Chris Beaver


Chris Beaver

I've decided to make a travel blog while I go on my trip through central parts of Europe. This will be a way to let people keep up with us on the trip and also a way I can share parts of it with friends and family. Our trip will be from Dec. 27th through Jan. 14th. We will be traveling through Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Italy and possibly France and Switzerland. I will try to update the blog as often as I can, most of the hostels we will be staying at have free internet and computers for us to use. So be sure to check in to see the pictures and commentary on our experiences.

Europe » Germany January 13th 2010

So today we have already traveled to Munich to get ready for our flight. We changed the flight to out of Munich instead of Dresden, and that has saved us a little time. The last few days we have been busy and I havent been able to update the blog. But the last 4 nights we have been staying in Switzerland with some friends that we met in Vienna, their names are Kimmie and Sabine. They are really sweet girls and were very hospitable, they made us dinner, showed us around different cities in Switzerland, and generally just showed us a good time. I will add pictures on here of them when I am home. They were alot of fun and we both already miss them. Switzerland was a really pretty place, the cities were very ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest » Pest January 7th 2010

So last night was a little bit of an adventure. Eric and I were supposed to meet up with a friend named Suzie we know that lives in Budapest, but Eric was too tired so I went alone. We just went to a pub and had a drink, but the adventure starts when Suzie directs me on which bus to take to get home. After riding the bus for about a minute it starts to turn left, which I knew wasn't right, but I decide to wait until I see something familiar for when I should get off, but that never comes. After riding the bus a little bit further it starts going over a bridge, which I knew was definitely not right, so now I'm lost. I figure that the bus has to make a ... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna January 5th 2010

Today is the last day in Vienna, and we are about to head to Budapest. Vienna has been really nice, there are a ton of museums and the architecture has been really pretty. It definitely looks more historical than Prague. Sorry this is a short entry but we really need to get moving, we have to check out in 3 minutes. ... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna January 3rd 2010

I figured I would add a map to show the route that we have travelled so far and where we plan to go.... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna January 2nd 2010

So today we traveled from Brno to Vienna. Brno was kinda quiet, almost everything was closed due to being New Years, so unfortunately we had to eat at Mcdonalds, but that was also fortunate because we were very hungry and in need of hangover food. The reason for us being hungover was of course New Years Eve. We asked the front desk of our hostel if they had any ideas on where to go for the celebration, and they told us a club that was very popular and had a cheap cover, unfortunately when we got there the cover was 900 czech crowns which is about 50 dollars, then we went to the club beside it and the cover was 1000 czech crowns. We then headed to Old Town square, which I had heard was a ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Plzen Region » Plzen December 31st 2009

So we went to Plzen yesterday, we got there kinda late but we were able to tour the Pilsner Urquell brewery. It was awesome, the let us tour the old brewery and the 9 km cellar where they use to store beer, and they let us try some of the unfiltered beer straight from the barrel. We are back in Prague tonight for new years, about to head to dinner and then a club and out on the town for New Years celebration. The weather here has been mostly cold, a little bit of rain and snow, around 35 degrees. So far the highlight of the trip is finding a half eaten pizza on the sidewalk with a bit turd in the middle of it. Most everyone speaks at least a little bit of english, and ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague December 29th 2009

So it took us 4 cars, two planes, one train, and alot of walking to get us here. Once we got into Prague we decided to walk from the train station, which ended up being a big mistake, it took us about 2 hours to walk to our hostel. Today we went to the Prague Castle and other cool touristy areas. Everything is real pretty and hopefully I will be able to upload some pictures here soon. I have seen a cowboys hat, a yankees hat, a jets jacket, and a tarheel hat. We beat up the guy with the tarheel hat, all while yelling zee stupeed emericans! Right now we are having a couple of beers in our hostel and about to head out to a bar and eventually dinner. I hope eveyone is well, ... read more

North America » United States » North Carolina » Charlotte December 27th 2009

Well I am still doing a bit of last minute packing. Getting a little ancy and can't wait to leave. I figured I would post my itinerary for anyone that is interested on seeing where I will be and when. Dec 27th - Travel Day Dec 28th - Flight lands in Dresden then we take a train to Prague Dec 29th - Prague Dec 30th - Pilzen Dec 31st - Prague Jan 1st - Brno Jan 2nd - Vienna Jan 3rd - Vienna Jan 4th - Vienna Jan 5th - Budapest Jan 6th - Budapest Jan 7th - Budapest Jan 8th - Venice Jan 9th - 12th is basically going to be an open travel day, we will either be in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, or Austria. Jan 13th - back in Dresden Jan 14th - Flight ... read more

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