SlavicNerd's Guestbook

9th April 2016

Going it Alone in the City
I would have loved to try the fried Bullfrog, but let's face- I would have loved to have tried everything you've eaten! You've convinced me to try chicken feet next time I go to Dim Sum. Very impressed that you went out by yourself at night to explore the city. No better way to get to know a new place. While intimidating since you didn't speak the language, it sounded exciting.
8th April 2016

Chicken feet!
Besides your great-grandmother, you are the only person I know that could enjoy eating chicken feet! I absolutely loved your descriptions of all the food you ate!
5th April 2016

Academy Award
You deserve a "Best Actor" award! You may have felt like a zombie on your first day, but you look just fabulous! Thanks for the first look at China!
5th April 2016

Do you think you are enough?
Even I'm impressed with the amount of food you consumed on your first day, not to mention the ground you covered. I always recommend hitting wherever I land hard jet lag be damned, when traveling internationally. You are a poster child for this approach. Pictures are great. As always love your meal descriptions. Monica's done a wonderful job introducing you to Shanghai.
25th February 2016

I love the post! And your photos! I dedicated a short post to Cascais, its beach and food… I hope you enjoy the read!
From Blog: Cascais!
27th June 2015

You and your Kippah
Jeff: you look great in your kippah! Of course, I still like the photo of you covered in clay! Okay -- what does hummus do to you; I like hummus and don't get a strange reaction.....
From Blog: Jerusalem!
23rd June 2015

Smell of Sulphur/ Chicken Innards Mixed Grill
Only you can make a body of water that reeks of sulphur and a mixed grill made of the inside of a chicken seem wonderful & delicious. Israel does seem incredible. Glad you're having time to unwind and experience a bit of an adventure. Outstanding blog as usual. Enjoy.
22nd June 2015
Market in West Jerusalem

Dear SlavicNerd, Thanks so much for all your pics. I'm getting wet n wild just lookin at the chicken! Watch out for those hot quiet Jewish boys! Challah back bitch! - Felicia
22nd June 2015

"Baked in Clay"
I LOVE the photo of you baked in clay! It will probably make you look even younger!
19th February 2015
More fun things at the market!

Oh, what a market!
I just love your commentary and photos -- especially of the market!
16th February 2015

Wish I Was There
Such a colorful narrative! Thanks for your most enjoyable blog!
From Blog: Xochimilco
30th April 2014

What a way to spend a birthday! Thanks for taking me along. So glad you're back home!
30th April 2014

European swimsuit
Did you but a Speedo at Corte Ingles??!!
26th April 2014

Jeff -- you are just amazing! I love your descriptions -- especially of the food! I'd be fine with most of it, but you'd have to eat any octopus that happened to land on my plate!
From Blog: Guimarães
23rd April 2014

I'm Loving Portugal!
Thanks for taking me along on your trip! What great photos -- and commentary!
From Blog: Cascais!
22nd April 2014

What a Whirlwind Three Days!
Son, you do not disappoint. You've continued the family tradition of cramming into three days what most people couldn't cover in a week. Portugal looks as just charming the second go round. The Moorish influence reminds me a bit of our trip to Spain and that one castle was very " Game of Thrones"
11th May 2013

haha..Typical Island mentality!
This is so funny and so true! The people in Sardinia are way too relaxed and couldn't be botheres....Tourist information is completely usless...Many of the people don't really speak english..and have never left the island! I was there for 9 months in Alghero and you described it brilliantly!
12th February 2013

Swiss Spatzli
Oh, what a wonderful-looking dish! You find the best food, Jeff!
From Blog: Grüetzi, Züri!
6th February 2013

Crazy snowfall photo
Hi! I'm in Uncle Ray's email since he left it open! It's great that you've posted this blog! Just love the photo of you entitled "Crazy snowfall!" Be safe; buy some shoes with tread. Love you!
From Blog: To Switzerland!
23rd April 2012

Thank You
Thank you, dear Jeff, for taking me with you to Malta! However, I was really looking forward to your adventure at the "Fish Lounge." We'll have to find one in the U.S.
From Blog: Għawdex!
21st April 2012

Game of Thrones connection
I just googled Game of Thrones and the island of Malta in anticipation of your trip to Gozo and found out that the Gate to Mdina was used in one of the episodes. Now I'll have to go back and watch season 1. Looking forward to some photos of the Azure Window (back to season 1 again to see Gozo). Have fun!!
16th April 2012

Hey - I have heard abouit those tiny nibbling fish treatments! Go for it but make sure they are not tiny piranhas! Would have loved to hear your Backstreet Boys number. Have fun!
16th April 2012

I'm Tagging Along
Thanks, Jeff, for writing a blog about this trip. Through your blogs I get to see the world! Have fun inbetween the conference. Miss you.
14th April 2012

Off to a great start!
I'm fascinated by island culture and Malta looks intriguing. Looks like your trip is off to a great start. Seriously, 16 year old drinking age? That should make for some interesting bar hopping stories. Weather seems beautiful. Enjoy.

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