James Holmes


James Holmes

I am a young man that loves Jesus. I'm traveling to Kenya, Africa for a three week mission trip and am very excited for this trip of a life time.

Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi July 1st 2010

safari was AWESOME. helping people was even better. but i am really wantiong to be home and see some people i love :) see yall in a couple of days love and miss yall James... read more

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province June 27th 2010

My last day in Meru consisted of preaching, attending a CD release party, and DRIVING!!!! It sounds like a simple task but it truly is hard when everything is backwards hahahahahaha Tomorrow we leave from Nairobi to fly to Massi Mara to start our safari... I am very excited :))) Today has undoubtedly been the funnest day and I will never forget Africa!!! Love and miss yall James ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province June 26th 2010

im preaching tomorrow :)... read more

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province June 26th 2010

Yesterday was pretty uneventful... went and toured the hospital and a church that the grapevine church paid to have built. Today we spent the day with the aids orphans participating in a fun day program they were putting on we had a soccer tournament, which the team of white people plus 3 or 4 Kenyans won :), and we gave them mosquito nets , blankets, and shirts. Its really uplifting giving to people who truly have nothing and are completely innocent. After that we went to a girls boarding school for high school, get three white decently cute guys in an environment like that and its insanely interesting. This is truly a life changing expiration. :) Things I’ve learned: 1. Smile.... life is good, even when you’re in extreme poverty. 2. Be thankful for what god ... read more

Africa June 24th 2010

Tuesday: We went to a construction site and we tied steel. Building in Africa is very manually demanding... even more so than in America. The workers get paid 250-500 shillings a day which translates in to 3.50-7.00 dollars. Another thing is the building materials are SO expensive here for example a 50kg bag of concrete here is roughly 10 dollars American. SHOCKING considering we only pay about 2-3 dollars. When we got back from playing with the school kids yesterday the youth at the guest house were having a bible study so we joined in and it was probably the best bible study I have ever been involved in. Yesterday: We went back to the site and tied more steel... I think the Africans were impressed with my quick and hard work considering I was about ... read more

Africa June 21st 2010

I can now check two things off of my bucketlist... racing a Kenyan / African and winning and playing futball with Africans (I didn’t have so much luck in that event). Today was a very eventful day we started by going to the hiv/aids orphanage and we learned about how to prevent the disease and how we can help them educate the people on how to live with it and avoid getting the disease. After that we went and watched and participate in some traditional dances from the Meru culture. They were very cool to watch and fun to participate in. :) after lunch we (Cody(19) ,Jeremiah(20) and I) went to a school of about 500 kids and at first we played Frisbee with them and then we played futball with them and they were AWESOME!!! ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Eastern Province June 20th 2010

After a night of worrying weather or not I was fully covered by the mesquito net was slightly discomforting but I slept well considering I was so dog tired from the activities of the day, reguardless of my sleep this morning was great. We went to a church here in meru which had about 450 in the first service which was the english speeking service and then after a short intermission we went back to another service which was in Kimeru and had slightly less people. Although most of the service was in another language it was so apparent that Gods presssence was there and that he was smiling apon the people of this place. They fed us lunch and we made some good friends but after that we came back to the compond and just ... read more

Africa June 19th 2010

After what feels like an etirnety I am finally in Meru ,Kenya, everyone here is so friendly and nice. The place were staying in is a methodist guest house whch is basicly a hotel its very nice and the food is awesome. The flight from Houston to Dubia was 15 hours and I felt every single one of them, but the lay over was good we stayed in an awesome hotel and had great meals. I know a few people that will be jelious that I had athentic curry. The flight from dubia to niroabi wasnt so brutal, it was only 5 hours and I slept thru at least 4 of them. We stayed in the methodist guest house last night and it was good as well. We met another group from Chicago that was staying ... read more

North America June 16th 2010

Well I've been trying to occupy my time for the last week or so so the time will go faster but it doesn't seem to work. There's only 30 minutes until I leave Salado for Houston but it seems like an eternity. I think I'll become quiet the professional at findig thugs to do since I'll be in airports and hotels over the next week or so, but it's all part of the adventure and wouldn't have it any other way. I am truely blessed to be going on this trip and am so thankful for everything I have been given. Pictures are soon to come considering the trip is fixing to begin love & respect James... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Salado June 13th 2010

So last night and this morning were filled with great events with awesome people. Last night we had a party for my dad's birthday and my going to Africa, it was very fun and got to see a lot of people I love. To everyone there I am more thankful than you know for the generous gifts ,support ,and prayers, I honestly don't know what I would do with out y'all. This morning was the send off for our group of five to head out to Africa, which was spectacular. Pastor Travis delivered a phenomenal message as usual. Our group did communion from the church which was a cool experience, and in the end we were prayed over and in the prayer something came over me and I felt complete comfort... like I would never have ... read more

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