Suzanne Tonkin

Sue Tonkin

Suzanne Tonkin

Now in my Autumn years (but only just) I am looking forward to more travel.
I have been to Bali many times, Hawaii several times and the USA once (so limited exposure there). I have travelled across middle Australia many times and still enjoy new sights among the familiar places.
The last trip and the next trip are to Thailand and Vietnam. So much to see and so little time.

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok November 4th 2014

Our holiday begins! Pleasant flight on Singapore Airlines. With a stop in Singapore, Singapore Airlines give you $40 Changi dollars to spend in the airport. Jules and i used ours to buy booze at the duty free desk. 1ltr Johnny black & 1ltr Gentleman Jack. Difference in price for us to pay? $6. Bargain!!! Glad we paid the little bit extra for preferred seating. Leg room to spare, however we were right behind the toilets. You have no idea how much action those little suckers get! People start as soon as they get on the plane, and there is absolutely no empty sign the entire trip. We were in dire need of a cool beverage when we arrived at our hotel, so sussed out a pub nearby. We battled the crowds on the streets, the very ... read more
Changi airport
Changi airport
Bully's Pub

Asia » Singapore April 3rd 2008

Well. Last day. Boy that month has flown. I wanted to see as much of the city as possible today so set out early. I took the shuttle into Orchard Road and on the advice of a couple on the bus, went to the underground train and purchased a tourist pass for $18, of which $10 is repaid on the return of the card. The card entitles you to 12 trips. Pretty good if you get to use the entire 12 trips. I travelled completely around Singapore in just over an hour. The trains are amazing. Clean, roomy and well planned. The STA in Adelaide sure could learn something here. I stopped at the station which was close to Chinatown. I think Chinatowns everywhere look similar. Had a leisurely lunch, and went for a wander. I ... read more
Orchard Road
Street view

Asia » Singapore April 3rd 2008

Took the free shuttle into Orchard Road again and had a good wander. What a world away from the countries I have just visited. Names like Armani, Dolce, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Massimo, Marks & Spencer, Chanel are everywhere. All the cars are clean and in excellent condition. The streets are clean and lots of vegetation. The many pedestrian over passes and undergrounds mean you rarely have to negotiate traffic lights. You never see any jay walkers. The traffic flows freely without many pesky pedestrians clogging up the works. Even the buskers and disabled people selling little packs of tissues are only found in the underground tunnels. When I got lost it just meant I found more places to see. I booked a trip on the Night Safari to see the wild animals at night. The ... read more

Asia » Singapore April 1st 2008

I left Thailand with yet another dodgy driver. I had negotiated with him to pay 300baht and the highway tolls to get to the airport. They do not like to use their meters believe me. He also tried to get me to go to a sponsor on the way. GIVE ME STRENGTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! The taxi driver appeared to be enamoured with me (or at least my money) and told me I was very beautiful, and perhaps we could go to Phuket together next time I was in Thailand. He was obviously angling for a larger fare, and he certainly wasn't going to get one. He hugged me like a long lost relative when he dropped me at the airport. Somehow I still came away paying 50baht more than the agreed price, as he had not given me ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok April 1st 2008

Went to see Wut's baby. There was a large celebration in progress. As they are muslim there was no alcohol, but lots of watermelon, other fruit, water and juices. The celebration starts first thing in the morning, and continues all day. When we arrived there were no adult men present, but lots of women sitting around talking and watching the baby. Sounds like an Aussie BBQ doesn't it!! Christine and I decide to have a pedicure before she went to the airport. I enjoyed mine, but Christine winced the way through hers. After she left I decided to revisit Pantip Plaza, the mega electronics store. Went by TukTuk, but you guessed it, the driver wanted me to visit one of his bloody sponsors!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought what the hell, it knocked 30 baht off the trip, and ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Pattaya April 1st 2008

Saw another side of Pattaya today, a much nicer one. Friends of Nitaya's took me on the tourist drive into the hills at the outside of Pattaya, then along Jom Tien beach. It has some beautiful sights. When we visited the high vantage point there were the usual food stalls, but one had some different fare. The warmers held baked goodies consisting of frogs, scorpions, grasshoppers, large bugs that looked like very big cockroaches, and many more smaller insects. I didn't see anyone buy any and declined the offer of a taste. They must do a roaring trade though or they wouldn't be set up there every day.The pictures will tell the story. We stopped at a roadside fish market on the way home and bought shrimp, crabs, oysters and squid for a BBQ tea. It ... read more
Jomtien Beach
Along the beach
The view

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Pattaya March 29th 2008

Back in Pattaya. Christine booked a 2 day trip up the River Kwai. She had to get up at 5.00am to go. I lazed around doing nothing. My knees needed the rest. Planned on a massage too. Nitaya wanted me to send some photos for Derek's mum to see her house.... read more
pretty flower at Nitaya's
The kitchen
from the front door

Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi March 27th 2008

Things I have learned in Thailand and Vietnam: 1. Thai drive on the left hand side, Vietnamese drive on the right hand side. When I first got in the taxi at the HCMC airport and the driver got in the LHS, I wondered who was going to drive. However in Vietnam, they also drive on either side of the road at any time and red traffic signals are apparently only a suggestion to stop! They also drive on the footpath regularly. 2. In both countries they do not put toilet paper in the toilet. You are meant to put it in a little bucket by the toilet. Many do not have toilet paper at all, so always carry some tissues in your bag. Some out of the way places may only have the old hole in ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi March 27th 2008

News break!!!!!!  5 men from Laos arrested for drug smuggling at the Haon Kiem lake  Celebrities from Australia attend Vietnamese weddings But more about that later! Christine and I decided to have a look around Hanoi today. First we made our way by taxi to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. Another dodgy taxi driver. He asked for 40,000 dong, but we refused and told him to use the meter. Final cost, 18,000 dong. We didn't get to the mausoleum until 11.30 and found it closed. It is only open from 7.00 until 11.00, so missed that one. You can't take photos anyway, and your cameras are confiscated at the door. You are not even allowed to put your hands in your pockets. No viewing of Uncle Ho for us. We made our way to ... read more
Can I have your autograph?
Celebrities join wedding party
Haon Kiem Lake - Hanoi

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay March 27th 2008

Took a tour to Halong Bay. We were the first to be picked up in the bus at 8.00am. Made quite a few stops on the way, and arrived at Halong Bay at 12.30. The place was full of buses. Apparently they get 2000 people visit each day. We were on the one day tour, but others on our bus were on the 2 day and 3 day tours. They get to sleep on the boat overnight, and the 3 day people also get to sleep on the island. If only we had more time!!! The bus was an international mix of people. Halong Bay is in the Gulf of Tonkin, but apparently that only meant something to me. The mist over the water and around the bay made the trip on the boat almost mystical. ... read more
Our boat
Misty bay
Two old sailors

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