Page 4 of Casey Lary Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Japan » Tokyo July 28th 2006

July 31, 2005: I arrived in Tokyo Japan wandering the streets in amazement, excited about the life I was about to embark on. I will never forget how scared I was too, nor the look on our faces when we had our first glance at a train schedule written in kanji. A year later, July 31,2006, I found myself again wandering the streets of Tokyo, yet I was no longer like a fish out of water. Walking the same streets that I walked exactly a year before in Shibuya, I couldn't help but be nostalgic over the past year and what has happened between then and now. A full year in Japan! Growing up I never thought I would be living in a foreign country, especially as one as foreign as Japan! Yet here I was, ... read more
Random Tokyoites
Imperial Palace

Asia » South Korea » Seoul July 13th 2006

Quite possibly the most overrused title for visitors to Seoul, yet I feel this title perfectly describes my experience in Korea. My 'soul' was rejuvenated a) because I got a break from the monotony of my job (all July and August I sit at my desk and do NOTHING- good way to spend my time...thank god for sudoku!) and b) I met up with some old friends from Berkeley, which was a nice slice of home. Given the short time I was alloted for summer vacation, it was a quick trip into Seoul and the DMZ, then back to Japan. The organization of the trip itself is noteworthy. My friend Naomi , a fellow Cal alum, is living in Tokyo and her and I were planning an escape from Japan. A month earlier than our estimated ... read more
Gyeongbokgung Palace
Our first meal
Korean Beef

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima June 24th 2006

This entry is not terribly important, but I wanted to show you a high school festival because they are very important in Japan, and something we don't have in America. This weekend was Kabe Koko's Bunkasai, or in English, culture festival. Pronounced boon-ka-sai. Now, this seriously has to be the best day of high school for these students- it definitely was my favorite day of work! So much time and effort goes into the bunkasai, and the results are phenomenal. Each homeroom is responsible for something. All the third year homerooms make food booths and each booth has a different theme. Themese ranged from World Cup. to a Frog, to a Pig, to Rasta colors. The students all wear matching t-shirts as well. The second and first years do a class project- it can be some ... read more
Kabe Bunkasai
School Band
Hip Hop Club

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima June 17th 2006

I have had a bit of "blog lag" so pardon for not writing the past 2 months. I have been thoroughly enjoying my summer thus far...only now is it becoming extremely humid and hot! This weekend adventure (back in June!) took us to Tottori. Every year there is a beach party in Tottori Prefecture. Tottori prefecture (guess its not a major tourist spot, not even listed on the blog location list above!) is northeast of Hiroshima. Japan is roughly the same size as California. Knowing this, it shouldn't talk too long to go anywhere in Japan. On the contrary- due to huge mountain all over the place and rather inefficient road systems (all the R&D spent on that shinkansen gig) it took as a good 4 hours to drive to Tottori prefecture. There was Nikki behind ... read more
The Finished Product
My Crew
Tottori Beach

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima May 28th 2006

May has been full of all sorts of fun events- I have traveled to the Philippines, watched the Hiroshima Carps WIN a baseball game, played rice patty mud volleyball, dropped my cell in the river, went to the recontracting conference in Kobe (I ate Kobe beef!), danced till dawn at a club in Osaka with a Japanese man named Yoda, and even got to see my friend Brian perform in a German Opera in Japan. The last weekend in May I felt like I was transported back in time. I spent the last Sunday participating in Taue, or in English, Rice Planting. My friend Stephanie from Berkeley was in town. She definitely picked the BEST weekend to visit because no other time in our lives will be able to participate in something that was so cultural, ... read more
Getting Decked Out
Suck it In!

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima » Miyoshi May 21st 2006

This weekend I participated in one of the funnest things I have done since coming to Japan. Yeah its not cultural and yeah there are a lot of gaijin-still it was soooo much fun! It was the 10th Annual Rice Patty Mud Volleyball Tournament held up in the countryside of Hiroshima-Ken. For more info see the website There were numerous teams composed of foreigners, Japanese kids, families...anyone who wanted to play and brave the mud. Clearly the point of the event was not to necessarily play volleyball, but to throw each other in the mud AFTER the game. I ended up playing on 2 different teams- neither advancing to any of the final rounds. I felt like I was famous while playing. There was a whole 'papparazi' section. There must have been 20 or so ... read more
Miyoshi:  Home to Hiroshima Mud Volleyball
Game Plan
Mud Volleyball

Asia » Philippines » Mountain Province May 7th 2006

The Philippines is such an amazing country because it has so much to offer. We went from lounging on incredible beaches to hiking among lush green mountains. Next stops on our trip: Cebu, Manila, Banaue, and then out of Manila. Like the first half of our trip, the adventure never stops. Cebu We left Bohol early to get into Cebu at a decent hour so we could sightsee around town. We found Magellan's cross. On Magellan's trek around the world he was stopped dead in his tracks (literally) in the Philippines so he himself did not make it all the way around the world (let's hope that Ryan and Misha's world adventure doesn't end the same way). He got in a brawl with some of the locals. Magellan thought he was all high and mighty coming ... read more
LOOK!  Rice!
Terraces Up Close
Wanna Ride?

Asia » Philippines » Bohol May 2nd 2006

Philippines: Definitely the most underrated Southeast Asian country. I myself did not have a burning desire to go to the Philippines. But last January Lisa said "Let's go to the Philippines for Golden Week." I thought, sure...beach, sand, fun....let's book it! So for Golden Week this year (I guess you could say the Japanese Spring Break. There are three national holidays in one week so many people take the time to travel travel travel = expensive prices!) Lisa and I, with two late additions Misha and Ryan, headed out to the Philippines! What an incredible, beautiful, and wonderful country. I hope that my entries about our trip and the photos can do it justice. I seriously can't wait to return someday, and I hope it is in the near future. Fukuoka: Never a Dull Moment! So ... read more
Mode of Transport

Asia » Japan » Kyoto April 14th 2006

So just about a year ago from this time I received my acceptance onto the JET program. I remember shaking as I unfolded the paper, then went screaming through my sorority house that I was indeed moving to Japan in July. Then I called my parents. Before saying congratulations, my dad said "Oh we are coming to visit you during Cherry Blossom (aka Hanami) Season!!!" Hard to believe that a year has gone by since that time, and even harder to think that my parents were on my stomping ground. I was very excited for them to see "my" country, indulge in the tasty cuisine, see the old/new Japan, and get to see what I do everyday in this crazy country. Their adventure began in Tokyo on a tour. From there they went to various places ... read more
Matsumoto Jo

Asia » Hong Kong April 8th 2006

So how do I start to explain my trip to Hong Kong....I guess my best explanation/justification for my random/last minute trip to Hong Kong would be that "I am young, I only live once." and to abide by my quote of life "Carpe Diem." You see, mid March these 2 guys from Cal happened to be in Hiroshima visiting fellow JET/Cal grad/fellow traveler partner (see past photos) Jeff. There names are Ryan and Misha. This guy Misha, well we hit it off pretty well. I may have even found a bigger Cal fan than myself, only being rivaled by mic woman Kate. After a fun night/day spent together carousing around Hiroshima and Miyajima, I thought it was over as he took off on his 5 months trek from Japan to Spain, and well I would be ... read more
Our Palace
The Victoria Peak Cable Car
More Hong Kong City Lights

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