Ezeur's Guestbook

3rd October 2023

There are more base possibilities
Lençois, known as the "portal of Chapada Diamantina" is indeed a good starting point, but not the only one. Often overlooked are Mucugé, Andarrai, Guiné, Catolés, Rio de Contas Tropical greetz from Salvador da Bahia, @ivanbahiaguide #ivanbahia #ivanbahiaguide #ivanbahiatravelguide
3rd October 2023

My next trip to Chapada Diamantina
Yes, there are several other places I wish I had time to see when I was in Chapada Diamantina. I'll try another of the ones you suggest next time! Thanks!
28th April 2023

So fascinating to read about Celestina Avalos and her story. Thanks for sharing this :)
24th April 2023
Rainbow Mountain "Hike"

Breathtaking vistas I first learnt of from watching The Dakar Rally on TV when it was in South America. How lucky are you to have been there! Lithium -v- tourism? Great question but predictors of what is the bigger dollar that may not be so great for the ecology of the area. Thanks for sharing, Heather. This pic definitely heading for "Majestic Mountains" thread in the Photography Forum. Check it out.
24th April 2023
Rainbow Mountain "Hike"

Precedents for Argentina's Environmental Protections
Lithium might be a powerful global industry, but so is the salmon farming industry and a small community in southern Argentina managed to fight them off. Here's hoping the people of Salinas Grandes can defend their land and water rights. If a new method of processing lithium without polluting the water supply were developed, I bet the lithium mines would meet less protest.
11th April 2023
The real stone map

The Real Stone Map
Where else can you find out about these Masterpieces of Antiquity but on Travelblog? I have posted this in TB's "Rock art of the World" thread in the Photography Forum. Check them out and keep them coming!!!
31st March 2023
Beagle Channel Islands

Argentinian National Parks
No better kept or welcoming National Parks anywhere in the World we have found. The ones you hiked in look and sound awesome!
1st February 2023

Absolutely Beautiful
I's sorry for being so slow in commenting on this amazing and beautiful trip. You take some of the most amazing trips. Although, I am embarking on a trip of my own on Monday, February 6th. My sister Robin and I are going on a 10-day Carribean Cruise. We will be visiting six islands. I am so excited. I don't have a travel blog, but I will send Pictures when I can. I miss you my friend.
2nd October 2021

The Island of Mystery, Amantani
Having experienced a homestay on Amantani and enquired as I do as to the economic ins & outs of our host in doing so, I am moved by your blog and the inciteful detail in it, Heather. Thank you. For additional perspectives including the economic you may be interested in my blog "PERU...Lake Titicaca Homestays...the best remedy for a disaster". Relax & Enjoy, DD.
29th January 2021

Hang in there girl
Heather, I have been neglect in telling you how proud we are of you and all you have done in Cusco. I have enjoyed your blogs and it made being couped up here a bit more interesting living through your eyes. I am so sorry you got Covid! You tried so hard, darn!! Well, hopefully you will be back to 100% soon and be able to reschedule your visit back here in Boise. We have all been fine here. Anna and John both have been vaccinated as of course John is a nurse and Anna a teacher. Dave and I just like your parents got our first vaccine today! Horray!!! Take care of yourself and we are thinking of you. Mary
5th January 2021

You are an amazing person!
Heather, I love reading about your good works, your tribulations and your day to day living in Cusco. I look forward to your weekly update and now that I live in Mexico, I’m sure I’ll visit Peru some future day. You’ve made me so curious! Good luck in finding work and stay safe in this new year. Myra
17th November 2020

arrowheads and vaccines
There are vaccines coming. Four months ago i volunnteered to be part of the Phizer vaccine study and was injected with their vaccine. It takes two injections and after the second, it was obvious that I indeed had the vaccines and not the placebo that 50% of the study participants got. Early this week Phizer was able to announce success, that so far most their study participants who received the vaccines have no gotten sick or had only mild cases. Among those on the placebo there have been close to 100 covid cases some quite severe. However Phizer needs vaccines to be super cooled. Moderna, also working on a vaccine and doing studies, reports similar success but says their vaccine does not need to be super cooled. have hope. Also this summer, my freind Coyote began finding arowheads and other Native artifacts on a plot of ground owned by the city, a plot i weed cheat grass of of. Coyote and I have met the state archeologist and the Compliance archeologist there. The Compliance Archeologist and Coyote are of the opinion that this is an old site, used around 2,000 years ago. That is the third site around Boise Coyote has discovered. One is administered by BSU, one is this, and the third she has shown me but otherwise, no one else knows about it. I am doing Hickory farms again but trying hard to get my mind out of arrowheads and what else might be in the Boise foot hills.What is the policy in Peru when it comes to artifacts?
9th October 2020

Great post
Teşekkürler pour partager.
30th September 2020

Coucou Heather, je sens à la lecture de ce dernier post que tu sembles avoir besoin d'un petit "remontant". Alors nous t'envoyons plein de pensées positives (c'est bien tout ce que nous pouvons faire en ce moment, mais si cela peut t'aider, nous t'en envoyons des milliers chaque jour...). Nous vivons tous très différemment cette pandémie et je suis certaine qu'après cette épreuve, nous serons encore plus forts. Toi la première ! J'ai moi aussi hâte de te revoir et les filles grandissant, je me dis que notre projet de nous retrouver aux Etats-Unis pour une aventure en pleine nature se rapproche (Blandine aura 12 ans dans seulement 5 ans maintenant !!). Nous t'embrassons très fort
22nd September 2020

Covid - Week #27
It is devastating to hear about the fires around Machu Picchu. I hope the rains come and the temple is returned to its former glory. Not much happening hear in Idaho. One week the Covid-19 numbers are low and then the next week they have somehow spiked up to scary numbers. i just don't worry about it anymore. i have my masks and I never leave home without a couple of them in my pocket or purse. Restaurants are sill limited. The same with Banks. Most of the retail stores are open and require all shoppers to where a mask while in the store. There has been a lot of unrest in Boise by people who refuse to wear a mask. i guess you just can not please everyone. i just stay in my apartment and experiment with dishes in my new crock pot. i made a pour mans stew with hamburger Saturday and it is delicious. I have a recipe for a taco pie from my Aunt Donna in Michigan. I sounds so good. That will be my project for next week. My cat Achro is doing real well. He had his yearly senior exam on September 8th. His vet has non contact visits available. I just call them when I get to the door and they come out and get him. The vet is only 1/2 a block from where I live, so it is super convenient. When the doctor called to let me know how Achro is doing, all he could talk about was how beautiful Achro's fur is. He said that he had to have the entire staff come into the exam room and feel how wonderful his fur feels. I told him that he eats good food and gets lots of love. The vet laughed and said to keep up the good work. I have been feeling really good. My cardiologist upped the dosage on a couple of my prescriptions at the first of the year and I have been feeling good. Not much else to report today. Oh before I forget, please tell Fabian's parents that I have him in my prayers. I hope the doctors can figure out what is wrong with him. You take care my friend.
17th August 2020

Thanks for keeping us informed Heather
I so enjoy hearing about your life and lives of the people of Cusco. You truly are a gifted writer. I admire how you are handeling life as it is now. It's such an adjustment for all of us, but particulary must be a challenge in for your situation there. Way to go, girl! Anna started her first day of on-line school today. She said it went pretty well. Otis, who is in third grade also had his first day, so Dave helped him with his first day as both parents were working. It went well also. I do feel so sorry for all these teachers. So tuff! They are very appreciative that we are able to participate and help out and well as John's mom. So many kids don't have that. Anyway, it takes a village, right. Hang in there and thanks again, stay safe. Mary
12th August 2020

Covid - Week #21
I don't have much to report from Boise. It is the same old thing. The Governor o.k.s business to open, we get a gigantic spike in Covid cases, and he closes everything up again. i just stay in and hope everyday that someone comes up with a vaccine. The only positive thing I would like to say about your blog this week, THE FOOD ON THE BBQ LOOKS FANTASTIC. You go girl.
23rd July 2020

You know what they say about doors. One door closes and another one opens. Maybe looking for another place to live will be a good thing. I agree with distancing yourself. I lived alone for so long, I don't think I can live with anyone. I don't know what I will do when I get to where I can't take care of myself. I am pretty set in my ways. Things are not much different here in Idaho. Places open, the covid-19 cases spike and the places close again. People complain about having to where masks in public. They are pulling the "You are tramping on my civil rights" card. They just don't understand how deadly this virus is or they just don't care. I don't understand people. So I just stay away from them. I wear a mask wherever I go. Although, I do not go very far. As you know, I don't drive. Most of the major store chains have made it mandatory that all patrons wear a mask. No mask, No entry. I agree. I was at Winco's two weeks ago and there was a woman there with four kids. None of them was wearing the mask. She allowed all the kids to run around and touch everything. I think the employees of Winco noticed that also. A couple of days later, there was a notice outside about everyone is required to wear a mask. I feel safer now. i am glad you are able to go out and do your yoga. I tried yoga once and few years ago. For as slow and tranquil yoga is, I was so tired afterwards. I was amazed. Unfortunately, I never did it again. i walk on my treadmill for about a mile a day. That makes all my cardiologists very happy. Well, I think I will go now. You take care of yourself my friend. Stay safe!!!!!!
21st July 2020
Mt. Terijuay

Why you are better off in Peru
With views like that gotta be a no brainer!!!
30th May 2020
The new face of tourism

Signs of the times
A poignant image indeed. I have posted some of your pics in TB's "Signs, signs & more signs" thread in the Photography Forum. Check 'em out.
27th May 2020
The view

How will travel and the world change?
I enjoyed this blog and your excitement about how we can use this disaster as an opportunity for change. We've been making list of things we'd like to do differently in life, work and travel - but it remains to be seen if we just slump back to the old 'normal' or we chose to learn from this. I have my fingers crossed for the latter :) Cheers, Ren
17th May 2020
How lucky am I?

How lucky am I?
A wonderful thing to be able to exclaim in these uncertain times. Heather. Your work sounds very rewarding for the providers and the recipients. Coming from Australia we can say 'How lucky are we?" as our death rate is incredibly low compared to the rate of infection, yet this is due to the stringent rules and testing by our Federal and State governments and that most people follow the rules. We know how contagious this virus is as our outbreaks indicate it only takes one infected person to create a cluster. It is a lottery and the rates of infection and death rates in some countries appear to be a reflection of their attitude to risk. It saddens me that some countries' attitude is more political than caring. Keep well, keep smiling and keep saying, "How lucky am I?"
7th May 2020
La Plaza de Armas

La Plaza de Armas, Cusco
A great pic of this iconic town square, Heather. To see the garden in flower in front of Church La Compania de Jesus without the crowds...wow! It amazes me I see so many pics of this church titled Cusco Cathedral, which it is not.

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