Frenchgirlroundtheworld's Guestbook

11th April 2015

how to get in touch with this farm
i would love to go and volunteer on this farm. could you help me get in touch with the owners please. thanks
11th April 2015

RE: Get in touch
Hi Eileen, I send you an email with the contact I have. Have fun travelling! Natacha
30th November 2014

Thanks for sharing about your stories, its inspiring! I could really relate to your experiences, just like myself travelling too! Keep up the travelling RTW :D
30th November 2014

Chanced upon your blog and its inspiring! thanks for sharing some of your travel stories. I could feel you just like when I'm travelling too! Keep up the travelling RTW :D
1st December 2014

Re: Inspiring!
Dear Teo, Thank you for your nice words. I am glad that it's inspired you and it could remind you some travelling moments! Keep on travelling! Natacha
28th September 2014

Thanks for posting your insights of this inscrutable country...
I've also had a fascination with first blog starts there in 1949. I've been back several times and intend to go more.
28th September 2014

Re: Thank you for posting insights of this incrustable country...
Wow 1949, huge year for China. I love this country, very happy to come live there in 3 months now :)
27th September 2014
Amazing set of dishes

Such contrasts!
Wow, 45 minutes to make this feast with lots of veggies--I'm impressed! I thought I wouldn't like Chinese food because they ate a lot of weird parts of the animal. The crowds and pollution of the big cities sound awful, but the small, untouristy places sound lovely, and how great to be invited into people's homes--what language did you speak with them? And will you be teaching French or English for your job? Congratulations on making your dream come true.
28th September 2014
Amazing set of dishes

Re: Such contrasts
Hi, Thank you! I will be teaching English, getting my TESOL certificate now ;) Chinese people eat very healthy with lots of vegetables ;) I was talking either in Chinese or in English with them, depending of their English level.
6th September 2014

Well said
Nice blog showing the real Ukraine. We just went to Lviv and thought it was lovely. Would like to visit the Carpathians sometime too.
8th September 2014

Re: Well said
Hi, yes Carpaths are very nice place. I went to Dzharylhach island near Skadovsk this we, it was also amazing place!
1st September 2014
Near Khosghol lake

Now, this is real travel!
What fantastic experiences you have--really, you are my most inspiring traveler. I love the way you stay open and take chances, and then are rewarded with unique experiences. The ger was so beautiful as were the festival costumes, and it was pretty funny how the mom said the liver was organic, so you should like it. I imagine the people you stayed with will talk for a long time about the foreigner who came to stay and work and play with them.
2nd September 2014
Near Khosghol lake

Re: Now this is real travel!
Hi Tara, I am indeed travelling a bit more freely everytime: travelling at a slow pace. I am for sure seeing less of each country but I can experience much more in each place I go. It's a real honor for me to read that I am your most inspiring traveler! Inspiration is what is making me go beyond my limits each time a bit more. Hope it can make more people travel and be open about each other.
28th July 2014

Nice blog- now I definitely want to visit the Carpathian mountains and roam around the mountains there.
28th July 2014

Re: Carpathia
Hi David, Yes Carpathians mountains are a really nice place and the villages around as well. If you need any information how to get there exactly, prices of trains/buses, hiking trails, ... don't hesitate to contact me I could help you with it.
27th July 2014

Quite an adventurer you are. Hitchhiking Latvia, Poland, Ukraine...was that to meet up with your boyfriend? Chocolate indulgence, homecare, nannying, camping...rockclimbing to prove you can do it. And to top it off this was in prove it is safe when you know how and where. Great blog Natacha. Then to
28th July 2014

Dave, Thank you for your comment. Happy you liked my blog about Ukraine. I wasn't planning to hitchhike Ukraine, as I had heard it wasn't that safe for woman to hitchhike there, but I just got the opportunity in Poland to do so. Yes, it was to meet up with my boyfriend, who is Ukrainian. Mongolia is amazing for people, who are travelling like me: people are so hospitable and friendly. When you travel alone, it's the best country: people invite you to their home, offer you food, tea,... I am now going to China by train (but not the Transmongolian one, a local one). I will update my blog soon about my trip in Mongolia :)
5th July 2014
Making kind of mozarella

What an amazing trip Natacha. Thank you for presenting Latvia as a destination to embrace nature and open hearts. Love this pic...conjures expectation.
7th July 2014
Making kind of mozarella

Re: Open hands ... open hearts
Yes, Latvia is a great country and I think I will go back there soon :) I love photography, so I am glad you liked this picture :)
4th July 2014
Sunset near Tuja

Open to adventure
I love that you hitchhike, stay in nature and sleep out in the open, volunteer and meet so many wonderful people who give you magical experiences. If young people could read your blog, they would know that they could have fabulous experiences without needing so much money. You are a great inspiration and adventurer!
7th July 2014
Sunset near Tuja

Re: Open to adventure
Dear Tara, Thank you for your nice comment. Yes, it would be great if people could see that travelling doesn't mean always to have a lot of money. You can save money for your flight ticket and then just hitchhike, volunteer and be on a budget and still have an amazing time. I met a girl yesterday from Ukraine and she told me it wasn't possible for Ukrainian people and I hope I could show her that it's possible for anyone. Just follow your dreams ;)
19th June 2014

Progress OR the Environment
As you appear to be observing the issue is NOT Progress VERSUS the Environment BUT Progress OR the Environment. Its obvious who is the winner. As you say "Oil is bringing money and that’s all what’s important at the moment to the government." An important message to bring Natacha.
23rd June 2014

Dear David, Thank you for your comment. I am indeed noticing your point more and more while travelling. I was in Latvia for the past weeks and there 80% of the territory is covered by forest, you can see the difference: great energy, people living in harmony with nature, consumption of local products, enjoying the nature at weekends. They are not earning lot of money but most of them wouldn't leave their country because they just like their life there! We have to learn from such countries I think.
17th June 2014

Horrible exploitation
Good for you for writing a blog on this, and how great that you volunteered with an organization that's helping to protect the environment! The Ecuadorian government/president is completely hypocritical, saying that it's protecting the environment, but letting companies from all over the world come in and destroy the Amazon. You're right--they are the snakes in the grass.
17th June 2014

Dear Tara, Thank you for reading my blog. Yes, I was quite shocked when I went there. I just looked at your profile and I wish you a good time in South America! You are right: one-way ticket and slow travelling are the best!!

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