Page 44 of SharonAN Travel Blog Posts

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro January 28th 2008

Mon Jan 28 We sailed out of Rio just about an hr ago and can still see some of it in the distance though it has been cloudy and overcast most of the day with rain a good part of the afternoon. I had a full day tour of Rio that left a 8 this morning. There were quite a few people I’d met already on the same bus (a couple from Indianapolis who I met on the plane, RuthC and Adele from the cc board, and Thersa & Joanne from my Dining Table that live in the Cincinnati area) so that was nice. Our guide’s name was Rosarita and she is a native Brazilian. She was pretty good at giving us information about the sites and city but a bit pushy in getting us ... read more
Statue of Christ the Redeemer
View from  top of Corcovado
View of Sugarloaf

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro January 27th 2008

Sun Jan 27 Well I’m now aboard the Rotterdam. Last night I spent a quiet evening at the hotel finishing the recovery from the flight and today I’m pretty well adjusted to the time. At least I hope so since I have an 8 a.m. tour tomorrow morning. I spent some time on the balcony last night watching some people play Beach Soccer. Our guide on the shuttle this morning told us that is the big thing here now and they hope to get it into the Olympics someday like they did Beach Volleyball. I then watched a bit of TV which was interesting. Obviously most of the channels were in Portuguese but there were some Movie channels playing in English, a CNN channel in Spanish, and a rather mixed US channel all with subtitles in ... read more
Rio Beachs
Christ the Redeemer

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro January 26th 2008

Saturday Jan 26 - Rio Well I made it to Rio. The flight was long as expected and we arrived about 30 mins late this morning at 8:30. It took about 2 hrs to get thru customs and immigration and then wait for everyone on the HAL shuttle. The flight was totally full and 2 people were bumped. They were offering $400 voucher, hotel, dinner, and confirmed flight today but there is no way I was interested in that. I was in the very last row of the plane (40a) right across from the restrooms. I don't recommend this area if you want to sleep (well I probably wouldn't have anyway but this didn't help). You could hear everything and then everytime they opened the door the light shown right in my face. I sat next ... read more

South America January 24th 2008

Well tomorrow's the day! I just called the Cab company to make arrangements for getting to the airport tomorrow. Hopefully this one is better than the one I used for last year's Alaska trip (though I probalby won't need air conditioning this time). I have a few last things to get into my stuffed bags (including the survival kit from Lin! and a picture of Jim for my nightstand). Also, need to arrange my purse and probably charge my phone and iPod. I'm sure I must have forgotten something! Other than that I'm ready to go. Tomorrow will be a long day though. Leave here about 9ish for a 12:00 flight to Atlanta then hang around there for about 6 hrs before my ~10 hr flight to Rio. With a 3 hr time difference I get ... read more

South America January 21st 2008

Mon 1/21/08 - Getting Ready Can't believe I'm just a few days away from leaving on this trip. Most of my packing is done though I'm sure I'll think of a few odds and ends in the next day or two before I leave. After much moving of things back and forth between suitcases I've given up trying to get the big suitcase down to 50 lbs and will just pay for the overage. I'm sure I won't end up using/wearing everything but would rather have a bit too much than need something later. This trip has been on my "list" for years (ok so my list is very long). My parents, sister, and brother-in-law took it a couple of years ago. We didn't have enough vacation time to take it back then. Of course I ... read more

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