2008: The Melnikova Diaries

a trip by Jonathan Campion
From: January 1st 2008
Until: December 31st 2008

For New Year's Eve we invited our friends Jared, Joel and Lyuda to a party of our own, and on the evening of the 30th I strolled with Ana around the Lukyanivska market to find some fresh food for a buffet.

The market, usually filled with the sound of noisy haggling and rustling shopping bags, becomes calmer at night, the fruit sellers pacified by the cold air and only pointing out the ripest bunch of bananas on their stall when they sense an imminent sale. People were hurrying between the rows of tables, in search of pineapples, peppers, grapes, guavas, tomatoes, turmeric, mandarins, mangos, carrots and cucumbers. What was only grocery shopping for Ana was an evening out for me; I followed my nose to the tables of spices, tried to decipher their names from the loopy handwriting on the squares of cardboard beside them, and listened to the happy murmur of those stocking up for the upcoming feast.

- Much Ado About Russian
Trip Length: 12 months
Blog Entries: 19
Photos: 351
Words: 21267

Blog Entries

Date Blog Title Location
January 8th 2008 Much Ado About Russian. Europe
January 21st 2008 The Tramp and the Orange Princess. Europe
February 1st 2008 Therapy at Gloria Jean's. Europe » Ukraine
February 18th 2008 Cold Feet. Europe
February 27th 2008 Harry Potter and the Source of my Inspiration. Europe
March 19th 2008 Bashkortostan Blues. Europe
April 3rd 2008 Confessions of a Pignapper. Europe
May 26th 2008 From Hell on Earth to the Moon of Dreams. Europe
June 5th 2008 Love and the Lavra. Europe
June 13th 2008 Cool But True. Europe
July 3rd 2008 Take A Sad Song, And Make It Better. Europe
July 9th 2008 "Lost and Found": Ukrainian summer gallery. Europe
July 17th 2008 My International Friendship Shorts. Europe
July 28th 2008 Shoes, Statues and Szőrpők: Budapest gallery. Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary
July 29th 2008 Podmanicky Piccies: Budapest gallery. Europe » Hungary
July 30th 2008 Flowers From My Enemy: Budapest gallery. Europe
August 4th 2008 "Waiter, could you take the pish out of my pizza?" Europe
November 1st 2008 The little blog with the little dog. Europe » Ukraine » Kyiv
December 22nd 2008 King's Cross and the Queen's Neighbour. Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Holborn
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