Padders Travels in South (America / Africa)


Padders Travels in South (America / Africa)

In 2007 I wrote this blog to cover my trip to South America, where I mainly visited Argentina, Chile and Brazil (plus Uruguay and Easter Island).

Now I find that I'm going on another long trip, this time 10 weeks in South Africa, although this time its not purely a holiday, it is for work. So I'm thinking I should start blogging again. Since its a work trip I am not sure how much travel I'll actually do and what I'll end up writing about but here goes...

For those interested in the route of my South America trip its here:!106

Africa » South Africa » North West » Brits February 25th 2013

It is interesting, how often travel results in visiting unexpected places. Today I visited Hartsbeeport with the plan of going on the cable car. However, when I got there, there was a forty five to an hour queue, which didn’t sound pleasant in 33 degree heat. So I thought I would go back later and see what else is there in Hartsbeeport. While driving around, I saw a sign for Bush Babies Monkey Sanctuary . I’m never too sure of the standard of animal sanctuaries but this looked quite professional from the outside and I decided to go in. The sanctuary is a 7 hectare open cage home to 75 different monkeys. The only way to go round the tour is with a guide and tours start on the hour. Before we started our guide strongly ... read more
Squirrel Monkey
Monkey with water bottle

Africa » South Africa » North West » Zeerust » Madikwe Game Reserve September 7th 2012

In life timing is everything and by this time last week, I really needed a break. Luckily the English bank holiday gave me an opportunity to take a long weekend off work and a chance to relax. The one thing I really wanted to do was to go on safari while in South Africa and see the "big five" (Lion, Elephant, Rhino, Leopard and Buffalo). Other people from work have been to the Kruger national park but there is malaria present and the faff of having to take malaria tablets put me off. Closer to Pretoria is Pillensberg, a park which has the big five and you can drive yourself round. However, I have heard that it can be busy. My lonely planet came to the rescue with the suggestion of Madikwe Game Reserve . This ... read more
My room
Donkey Boiler
Elephant Bath

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Pretoria August 25th 2012

I am in South Africa for work and based in Pretoria. This has given me some time to explore the city and do some of the touristy things. Last weekend I went to of the two main sites in Pretoria, the Voortrekker Monument and Freedom Park. In some ways the two sites are very similar but also very different. The Voortrekker monument was built in the 1930s and 1940s and is dedicated to the Voortrekkers who left the Cape area to settle further inland. The monument itself is an imposing structure, very prominent on its hilltop location. It consists of a long marble muriel in the main hall of the monument and a basement exhibition. Its an interesting visit and does describe the history of South Africa. It's also useful to understand the people who some ... read more
Statue on side of Voortrekker Monument
Cart mural at Voortrekker Monument
Freedom Park

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Pretoria August 8th 2012

For some reason I decided that a blackout was a good time to write my first South African blog entry. I should have realised when that the radio advert this morning from the government asking people to conserve electricity was serious. The power went out a few times this evening and then went out for half an hour. Considering that the only I had during that time was from candles and my laptop screen, it wasn't great. It was made worse as the only heat source I had in my guesthouse cottage is a little portable heater than runs on electricity. When it’s about zero outside it’s not a good thing! Anyway the power is back now and seems to be ok. It snowed (albeit briefly in Pretoria) yesterday. This is a big thing for South ... read more

South America » Chile » Easter Island May 2nd 2007

So its a over month since I wrote my last blog. I've been meaning to write a new entry since I got back from Easter Island but never seemed to have enough time... Its now less than two weeks before I go home, so its likely that this could be my last blog for this trip. Anyway what has happened in the last month. Well, after leaving La Serena, I went to Santiago. I was there for the Easter Weekend, mainly because I was flying from there to Easter Island on the following Tuesday. This is perhaps the only decision I regretted. The newspapers suggested that most lots of residents had gone away for the weekend and they were right, there was hardly anyone around and all the shops were closed. To make things worse ... read more
Cerro Cristobal, Santiago
Easter weekend, Santiago

South America » Chile » Araucanía » Pucón April 2nd 2007

The beauty of travelling on your own is the flexibility to change your plans and do things that you never even thought of before. This what I did last week, while on the bus from Bariloche, Argentina to Puerto Montt in Chile. My plan was to catch the ferry the next day to the island of Chiloe. However, I got talking to two English girls called Natalie and Charlotte, who were also heading to Chiloe but travelling there the same day. So I changed my plan and went with them to Chiloe. We decided to stay in the town of Ancud and getting there from Puerto Montt was pretty easy, a simple case of catching a bus that went direct there. To cross the strait, the bus drove on to a really small ferry. It ... read more
Chiloe beach
At the top...

South America » Argentina » Chubut March 20th 2007

So last time I wrote a blog I was still at Iguazu, well I made it to Buenos Aires, spent three days there. I also met up with Sherry and Alyssa again, which was great. I'm not going to write about Buenos Aires because I have too many other things to cover at the moment.... Last Wednesday, I arrived in Trelew because I was going to stay at Estancia La Ernestina. This is a familry run farm located at Punta Norte, on the protected nature marine habitat of Penisula Valdes. I went there to get a chance to see penguins, sea lions and possibly orca (also known as killer whales, even though they are the largest of the dolphin family). I arranged to be picked up at the airport at 5pm by the Uncle of ... read more
Sunrise on the farm
Sea lions on the beach
Sea lion swimming

South America » Brazil » Paraná March 9th 2007

Today is my penultimate day in Brazil. I'm crossing the border into Argentina tomorrow (apparently on a Saturday it can take up to three hours to clear customs). Hopefully if all goes well then I'll be flying from Puerto Iguazu to Buenos Aires. It will be my second time in Argentina, as I did venture over to Argentina on Thursday for the day to visit the Argentinian Iguazu falls. Trying to remember Spanish was tricky after a month of trying Portuguese. I left Campinas for Campinas and spent two days there. One of my days was spent riding the Serra Verde Express train, going to Morretes and back again. This train went through 13 tunnels, 67 viaducts, which cut through mountains down to the coast. It dropped about 1000m in 100km. If anything I was a ... read more
Curitiba - Praca Santos Andrade
View from Serra Verde Express

South America » Brazil » São Paulo March 4th 2007

My first time was only for a few hours, while I changed airports and planes when flying from Salvador to Rio. The first time was quite good, as TAM provided a free shuttle bus and sitting next to me on the bus, was a guy called Marcel. He spoke very good English and acted as a sort of tour guide. He was also a Civil Engineer and every so often we would go past a tower block and he would say "that's one of mine". This time, I spent two days in Sao Paulo and two days in Campinas (100km north of Sao Paulo), for the wedding of Kambiz (a work colleague) and Katia. While I was in Sao Paulo, I stayed in the Jardins neighbourhood of Sao Paulo, which was an extremely posh neighborhood. I ... read more
Avenida Paulista
MASP, Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo Skyline

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Ipanema February 27th 2007

I'm currently in Sao Paulo, but I'm not here for very long, I got here yesterday and I leave for Campinas tomorrow. I'm therefore going to keep this blog short, so I don't waste time on the net, when I could be out exploring. I'm back on my own now, it feels slightly strange not being in the company of Shannon, Sherry and Alyssa. Shannon is now back in Canada, while Sherry and Alyssa are now hopefully in Buenos Aires. Ok, the brief summary of what I did in Rio is as follows: *Went shopping: I should have realised going shopping with three girls, would take some time. Most of the shops were relatively expensive - the prices were similar to here. Although while we were in the mall we managed to sneak onto the room ... read more
The stairs at Santa Teresa
Arcos de Lapa with the Nova Catedral in background
View inside Nova Catedral

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