Stephanie and Andras' Guestbook

21st July 2016

me and boyfriend are planning a trip from San Fransisco to Seattle, maybe going to Vancouver. Love your blog!
10th July 2016
Gratuitous NYC Photo

Fabulous tale!
This rather confirms my belief that challenging situations make great stories! Many years ago, I had my passport nicked as I was swimming a bit nude in waterfalls in Palenque, Mexico. After that for a year, I crossed several borders with only an expired student card and $5 or $10 to border guards. Unfortunately, those days are gone, but clearly, you still have this bravado--best wishes in Oman!
9th July 2016

I know the feeling
The first trip I went on after I had started to write on TravelBlog went to Yemen. I had my own fair share of passport and visa problems there. It was scary but I pulled it off too. If you want to read about my story it is told in full on our TravelBlog page. It is the second entry as the first one contains a short introduction and has nothing to do with travel /Ake
9th July 2016

How intense! I read through your blog - oh my! One more reason I would be very, very hesitant to trust my passport to any mail system unless I absolutely couldn't avoid it. Yemen is sadly no longer a viable destination for me (or many of us, really) but I had heard such nice things about Sana'a. I'll have to look through your older blogs!
9th July 2016

I love that last line!!!
Have a great time in Oman...and blog about it!
9th July 2016

I was still so shaken by the first comment that I could barely sign my name. I must have calmed down towards the end, but it's one pathetic excuse for an 'S' for sure! Omani blogs are forthcoming!
9th July 2016

This is hilarious! And crazy, of course. You do have a way to make things happen!
9th July 2016

When I'm of the mind to, I certainly can accomplish some feats.
8th July 2016

A TSA agent with a sense of humor
Who could imagine! What a great story. Hope you were able to enjoy of a bit NYC while you were there as you've spent time there. Maybe you connected with some friends. Eager to read your blogs. B240 is now your lucky number.
9th July 2016

And at JFK no less! Indeed, I had most of Tuesday to reconnect with friends, one of who works just a few streets away from the passport office so we met up for lunch. All in all, quite the productive 36 hours in the city :)
8th July 2016

Enjoy Oman!
The close calls make good travel stories! (Yours reminded me of a sprint from the NZ embassy in Paris out to the airport a few years ago :-) ) "....what else are you going to do...?" I thought you'd gone to calm your nerves with a drink!
8th July 2016

Oh I definitely had a drink later, but that was taken around 7am! A 'bit' too early for me to start, even if it had been open ;) Usually when asked how the actual traveling component of a trip was I prefer to be able to say "uneventful" but ... every now again it's good to feel that adrenaline rush. Nevertheless, I've already updated my calendar app to remind me to renew next time - ha!
24th February 2016

Tequila Town
Thank you for your wonderful word pictures and food descriptions. Looks like a fantastic place. Thanks for sharing.
4th December 2015

The new wave of smoked meats....
As always you tempt us with amazing foods, photos and smiles. I've never been a real fan of the vinegar sauces but life needs to be fully experienced and evaluated. Looks like you are analyzing things thoroughly.
1st December 2015

My mouth is watering! We took a barbecue road trip through Arkansas and Tennessee many years ago and you have brought back many good memories. Everyone has there favorite, but they are all soooo good that you really don't have to choose. Good blog and great pictures!
1st December 2015

Glad we could stir up some delicious memories! I agree - no need to play favorites. While we certainly have our preferences, we'd be hard pressed to turn down barbecue of any style! Our pictures don't even come close to yours, but let's be honest - BBQ is meant to be EATEN, not seen. I was lucky to get the photos I did, having to hold Andras at bay - ha! Thanks for reading!
1st December 2015

Welcome back...
I understand that you now live in Kentucky. We hope to hear much more from you, catching up to the present!
1st December 2015

More Blogs to Come!
We are indeed in Kentucky for the time being! Still lots to explore, including the bourbon distilleries, and even more to write about. My goal is to have all of our back-dated blogs written by the end of the year (but we'll see); I find that when the weather hits that awkward "too cold/wet to be outside, not cold/wet enough to snow" period to be the perfect time for some reflection and photo browsing :) Thanks for reading!
7th February 2015
And we're off!

Great photo
What fun
7th February 2015

Bravo! Fantastic blog. I cannot tell you how happy Dave and I are that the two of you are in Mexico together. Fantastic. Yeah for work. Glad you are finding all urban centers are not alike, that the suburbs are the suburbs for a reason. I love cities. Hanging on every word. Every thing is the same and yet not the same, subtle differences are found. i.e. torta ahogada. Mexico is one of our favorite countries because we love the people. They are so friendly. Yes we have been to many tourists towns but make an attempt to see non-tourist area of each location while we are there. We've never encountered any trouble...but we use common sense, don't go out alone, don't go on narrow alley's after dark- rules for any town in the U.S. Loved your discovery and comments of globalization and realization. Yes it is different living in a country and visiting a country. Your perspective and goal differ. Your experience would have been different if you'd lived in the urban area rather than the suburbs but not a bad thing. .... life is full of experiences and each one teaches us and opens our minds, views and hearts.
18th January 2015

Congratulations on finding a job that requires travel...
and thanks for correcting many misperceptions I have of the non-tourist part of Mexico.
18th January 2015

I'm certain that aspects like poverty and corruption are to be found in Mexico, but like most countries it is far from homogenous. Both in-land places I've been - Puebla and now Guadalajara - I've found to be nothing less than nice middle-class towns, with folks leading ordinary middle-class lives. Very comfortable to visit, with no where near the hassles I've heard of tourists encountering around the resorts.
4th January 2015
Central Park

I loved your list of ifs...indeed. Your blogs are always fantastic to read. Glad you found some time to go back in time and make an attempt to get caught up. We are hoping to do NYC at the holidays. It seems like a perfect setting. Sorry you lost some photos.
17th January 2015
Central Park

I feel like I'm always playing catch back up, but better than that not having done anything to write about :) We can't recommend NYC over the holidays enough! I often feel as though less-than-ideal weather makes the city feel even cozier. Quite a few good outdoor holiday markets too!
24th July 2014

I just love that photo you took of the snowy Christmas tree with space needle in pic! Wish I could use it as my phone wallpaper but it won't let me

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