Page 5 of SharonAN Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Massachusetts » Boston July 18th 2018

We awoke early again with the realization that this was the day that we’d been anticipating. Today we begin our cruise. Ruth had wished us a most enjoyable journey yesterday when we had the opportunity to visit with her in her home in Rhode Island. Sharon had mentioned to her how we’d met our previous Trivia Team at the Life Boat Drill; but, for this cruise I had made her sign-up for the roll call so that we could join a trivia team with some Canadians. If you can’t have school teachers on your team, then the next best thing are team members from Canada, Great Britain or Australia. Ruth has also played trivia; but, said that she sometimes takes umbrage with some of the questions and answers. One that particularly irked her was spawned by ... read more
New carpet inserts at intersections point to the front of the ship

North America » United States » Rhode Island July 17th 2018

We slept well enough awakening with a growing readiness for tomorrow when we will be embarking on the Voyage of the Vikings. This last day on the East Coast will find us in Rhode Island later this morning where the plan is to meet up with Rhode Island Ruth. Sharon met Ruth the first time in person on a HAL cruise on the Rotterdam (the same ship we’ll be boarding tomorrow) from Rio de Janeiro that went down to Antarctica and then on to Santiago in early 2008. She had met her online a couple of years earlier when Sharon took her first cruise (to New England) alone after her husband Jim died. Sharon was posting along the way and Ruth provided some very nice and supportive responses that helped her get thru her first solo ... read more

North America » United States » Massachusetts » Boston July 16th 2018

We are definitely looking forward to getting on the ms Rotterdam in two days. Our bags are all full of freshly cleaned laundry and we’re dressing from cloths set aside for the next couple of days. I set the alarm last night for 5:30 AM so that we could be ready for an early breakfast when they open at 6:30 AM. I awoke early and briefly feared I was going to have a repeat of yesterday morning when I awoke with an eyelash in my eye that seemed to take me forever. Sharon tried to help; but, when I saw her coming at me with a Q-Tip, I decided, “That’s okay dear, I got this.” It’s sort of like when I offer to trim her bangs. How hard can that be? Well there is a family ... read more
Long Warf waiting for Whale Watch Boat
Restaurant Across Street from Warf
Sharon in John's old hat

North America » United States » Massachusetts » Boston July 15th 2018

We slept pretty good again, and again we awoke to the sun filtering in through our window overlooking the pool. I was hungry and looking forward to my omelet; and, I wasn’t disappointed. Sharon was pretty much looking forward to her scrambled eggs and roasted potato cubes which she’s been enjoying for a couple of days now; but, she was disappointed. Evidently, potatoes is a non-starter on Sundays. As expected, the central elevator is still non-operational… “They’re not going to fix it on the weekends.” Sharon Said so I said, “Well they might if they’re reading our blog!” We met a couple in the hall with a passel of kids and we noted, “It’s inconvenient about the elevators, isn’t it. They haven’t been working for several days now!” “That’s terrible,” she said. Then he added, “We ... read more
Organ Pipes at St Patricks (For Penny my piano teacher)
Outside of St. Patricks

North America » United States » Massachusetts » Boston July 14th 2018

It took me getting married, and moving to Ohio, before I met my first-cousin Karen on my mother’s side again after over 50 years. She’d changed a lot since then. And it will be more than that today when Sharon meets her only first-cousin Susan on her father’s side. Susan and her husband spend their summers on the coast near Boston. After our first trip to Boston on our first Canada-to-New England cruise 6 years ago we only had one day to spend in Boston and the choice was made to spend time with Sharon’s Aunt Flo and two of her kids, Jack and Mary. Even in her nineties, Aunt Flo was active and alert and followed our blog closely, and her first words to me were, “Did you ever get a decent Lobster Roll?” Aunt ... read more

North America » United States » Massachusetts » Salem July 13th 2018

Things looked pretty bleak blog-wise yesterday evening as Sharon unpacked the laptop and was going to post the previous day’s blog. The laptop was misbehaving as she sat on the bed while I was tuning into the news in our lounge area. We have two TVs so we just might survive the next six days. I heard her mutter something; which, I recognized as a mutter that wasn’t to be ignored. I came into the bedroom and she declared, “It’s broken.” I’m thinking, our laptop which we need for the blog, which I need for trivia, which we need for handling pictures on our vacation, IS BROKEN! It wasn’t what I remembered as “the blue screen of death”; but, it did look pretty non-responsive. She tried re-booting, and I thought she was having success; but, the ... read more
Sign in old Cemetery
Coast near Salem

North America » United States » Massachusetts » Boston July 12th 2018

I was at least able to get to sleep last night when I lay down; but, I awoke too many hours early and had to struggle to get back to sleep. I am not going to miss this bed as it seems much too stiff to suit me. We had planned to leave about 9:30 for our nearly 5-hour trip to Boston; but, in the end we were ready to get on the road after finishing the simple buffet breakfast and left just after 8. I had some scrambled and the one remaining over-fried egg with sausage. Sharon stuck with her dry cereal. Sharon reminded me that that was one more thing that she had in common with my cousins. I can still hear Beth saying, “The way she eats, she’s more related to us than ... read more
View from the George Washington Bridge while crossing from New Jersey to New York
Living Area of Boston Hotel Room
KitchenArea of Boston Hotel Room

North America » United States » New Jersey July 11th 2018

For me, it was a restless night where I just couldn’t seem to fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning. The wall-mounted A/C was a particularly loud beast and more one that you would associate with mid-twentieth century and perhaps not today. Mother made the journey to the undertaker a couple months ago, so there were no worries about her getting to the graveside service on time. Sharon recalls with some bemusement when she buried her first husband Jim, his body was nearly late because he was shipped a day later than it was scheduled. The funny part was, Jim had never been late for anything in life. My mom was not quite that punctual, especially in my formative years; although my father was meticulously punctual or endeavored to be. I have some memories ... read more

North America » United States » New Jersey July 10th 2018

Tuesday dawned, and I was already up, taking care of last minute details I still needed to attend to: move the dishes from the dishwasher to the cabinet before Sharon needs to remind me (again), get the address of the Memorial Park where we would have my mother buried, stage the suitcases in the hall to rapidly be moved to the street when needed, and do a last-minute check of my email. I had ended my eBay store auctions a month earlier precisely because I didn’t want to be dealing with refunds and such. I had started the store to sell some coins that I no longer wanted; and, after my mother’s death I went on to sell a number of her jewelry items and artwork. I found I was now dealing with a customer disputing ... read more

North America » United States » Nevada July 9th 2018

We are in our third summer here in Las Vegas and so far we’ve already had over 30 days of over 100 degrees so we’re ready for some cooler weather. Last year we escaped the heat by traveling to Alaska for a five-week adventure. This year, in celebration of a REALLY BIG BIRTHDAY for Sharon, she chose to knock one particular cruise off of her Bucket-List that she’s been eyeing for some time now: Voyage of the Vikings. Holland America (HAL) offers this cruise once each year, and this season we will be sailing on the ms Rotterdam. It is a 38-day cruise out of Boston, sailing up the east coast of North America, sailing on to Greenland and Iceland, on to Norway, then stopping at Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and returning with stops in Scotland ... read more

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