Josh Heinitz


Josh Heinitz

Finally finished the semester and on my way to the middle east!! I leave for Cairo on April 19th and will be underway through the Middle East and Eastern Europe until August 27th and am looking forward to it!!

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra May 27th 2011

Going from Egypt to Jordan via Israel was supposed to be faster and cheaper than taking the ferry across....this was not to be. The day started off well, I made my way over via bus from Dahab to the Israeli border. I had no problems crossing the Egyptian border, however, that is where the trouble free day ended. Once I entered Israel I had problems coming out of every corner. I was crossing with two friends I had met while in Dahab, however, since I somewhat expected problems we told the border patrol we were not travelling together. This probably saved them hours of frustration. I was almost immediately stopped and pulled over for prelimitary questioning. This was only the start. I was asked why I had been in Sudan, what I did there, if I ... read more
Resort in Taba, Egypt
Sleeping on the job.. as usual
Ripoff Taxi from Israel to Jordan

Africa » Egypt » Sinai » Dahab May 25th 2011

I am finally leaving Cairo for good. After using Cairo as my base for numerous excursions withing Egypt , I am setting sail and moving on. I stayed in Cairo for one night after returning from Khartoum and the next evening I caught the eleven oclock night bus to Dahab. This was a very interesting Bus trip because first of all it arrived about an hour and a half late. That is ok I didn't expect it to arrive on time. I was very tired by the time the bus arrived and was ready to crash on the bus and wake up in the morning fully refreshed.....this did not happen. This bus had more stops and checks than any other bus I had taken thus far in my trip. At one point everyone had to get ... read more
Blue Hole, Dahab
Me next to the reef
My friend Chris

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo May 17th 2011

Luxor is an amazing city. Luxor is a hot city and Luxor is a tourist trap. These things being considered I loved the city for its architecture but hated it for its cutthroat hassling. On my last day to Luxor I went to what is considered by many to be the nicest temple in all of Luxor and some would say also in all of Egypt. It was fantastic, you felt as though you were walking through a city built for gods and although it was mostly in a state of ruin, it really was gigantic. I can only begin to imagine what it must have looked like in its original state of glory. It seemed to keep going for ages and many areas were still under excavation and restoration. The main hall containing the rows ... read more
Harbour by night
The Goat
Standing in front of Abu Simbel

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor May 6th 2011

Once one has been in Egypt for a period exceeding two weeks, one finds oneself using every ounce of self control to keep from knocking the next person who starts screaming in ones face, flat on his ass. I love Egypt, it has many beautiful and amazing things to see and if you go to the parts of the country that don't have tons of attractions, most people are genuinely nice. With this in mind most places I have gone have been very touristy and everyone seems to know Canada dry once I mention I am from Canada.....which is kind of weird, since Canada dry is most certainly not the first thing I would think of when I think of Canada. Everywhere you go everybody wants to "help" you, however, everybody also wants money, Luxor and ... read more
Part of Luxor Temple
With Friends in Luxor
Yum Dinner!!

Africa » Egypt » Mediterranean » Alexandria April 27th 2011

Well, time for another blog. When last I left off I was coming close to departing for Alexandria. During that first week, I was constantly battling a lovely little bug who seemed to enjoy the inside of my bowels for some reason. Thankfully that has passed and I am feeling much better now and hopefully it will stay that way, In shah Allah. A week ago Sunday, while Aaron was feeling a little under the weather, Jon and I ventured over to the city of the dead. As we were strolling through the alleyways, we saw many tombs and places where Cairos dead have been buried over the last thousand or so years. After the earthquake of 1994, in Cairo, many of the cities poor people, who had lost their residence during the earthquake, moved into ... read more
another view of the Shali
Siwa view
Jumping in the desert

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo April 23rd 2011

Well…sleep on an airplane is hard when you have a big person next to you and you can’t really move. Tuesday morning I got up at six oclock sharp and over the next two days did not get much sleep, now I sleep a lot more. I was able to meet up and have a coffee with my friend Sahia once I arrived in Calgary, it was brief but good. Of course, for my nine hour flight from Calgary to Frankfurt I had to have the huge guy sitting next to me and therefore did not get much of any sleep on that flight. Frankfurt is one of the ten largest airports in the world and when it takes your shuttle bus ten minutes to arrive at your plane, you know its true. Cairo is a ... read more
Airport goodbye
Pyramids from a distance
Jumping over the Pyramids

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Kelowna April 17th 2011

Hello All So this is my first blog before my big trip begins I drove back to Kelowna with my car loaded to the brim on Friday morning after a bit of a late start. Loading my car turned out to be a little bit of a bigger task than I had expected and I didn't end up leaving Richmond until shortly after 9. The drive home took just over four and a half hours. During my drive I saw a mama bear and her cub, unfortunately it went so fast, I had no time to get a picture. Other than that it was a fairly uneventful drive and would have put me to sleep, had it not been for my large Tim Hortons coffee. While in Kelowna I was able to spend some time with ... read more
Jumping For Joy
Drive Home

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