Page 3 of Casey Lary Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap January 1st 2007

At last! Jeff and I had reached the apex of our journey, Siem Reap, home to the famous Angkor Wat. Among all the places to go in Southeast Asia, visiting Angkor Wat was at the top of my to-see list. Angkor Wat lived up to all my expectations with its beauty and grandeur. Others may disagree with my opinion, in fact I am sure many do, due to the influx of tourists and expectations too high. I guess Jeff and I timed it right, meeting little crowds and felt as if we were the few lucky people to wander in and around these temples. Angkor Wat was spectacular. Definitely ranks up there, if not surpassing the temples of Ayutthaya, the Vatican, and the temples of Kyoto. Our journey began early on New Year’s day. We zipped ... read more
Yummy BBQ
Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat

Asia » Vietnam » Mekong River Delta December 28th 2006

Our last destination in Vietnam before heading into Cambodia was the Mekong Delta. Much to my dismay, I had to accept that the easiest and cheapest way to see the Mekong is on a package tour. At $34 for 3 days/2 nights including breakfast, hotel, and taking us into Cambodia, you really couldn't beat the price. I will say though, you get what you pay for. In Saigon Pham Ngu Lao Road was lined with tour offices all offering the same tour for the same price. How to choose? Honestly it doesn't matter which tour company one chooses, because they all get funneled down to the same bus. A couple on our bus went to two different agencies and talked to the same girl! We went with the one across from the Bia Hoi 33- location ... read more
Mekong Waterways
Mekong Waterways
Where'd I go?

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat December 26th 2006

Monday morning Jeff and I crept out of Casa de Andrew and John not to wake the boys from their slumber. The place was a complete hole, and random neighbors were coming back to retrieve bowls and plates from the night festivities (take note of this comment for later). As bad as we felt leaving it a mess and as much fun as we were having in debaucherous Saigon, it was time to leave. The boys and the whole couchsurfing experience definitely made Saigon such a memorable place for us! Exhausted, wounded, and still on our high from an excellent Christmas, Jeff and I got on our bus bound for Dalat. It was a nice long 8 hour ride where we were able to recoup and plan out our next adventure. I was able to ... read more
"Crazy House" of Dalat
Crazy House Hallway
Crazy House

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City December 23rd 2006

December in Japan means incessant lights, snow, and best of all, time to travel! Jeff and I decided to continue our world tour and head to southern Vietnam and Cambodia for our winter vacation. Unlike last year’s trip to Thailand, NOTHING was planned. Beyond our flight and place to stay in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC and Saigon), we were going to take it as it comes. We ended up with a full non-stop itinerary and I wouldn’t change a moment of our trip. It was phenomenal! Read the next few blogs to see what adventures unfolded…. HCMC Jeff and I flew into HCMC, also referred to as Saigon. Before the Vietnam War when it was known as Saigon. Then after the war when the south lost, it became Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). I assumed ... read more
Casa de Andrew, John and Ryan
Humble Abode
Pham Ngu Lao Road

North America » United States » Hawaii » Maui November 23rd 2006

Most of my travels and blogs are anything but vacations. My trip to Hawaii was exactly what I needed- A VACATION!!! Trust me, there is no better place in the world to vacation than Hawaii. As a spoiled child I went to Hawaii every year (hey its my dad's favorite place!) and actually got sick of going to Hawaii. This was my first time there in 8 years. I forgot how much I love Hawaii. It is absolute Paradise. It all started last February when I decided to stay in Japan another year. I knew that I wanted to see my family at some point. When my parents came in April, I said, 'hey, why don't we all meet in Hawaii for Thanksgiving?' My idea was very appealing, and a Lary Family Vacation was born. I ... read more
Kanapali Beach
Kanapali Alii
From our Balcony

Asia » Japan November 3rd 2006

For the three-day weekend in early November I went on a road trip to Kyushu to hike and camp around Mt. Aso. In addition to hiking, we found ourselves onsening ALL the time. I had attempted to go to Mt. Aso and hike (I have a minor obsession with hiking) when I first got to Japan, yet came to a dead end because it is very hard to reach without a car. Don't worry to those that know me, I have no desire in my entire life to drive in Japan- I hate doing it in America! Since last year I was still trying to find a way to get to Aso. Fortunately my friend Nikki was as eager as I was to get to Aso, and alas, can drive a car- next thing I ... read more
Road Trippin'
Whole Foods?
Road Trippin'

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima October 20th 2006

Munich is hailed for its incredible drinking festival, Oktoberfest, where beer is poured like water and parties abound in the streets. Although it is actually a misnomer because it is held in September. I have not been to this glorious festival, but my best friend from college and I always say how we will make it there one day, almost as if Munich is the Mecca and we are on our pilgrammage. Yet, many do not know how much the Japanese people can drink. I stayed in Hiroshima the whole month of October, and well, every weekend found myself...well...really drunk. Due to the drunken debauchery of the annual Saijo Sake Festival, birthday parties, and Halloween, I hereby dub October 2006, Oktoberfest- Japenese style! A short blog to record (and try to remember) the fun times had ... read more
Sake Galore
Lots of Drunkards
Round 2

Asia » Japan » Kyoto September 16th 2006

I was sad to be headed back to Japan; my trip to America was just a little too short. Yet lucky me, I already had a slice of home (well kinda!) waiting for me in Osaka. My friend Kelle was in Japan coming to visit me! She is a slice of one of my many homes (Japan included, I now have 5 places I consider home). Kelle and I met spring 2005 ‘studying’ in Barcelona. We use the word studying loosely, as more time was spent living the high life in Barcelona with crazy senoras, endless supply of 2 euro wine, Spanish boys, tapas, travels, getting lost on trains, absinthe, beaches, wrestling boots, mullets, and dancing till dawn. What can I say, it was one of the best semesters of my life. Kelle, Lindsey, and ... read more
Capsule Hotel
Capsule Hotel
Capsule Hotel

North America » United States » Massachusetts » Boston September 8th 2006

I didn’t think I would be returning to America until after I was done with JET and my travels, meaning November 2007 (yikes!). Around June last year I was beginning to really miss home. I also had a special someone I wanted to visit back in Boston. What can I say….I caved. I was bound for the motherland. Maybe there is something in the water in Hiroshima left over from the a-bomb or something…because somehow I booked a flight not to California, but back to Boston to visit Misha (see HK and Philippines blogs), bringing the Southeast Asian romance to the Western Hemisphere. Lucky me with parents that love me, they flew out to meet me as well, and I have a bunch of friends now in Boston, so I got to see more than just ... read more
Charles River
Sailing...kinda  ;-)

Asia » Japan » Hiroshima August 12th 2006

The temperature heats up, the humidity is on overdrive, and all the students are off for the summer. As for me, what summer vacation? Although no students are at school and there is nothing for me to do, I have to be there! I could be traversing the many incredible destinations in Asia, yet I guess instead it has been a summer of saving money, and relaxing in Hiroshima. So, what did I do to fill the rest of my time in July and August? Well, tons! In fact, it was a great summer relaxing, doing fun things, meeting all the new JETs, and definitely doing all things humanly possible to beat the humidity and heat. FESTIVALS Japan is definitely the place to go if you like festivals! Since festivals usually consist of fun costumes, dancing, ... read more
I'm a Japanese Princess!
Hiroshima Summer Festival
Yassa Yassa

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