Laura Kent and Andy Tomlin

Lorze and Andy

Laura Kent and Andy Tomlin

We are a British couple about to embark on a European tour in our new campervan the BFG for 3 months. We are enroute to our very dear friends' wedding in Santorini and a big shared 30th birthday bash (including Laura's). We will also be visiting Andy's Dad's home in Spain. At the end of November we will begin the next leg of our journey, Asia, first an ashram retreat in India, then onto Thailand to work in scuba diving, then who knows...

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire November 10th 2012

Hello all, We are now back home in the UK after an epic trip back from Greece, full of new sights and experiences everyday. BFG is all empty and waiting to be sold and we can't believe we managed to cram so much in in just 3 months. As Andy is keen on on statistics, he likes to say 16 countries in 94 days and almost 7,000 miles driven! Phew! I will keep this brief as I think the zillions of photos say it all! Just in case the captions don't line up again here is a list of our main stops. Albania - Butrint - an ancient Roman site and Sarande where I spent my 30th birthday. The Blue Hole which was stunning and apparently water came up from 40 metres underground. A beautiful campsite ... read more

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Santorini September 29th 2012

We made it all the way down to Athens, and after a bit of a drama finding somewhere safe where someone could look after BFG for a week, we hopped on a fast boat to Santorini. It was a bit of a choppy crossing and we were so glad to arrive without needing sick bags! We had a wonderful week based in Kamari with a hag night (stag and hen) at a winery and retro bar complete with a Bowden quiz. The wedding ceremony was stunning, taking place on the cliff face of Fira at sunset. Us bridesmaids enjoyed some spa time with the bride to be during the day and the boys went off on quads, luckily there were no accidents before the wedding. We also enjoyed a day out on a boat to visit ... read more

Europe » Croatia September 29th 2012

Finally we are updating our blog, it's been on the 'to do' list for a while! Since leaving Bosnia, we had a beautiful trip down the Adriatic coast to Greece with some stunning mountain and coastal scenery and some very windy and narrow roads. Albanian roads were by far the most challenging, but luckily BFG did us proud with nothing falling off when we were forced to drive over roads that had been half finished with no tarmac and huge pot holes! We were definitely glad of the break by the time we reached Santorini and enjoyed a wonderful wedding and time with friends, (more about that in the next 'Greek' blog). Our highlights of this leg of the trip had to be; pieces of completely unspoilt rugged mountainous coastline, mainly to be found in Albania, ... read more
Kotor old town

Europe » Bosnia & Herzegovina » East » Sarajevo » Ilidža August 31st 2012

Our trip to Bosnia almost turned into a non trip at the border when an official expressed his disimay at our lack of 'official' looking vehicle ownership documents and didn't understand how we managed to gt all the way from the UK to Bosnia without these. We tried explaining that we had only bought the van recently and the complete V5 hadn't arrived in time before we left but we had the back section. He seemed to think that a slip of green paper was a joke despite it having matching car details on. After several trips to his superior he said we would have to buy a Green card to enter, (we'd expected to have to anyway as our vehichle insurance didn't cover Bosnia). After being directed to a random office somewhere we found a ... read more
WWII peace flame
Sarajevo, old city

Europe » Serbia » North » Novi Sad August 30th 2012

Hello all, We are using the excellent internet connection here in Croatia to get up to date with the blog. Serbia was certainly the heat we were looking for, all 45 degrees, no breeze and dry open plains of it!!! We spent the most crucifyingly hot night in BFG yet in Novi Sad, up on a fortress! No sign of a breeze and no fan in the van made us decide to change our route a bit. After we'd seen Sarajevo, Bosnia, instead of heading South West towards the tip of Western Greece over a lot of landlocked flat terrain, we thought we'd go West straight to the nearest coast - Croatia to get some coastal breeze and cool ocean. Despite the unbearable heat, we found the fortress really impressive and learnt about the NATO airstrike ... read more
A lake nr the border of Hungary and Serbia that we found to cool off in!
Lakeside camping, our favourite in South Hungary
Novi Sad Fortress

Europe » Bosnia & Herzegovina » East » Sarajevo » Ilidža August 27th 2012

Fingers crossed it will work on the 5th time of trying to upload pictures in bad internet zones. Here's a selection from Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. We're now in Sarajevo, Bosnia, heading to Croatia tomorrow then down the coast line to Greece. Enjoy Lorze and Andy xxx... read more
View from road in Slovakia
Hillside town in Slovakia
Castle in Slovakia

Hello everyone, Sorry we've been so slack at updating. We've been busy motoring around to try and get down South well ahead of the wedding so we can begin to slow down near Greece and enjoy the weather and unwinding after the hectic whistle stop tour. Czech Republic was beautiful. We really enjoyed the pretty spa town Karlovy Vary, were we swam in a thermal pool on top of the only ugly communist looking building in town, overlooking the valley, filled with beautiful georgian looking buildings, a bit like Bath but in colour! We tried the spa water, fizzy and mineraly and not at all like mucus as the guide book suggested! Prague was crazy busy, but well worth going to for a wander about. One of our highlights was climbing up to the castle to ... read more

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Leipzig August 3rd 2012

Pls let us know if you are able to view these pics as we can't work out how to see them once they're published!! xx... read more

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Leipzig August 3rd 2012

The journey so far is going well. 1st night in Europe was spent on a free site in a place called Lisse, it's halfway between Hook of Holland and Amsterdam. We spent one day in Amsterdam revisiting old haunts and enjoying cake lol!!! After our experience we arrived back to BFG (Motorhome Nickname) only to find that we had a parking ticket even though there were no parking signs anywhere. So, in disgust we decided to stick 2 fingers up to them and move onto Germany!! Hannover was a nice city with an impressive Rathaus (townhall) which had 4 large display models of the town in 1700's, pre war, post war where the whole town was practically rubble apart from the Rathaus and some barely standing churches and one of the modern day Hannover. We've put ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire July 25th 2012

Just a quickt testing blog to see if I can figure this out... Leaving Wilts tomorrow to train to Essex where I am spending a few days with Andy and his Mum before we depart from Harwich on Sunday, yipeee!... read more

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