LivetotheMax Family Adventure's Guestbook

5th March 2015

Finally figure out to sign on to your 'Blog' - will get caught up on all your postings & report back xo to all
From Blog: Border Crossing
27th February 2015
King/Queen of the world

Bonjour la Famille Cantelon!
J'espere que vous passez une bonne vacance. J'aime les photos et "le blog." Olivia and Max, I really miss your smiles in French class. Everyone has presented their plays and now we are working on writing stories. Keep sharing your news. Love, Jodi
5th February 2015

Love your posts!!
Livvie!! I love reading about what you're up to. It sounds like such an amazing adventure. I would love to see penguins and dolphins up close. Big hugs to all of you from the Harts xoxoxo
From Blog: Olivia's Blog
2nd February 2015

Hey Olivia, Sinclair here, oh my goodness it looks like you guys are having soo much fun! I think that it is so cool you met someone from Austria! Please keep blogging as much as you can, sent you email yesterday, and have been following your blog. I miss you so much and cant wait t see you when you get home say hello to Greta for me!! Love sinclair <3
From Blog: Olivia's Blog
1st February 2015

I miss you so much, I loved hearing your stories about your adventures for international day we did India and the play was awesome we will send you pictures I miss your smile and laugh you are always so nice to me I'll make sure the class checks your blog miss you livie tell your family hi ??? Grace ?
29th January 2015

Hola Amiga
Hi Lisa. I have been following your blog. Looks like an amazing adventure!!! Lunch with the penguins....can it get any better? :) I just wanted to let you know I did Fundamentals last weekend and loved it!!!! I've signed up for the remaining 4. I can't wait to share our experiences together when you get back! Look forward to the next blog. Besos, Sandra xoxoxoxo
28th January 2015

Hi Olivia
Loved to hear from you. Fantastic pictures! I miss you too. Will call again and talk to you. Love Nanny C. ?
From Blog: Olivia's Blog
19th January 2015

Hello family, We are enjoying your blog and love seeing all your smiling faces. Keep sharing your adventures and anecdotes about south america. The RV looks really nice. I was envisioning something more along the lines of the Mystery machine from Scooby Doo when you told me about it. I think this ride looks a lot better! Love you! Yvee
19th January 2015

Love reading about your adventures,,,,
From Blog: Pennisula Valdes
17th January 2015

Sounding great
So glad to read your blog. Already you have done and seen a lot. Looking forward to reading more about what you are up to. Love jill
From Blog: Pennisula Valdes
27th December 2014

I LOVE IT! What a FAM! Soak it UP! Cant' wait to follow your adventures!
From Blog: Bon Voyage

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