blarney Castle

Europe » Ireland » County Cork » Cork June 26th 2014

Been without Internet except briefly for the last couple of days. Sevilla Seeing as it was our last day & we hadn't yet checked off everything on our list, we hopped to it. Ok, Katie hopped to it. I could still have slept all day. We began with a stop at the bus pickup to figure out when to catch one to the airport on our way over to Plaza de España. It's sooo pretty. The fountain still wasn't running and there were tables blocked off for some sort of function, but it was still gorgeous! Next up ir de Well, sort of... We window shopped at Encuentre the night before & went in to grab what we wanted. Ran into Blanco & up 3 or 4 flights & back down again & booked it ... read more
Plaza de España
Ham everything.
Things that could be done

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville » Triana June 24th 2014

Today was awesome! First we went to Zumba again in Dos Hermanas. Was really fun. Came back w/ some new songs. :) Afterward we visited our school from 3 years ago, Geranios. Unfortunately no one was there but it was still fun! After Dos Hermanas and an insanely long wait for the train, we stopped to change & went to visit our host family. It was so wonderful to spend time with them! We were supposed to stay there but they had to take in a couple students at the last min, but we enjoyed every min we did get to spend w/ them...all 360 minutes! Starbucks is going to close so I have to go find directions for the bus to the airport tomorrow. Don't want to leave Sevilla! We're here most of the day, ... read more
Zumba con Rubén!

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