Cumbia's Guestbook

2nd October 2012

Amazing Istanbul
Great blog post. My wife and I have visited Istanbul three times. I particularly like the fact that you avoided the major tourist attraction in your post and photos. Andy K. -
From Blog: Chocolate Face
28th June 2012
Salsa Concert

Re:Travel blog
I enjoyed every bit update of your travel. Wish l am part of d trip. However l'm glad you are having fun. Continue to enjoy your trip & hope to see you soon. God Bless & safe trips
From Blog: Pisco and Chifa
6th January 2012

love your blog... feels like i was there myself :)
3rd January 2012

I have to visit Haiti for myself someday. Looks like you had a great time. I'll be sure to look for Poncia when I go!
20th July 2011

You Are Our Good Ambassador
Dear Sister, Thank you very much for showing off the kind of good cultured person you are before this people. I am a Nigerian living here in Europe,and people never believed that anything good ever come from Nigeria but here you are showing the Afrocolombians that we care for them and at the same time see them as our brothers and sisters from another parents. Thank you. Tony From Spain.
1st January 2012

thank you for your comment. I guess Naija needs more ambassador
1st July 2011

Hey cumbi it seems you have been everywhere, and for one more time you come to Colombia. Hope you enjoy been in Colombia again. Enjoy it as much as you can.
8th June 2011

Keep it up!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your travel adventures! There is nothing in the world like it and your beautiful spirit is definitely one that should be shared around the world. HAVE FUN AND BE SAFE! Come see me in NYC when you come back :)
25th February 2011

Taxi from airport to anyplace is more because there are required by law to only take you. Anyother place they can pick up more passengers and make more money
10th May 2010

I think they get nervous when they see a US passport! When I was being questioned, I saw them questioning 3 other with a US passport! Oh well, its Cuba....
7th May 2010

Congrats on Conrnell! That is a huge accomplishment. Good for you! Really nice pictures. glad you are feeling better and enjoyed Cuba despite your intro! That is weird they treated you like that. For Canadians, it is a breeze. When I went I just showed my passport and left. No one said anything to me. I didn't realize other countries got hassled. I am glad you didn't let the experience taint your experience as Havana is very cool. I feel the same as you. I could never life in all. I enjoyed what I saw and realized how lucky I was to have been born in a democratic country.
6th May 2010

Diego, I miss you! Cuenta me, hows EAFIT, tu novia y la vida?
2nd May 2010

You are the best...
I can't believe it lady you are the queen of the queens traveling around the world. It is unvelievable how much you have traveled so far... I feel jelaous about you but in a good way. I'm glad you are able to travel so much, you are the best. I'll never forget about you. Take care and keep sending me pictures.
From Blog: !Belizing it!
2nd May 2010

Wao and more wao
Damn lady now i can see that you are the person who at their 20's have traveled the most around south america. It is incredible that you have spent so much time trying to get acquanted with the latin american community. I'm very proud of you. Keepmit up my lady. Take care and keep sending me pictures of everywhere you go.
16th April 2010

Looks like you are having a blast. Sorry to hear you got sick but at least you had some people to comfort you. Good luck with whatever school you choose. I look forward to hearing more.
From Blog: !Belizing it!
9th April 2010

I enjoyed your Belizing It post. My blog is looking for travel photos, stories, accommodation reviews, and food reviews. If you have the time and have some to share, email us at or check us out at Continued fun on your travels, Eric
From Blog: !Belizing it!
25th March 2010

Looks like you had a great time. I am incredibly jealous you will be heading to my fav country, Germany. I loved my stay there and would go back in a heartbeat.
10th March 2010

I think you should get a tattoo, after the first one you will be hooked, i have 3 now. and Thanks
10th March 2010

Cool tatoo! It is really neat. I would love to get one but....alas, I am deathly afraid of needles. Honduras looks amazing, especially with the history and ruins. I think you were searched b/c you are black. It is unfair and unfortunate and i don't think you were overthinking anything. It is good though that you pushed thru and still had a great time on your trip. Sometimes we black people let experiences like this close our mind off to travel forever. Not me! I keep going.
27th February 2010

the corn islands was amazing - those people that snorkel or dive are the ones that fully appreciate the islands. Its a goos place to just relax and reflect on your life
9th February 2010

looking forward for your updates from Corn Island. I have to admit that I never heard of this place before so I am excited to see it through your eyes.
23rd January 2010

Yeah, i didnt have a good night - its absolutely impossible to...however if you have a reservation the rooms are much nicer for $5 and with real bed
21st January 2010

At first I didn't know what was going on in your "room" for the night. I am shocked that even for $2.50/night, that can be called accomodations. :) Loving your blog and look forward to reading more of your travel adventures.
10th January 2010

mi pueblito showcase how panama pueblos were organised in the past. As for the colombian food ' too much arepas, rice and pork for me......... other variety were more expensive and not so good, unlike in panama great pasta and steak for 5 USD................yeah, will check out your blog

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