


Dear family and friends,
May you be well. I miss you each very much. Do flyby Amsterdam if you ever get over the pond... would be awesome to show you around.
Much love and happiness.

pic 2004 Sweden at Tommy & Petra's wedding

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Leiden March 30th 2020

Hello again, Entering week three of working from home and schooling our kids from home, sort of. Definitely a full home feeling. Our dinning table is ‘shape shifting’ once breakfast is had it is converted to a four person work station! Just like that books and laptops ready for the readiness of work. Sean has his office in the back yard/garden though WiFi can be less reliable at times. Thankful our eldest two are able to get on independently while our young'n isn’t so keen. That said as you may be experiencing yourselves the novelty is wearing off, we each miss our routine. Mostly we miss, you, friend. On the plus side we have all our meals, mostly, together. No one is late to the office. The to and fro pace of life is slowed to ... read more
Walking in the stad (city)
working from home
push ups

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Leiden March 29th 2012

Writing to say my due date is approaching this next Tuedsay. For those of you who may not know already... Avalon and Rhys are going to have a new sibling very soon! Rhys has recently turned two and started, two mornings a week, at nursery/play school which he seems to like a lot. Avalon is at school full time (they begin at age four here) , attends dance class which she really enjoys and keeps asking for swimming lessons which are essential for life in the Netherlands. Overall, life is good, Sean is working a lot and my belly is getting bigger by the moment. Will post photos soon Much love and happiness to all Please send me a note if you have the time: it is always great hearing from our family of friends and ... read more
Frozen over canal
at Naturalis

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Leiden March 11th 2011

So many wonderful people have birthdays in March! Let's see cousin Cesar is 21, Grandpa Thomas is 65 and Happy birthday to Aunty Angela today! Yesterday was Rhys' FIRST birthday! He has a touch of the cold but otherwise is doing brilliantly. He has seven front teeth, is walking proudly in his first pair of shoes and getting ready to run. It's been a very busy year since Rhys has arrived. We had a very relaxing holiday in Finland last summer and recently made a brief visit over the Christmas holidays to England to visit family and catch up with a few friends in Portsmouth. Avalon is doing dance and loving it. While she dances Rhys is busy making friends with the slightly older dancers (5yrs). It's good fun for all even if I'm exhausted afterwards! ... read more
cluck cluck

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Leiden November 1st 2010

A year ago, yesterday we arrived in Holland. To begin the latest chapter in our lives and it's been great so far. Making new friends, seeing new sights, and most of all our little family welcomed Rhys into the world. Avalon is enjoying her new 'play' school and as she wasn't able to celebrate her birthday with friends back in May due to having chicken pox we decided to have her a Halloween costume party! Other update is that we are booked to go home to England from the 21st of December returning on New Years Day. So if you fancy a visit to Portsmouth we shall be there most time... May you all be happy and well Much Love Sean Esther Avalon & Rhys... read more
black cat
conquering the world
self portrait

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Leiden March 14th 2010

Birth weight was 2990 grams, just over six and a half pounds, but the wee fella is bulking up fast...... read more
Mum in action
Dutch birth card
Big sister

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Leiden March 12th 2010

Mother and baby doing fine - not so sure about father! Rhys Finn Solis Blair was born about ten minutes after we made it to the hospital, but home now and in repose, first bath!... read more
Getting dressed
And so to bed

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Leiden March 10th 2010

... born on the morning of 10th March, about ten minutes after we made it to hospital! Mother and baby doing fine!... read more
we are family

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Leiden February 26th 2010

Hello friends, Thinking of everyone and knowing everyone may be wondering if bump "rice" is every going to present themselves?! Just went to the docs this past Friday and all is well with bump and mama. We have our next visit this Friday provided labour doesn't begin prior to that. It's half term for Ava this week so as it's a Monday and she has a touch of the cold we are staying indoors for the most part, crafting, coloring and dancing about the living room and select program viewing. I've been doing a bit of reading this last trimester which is great mainly because it feels like such a long time since I've had the energy or time to do so. If you have any reccommended reading please let me know. For the most part ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Leiden December 22nd 2009

Greetings from Esther, Sean, Avalon and bump "Rice", What a year, eh? Here's looking forward to 2010 Hope you are keeping warm and dry or, better yet, catching some of the Sun's rays in some sunny tropical place on this globe. We are having, fingers crossed, our first white Christmas holiday (Just the three of us and bump) here in Leiden. No plans other than to play, write, read, sleep, and hopefully watch some movies at home. Will get to the movie house in the new year once we've arranged babysitting (Avatar is calling!). The pace of life has slowed quite a bit from our very busy filled days in Hitchin (UK). Although we do miss all our friends very much we are beginning to make new ones here in the Netherlands. Avalon and I attend ... read more
Space Expo near ESTEC
with Sinterklaas haus
catching speed

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Leiden November 25th 2009

thanks for all the great comments Most of you may know Sean is working with ESA (EJR- Quartz) at the ESTEC facility in the Netherlands on contract for the next three years. So we have begun the adjustments that come with a new culture and country. It's a great city, with canals, boat houses, bicycles every where (and they definitely rule the roads). Seems the hierarchy is bike, pedestrian, then autos, which is the way it should be in my opinion. I also realize that my previous entry was incomplete- bit of a glich with the blog? Avalon loves the big park which is open from 11 until 17 and they charge .50 cents to play or 12 Euro annual membership. That seems to mean no graffiti or litter or unruly youth hanging about. That said ... read more
our new pad
gettig comfy
happy girl

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